Thursday 21 July 2016

Antidiabetic herbal formulation companies expanding :: POLYHERBAL FORMULATIONS FOR ANTI DIABETIC THERAPY

In all of this traditional systems,. This is a comparative study of frequent and extensive usage effect of some of H. Corn silk(Zea mays) and cherry tail(Cerasus avium) are among remedies employed as diuretics. CLINICAL COMPARISON OF PERSICA & CHLORHEXIDINE MOUTHWASHES IN GINGIVITIS 1 1 2 Seyedein Seyed M, Shafiei S, Salehi Surmaghi M. Planta Med. 57: 263-270. It used in the treatment of hyperlipidemia. The crude extract was fractionated with different solvents in increasing order of polarity. The alkaloids of harmin, peganin and harmalin strongly have anti -fungi and anti -bacterial effect. Goldberg, Alternative Medicine-The Definitive Guide, Future Medicine Pub, 1995 3- S. This fraction was subdivided by PTLC and one of the obtained subfractions demonstrated antinociceptive effects at 3 mg/kg. The scientific data show that hypericin in the Hypericum perforatum andcitronellol in the essential oil of Melissa officinalis has significant effect as anti -depression. D, Fone K. C. C, Schafer-Korting M, Klorekon W, Klorekorn G, Martin C. Jan Dirk Blom. Till now from all patients, we studied about 2000 people, which 574 of them were excluded because different reasons and from 1426 cases 263 of them claimed for recovery with energy therapy. Ghasir (short) pulse (332 kinds). In this study, effect of nicotine on consolidation of memory is evaluated by passive avoidance task. Results and discutions: Fish glue and plant mucilage in comparison with PVP and gelatin had suitable binding strength but fish glue had more strength than plant mucilage. EFFECTS OF MATRICARIA CHAMOMILLA, THYMUS VULGARIS AND DRACOCEPHALM KOTSCHYI ON THE ANTIBODY SYNTHESIS IN MOUSE Zahra Amirghofranl. Within a duration of 8 months (average), all the patients reported to have 100% remedy and they are reporting to lead healthy normal life (observed over a period of one year). Segments of rabbit jejunum and rat stomach fundus were suspended separately in a 10 ml tissue bath containing Krebs solution at 37 C. O. Box: 16315-1447. Carrot was investigated for its possible protective effect in Wistar rats against lindane (20mg/kg/day, for four weeks) induced toxicity. STUDIES ON BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF AN EQUEOUS EXTRACT OF PHYSALIS ALKEKENGI ON DEVELOPMENT OF BALBAC MOUSE EMBRYOS (DAYS 7,8,9,10 OF GESTATION) Raeis Dana M.1, Parivar K.2, Roustaian A.3 1 Tehran Iran - 2University of TeacherEducation, Department of Biology - 3University of shahid Beheshti, Department of Chemistry The aqueous extract of physalis alkekengi fruits has long been recommended as a contrace ptive drug by herbalist in Iran, In the present investigation, the effects of intraperitoneal injections of the aqueous extract of this plant on the histogenesis and organogenesis of developing Balb/C mouse embryos were studied. Farboodniay Jahromi M. The mentioned remedy, can be used alone or according to the case, in a parallel usage with other methods of other systems correctly. Expert. Am J Surg. 145: 374-376, 1983. And Riyaziat P. SalC)'lic acid peels in the treatment of melasma. References: I. M. and Yektaian, A. Liu, K. Chan & A. After clinical evaluation of the patients and obtaining consent, they were asked to complete the questionaires. Data were analyzed by student t test. St. john's wrote ( Hypericum perforatum L. In this article we will discus two main ways. In the rabbits after oral adminstration of P.o. In the present study, effect of aqueous extract of the septum of Juglans Regia(JR) on plasma glucose was assessed. Research on some herbal drug shows that some of them have side effect on body such as Jugulandacees, labiees, Rosacees, Liliacees, some of these use for antihistaminic but they have side effect such as broncospasmic or haemorroied. The most frequently used points are, Baihui ( Du 20 ) in head. Plantago L. Heracleum persicum Desf.ex Fisher.

Creation of human beings: Embryological & anatomical characteristics, human senses. O. Box: 81465/76, Isfahan, Iran This essay is a comparative study on assumptions of Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Yoga, Homeopathy, Alchemic medicine and Greece Traditional medicine. The results of this study demonstrate that total extract of P. STUDY OF THE UNIQUE REMEDY USAGE EFFECT ON LIVING BEING VITALI1Y AND RESISTANCE DEGREE AGAINST STRESSES (2) Bahramluian R, Esmaeili K. Rutaceae), has been traditionally used in Arabia to treat various disease conditions (AI Said et al, 1990). FDA Safety Alerts for Drugs and Medication-Related Medical Devices. Drugs and Therapeutic Biological Products. Alere to Initiate Voluntary Withdrawal of the Alere IRAN; Tehran. D, (1995), Infectious Disease of North America, 9: 3 September, pp: 465-8. However traditional treatment doesn't reject technoloy and will gain significant results if uses modern equipments. Greek Scholars came to Gondi Sapur. P. P: 226-31. In this system diseases are believed to be due to imbalance in the vital force and it's component parts, and stimulating certain points in the body either located in meridians or out of the channels (extra points) cause harmony and balance of Qi and therefore the cure. I ; PP: 1370-74. An oral drop was prepared and different tests (qualitative, quantitative, microbiologic, and stability tests) were carried out on this formulation, and finally the drug was tried clinically. Pizza, N. Tomassi, Planta Medica, 1997,63,326-8 3) A. Thrapies like hydro therapy, according to mitra Zarvan doctrine wate conuted as a sacret subestance in iranian traditianal medicine, water acts a high role for therapy. Kiefer and g.n. Clinical Trial Updates. The Latest Updates (posted July 5, 2016) Company Submits NDA to FDA for Melanoma Treatment Array BioPharma in late June announced the Second, dietary intake and work-related physical activity were not assessed in our study. Oil of pepperment used for antiseptic agent. We know that the source of all sciences is through divine wisdom and that is called supenature. The names of the most plants and disease terminology have been changed during long period of time for example: the plant which Dioscorid and Rhazes named it "satratiotes" and other ancient physicians called it "zu alf waraqah" "hezar barg" "hazanbol" its scientific name is " Achillea millefolium L." whereas nowadays called "bumadaran" which is an old name for " Achillea santolina". Textbook of Respiratory Medicine, Philadelphia, Saunders, 1994, Vol. Della Loggia, R. The history of Iranian medicine, Vol. Gluco lodge estes Bayrout: dar 0 tta'arof lelmatboo'at, 1989; 2. These approaches are categorized in four major groups as following: 1- Mental approach ( including mental and neuromuscular.. Conclusion: The results suggested by this research and other recent researches or shcolors' views in the field of health treatment and medical education have pinpointed that the comprehensive philosophical perspective of remains scientists have remained during the centuries. Behnia Aban Hospital, Tehran, Iran Modern medicine is succeeded in managing: Trauma- infection diseases- surgery- emergencycritical case organtransplants- biogenotec, gene therapy and so on. B, Patamia M, Nicoletti M, Galeffi C. II. Effect of a valuable extract on some blood parameters in diabetic rats. Arch Int Med 1997;157:2007-9. Pennyroyal toxicity: Measurement of toxic metabolites levels in two cases and review of the literature. School of Pharmacy, Kerman univ. It can perhaps be considered that phytotherapy is one of the oldest ways of curing diseases. Indiana pharmacol. SRBC resulted in a significant decrease in hemagglutinating antibody (HA) titer. Haikim Ebrahimian, Hossein. He described morphology of esophagus. FORMULATION, PREPARATION, QUALITY CONTROL AND CLINICAL EVALUATION OF TOPICAL LOTION CONTAINING CUCUMBER EXTRACT M. The lyophilized extract, was tested in a rat model of diabetes which was developed using ip. I, pp: 658-661, 449. S. A. Referred to alternative medicine these ailments may be preventive and reversal. References: 1- Treas evans, Pharmacognosy, 14th ed, London, W. Sources and ways' of Research: 1- A library research among written present sources including books and essays on traditional phytotherapy among Middld East Kurds in Persian and Kurdish languages. Reference: 1) Kamanna, V. The difference in the way these extracts affected cell stimulation or inhibition perhaps indicates their various mode of actions and raises the need for further investigations in particular the possible action of the extracts in interfering with cell signalling and cytokine production. Rustaiyan, M. R.2 1 2 Shohada Hospital, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. It is a huge encyclopaedia of medicine of almost one million words. The effects of prepared formulation were investigated in patients suffering from anorectal diseases, using relevant placebos for comparison. Total diabetes included both previously diagnosed diabetes and previously undiagnosed diabetes. Unlike prototype anticonvulsant drug phenytoin, FS-I reduced the V max of first AP by 25 %. Allami (Iran), N. In this investigation, we report the cytotoxicity. P. O. Box 71555-114,Shiraz. Ayu rvedic: plan of Panchakarma that introduced by Harisharma M. Curcumin determination in the receptor phase was by a colorimetric method at 424 nm. In Iran, from the ancient time medical and health sciences were started. Pelotherapy mostly has been experiences tropically, but oral mud remedies are also presented. MEDICINAL PLANTS TRADITIONAL EXPERIENCES AND THOUGHTS IN MAZANDARAN Shababi Tabari H, Pourmoradi S. This system is based on the interaction of body, mind and spirit and increases longevity and ultimately brings self -realization. DIURETIC EFFECT OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF CERASUS AVIUM AND ZEA MAYS IN MALE RAT H. Nafecie. 7. tohfa sadiah sharh qanon 8. Memar S. I Department of Pharmacognosy and Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, Shahid Beheshty University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, P. However, the main problem encountered with these methods is the wide range of particle size distribution. EFFECT OF CUCURBITA MOOSHATA ON HUMORAL IMMUNE SYSTEM R. But you can saw this relation in purpose of ecological science, in the meantime nobody researched the relation between disease outbreak in one season or in special time, and plants abundance, but we know that many of illness spread in special season and many known or unknown plants grow in the same season, or the flowering or seeding stages (in phenology) would be in the same time in any case human is part of natural and all of his physiological activity formed under the native naturally factors of the location. EFFECT OF ALHAGI MAURORUM MEDILC. AI-Majeed College of Eastern Medicine, Hamdard University, Karachi, -74700, Pakistan. A. D and in early stage we can prevent C. The structure elucidation of this compound is underway. He had a great contribution in enlightment of medical sciences, in Iran and other countries, during the dark ages of western civilization. T: 2144131-3 Religions not only emphasis on worship and ethics and spiritual but also pay attention to individual and social health and well-being. Aromatherapy is, per haps most widely used for the treatment of stress. Among the medicinal herbs some are regarded as holy due to their curative effects. The economic development of provinces or municipalities was defined on the basis of the GDP per capita in 2006. Supplemental foods such as multivitamins, minerals, antioxidants, vit C, vit E, beta carotens and so on. PHARMACEUTICAL PLANTS IN THE ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE RESOURCES Agha Rafiee A. Reference: Elfellah, M. Fauci, Braundwald, wilson, Harrison's Principal of infernal medicine, Rpbert, A: Cardiovascular disorders physical exomination of Cardiovascular, 14 edition, 1998, p.1231. Zubairy, Hakim, N, and Saeed, A. Mother and baby relationship: Pregnancy, sucking periods and etc. In this investigation we describe spasmolytic action of the crude extract of Pv roots in different gut preparation, which partly explains its traditional use in chronic diahrroea. C. which has been an economic relationship between Iran and other ancient civilizations such as, China, Mesoptamia, Egypt and Greeks, an exchange of science among these countries also existed. Carmint is used as a herbal carminative medicine in women having cesarean. To set.up clinical efficacy assessment of the creams, the dermotologist picked-up 110 volunteers to use the samples.

Antidiabetic herbal formulation companies expanding

M.1, Tschukurow A, Arends W, Heid R, Kaltunowa S.5 1 2 3 4 Hamburg, Germany, Duschanbe, Tatschikistan, Munich, Germany, Graz, Austria, 5 Koktschetau, Kasachstan (GUS) In a time of world-wide health crises with steadily growing numbers of chronically sick people the reflection on handed down traditional healing is growing. A.t. 0.5 gikg in primary response a significant decrease in anti-HD titer was found. Dehghani, M. To necessity the attention the herbal medicine in this research, medical effects of valeriana officinalis on the reserpinated rats were evaluated. First Temperament: produced from the intermixture and interaction of the elements(i.e. They considered life in the form of invisible and indeterminate equations and human is introduced as a part of a cosmic dynamic system. What is the History of abortion? Ind. Pharm.; 19(1&amp;2): 143-194; 1993. Besides other authentic documents of the Unani system of medicine there are more or less 81- pharmacological classes of such pharmaceutical formulations described in only one published representative document of this alternative system of medicine3. Cholinergic system attenuate in Alzheimer's disease. There were many patients with different diseases whose paraclinical tests and lab datas were attached to their files. R. The Academy of Medical Sciences of Iran Sayed Isamail Jorjani, the most outstanding physician of Iranian history of Islamic Medicine, was born in Gorgan (434, Hej = 1042/3, A. Dr. Mahmood Najmabadi 3- An Illustrated History of Medicine. Highest activity in enhancement was noticed with Streptococcus viridance and Streptococcus -pneumoniae, lowest with Staphylococcus aureus. K, Ali, B. H, Padmanabhan, R.(1997) Reprod Toxicol. Experiments showed well stability of the cream. Nearly half of Urumieyeh population lives in rural districts and their economy is based on animal husbandry and agriculture. Acupuncture is a simple, appropriate and effective method in the treatment of peripheral facial paralysis. The study on carmint was taken place in Bojnord maternity hospitals on 50 mothers that was devided in tow experimental and control groups. Zhu xy- Yu hy,Immunosuppressive effect of cultured Cordyceps sinensis on CMI ( cellular immune response), Chung. XI 11th International Congress of Pharmacology, July 26-31, Munich. A.; Hematology principles and procedures, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, pp. Zaim Kohan H. Herbal Medicines, Cambridge, The Pharmaceutical Press, I 996. The flowers were collected from plants growing in the farms of Gonabad, Iran, during October 1999. After the pilot study, 5 groups(50 rats) were dependent by subcotaneus injection with morphine. I believe all medical professionals must learn about energy transmission and medical scientists start serious research programs about the dimension of human bioenergy. I,P. P. 7,24,25,88,89,105,117,120,122,187,221and V.ll(part 2), p.486. Before and after applying the mouthwashes, (G. Zojaji, A. Madani, M. Here the first Medical Congress of Greek, Chinese, Indian and Iranian scholars gathered to discuss medical problems. Salehniya A. In the present paper, I will try to explain detail, some of the cases of using honey bee products especially, honey and propolis in traditional and modern medicine and their scientific evidences. Nicotine is soluble in lipid and absorbed through skin. ZIBA dasht bid, Sharziba, Tehran Iran. The maximum tolerable dose of aqueous extract was more than of methanolic extract that states less poisonousness of garlic aqueous extract. Fifty-six patients, who were attended the Gastroenterogloy Clinic of the Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, and Kashan university of Medical Science, Kashan, in 1997, were included in the study. C.m. mice balb/c prior to immunization with SRBC resulted as follow: C.m. Zimdahl R. L. Not only he was an important physician, but also was equally a great alchemist and philosopher. Hyperforin and adhyperforin belonging to phloroglucinole group that have antibacterial effect. Hamshahri newspaper, 1997, 1998. Persica is formulated from the extract of Meswak tree, Mint, and Yarrow and contains floride, chloride, calcium, sulphur compounds, flavonoid, tannin and essential oil. N. School of Pharmacy, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, P. Common drugs that are using in lowering plasma lipids such as fibrates, HMG CoA reductase inhibitors, bile acid sequestering resins, niacin and probocol has many side effects that may cause ceasing drug therapy. It seemed that many ideas of Avecina are applicable and practical for present medicine. References: 1 -Miftahal. Marcel Dekker, 1996, pp. Which facilitate the use of this new formulated medicinal plants in modem medicine. Similia Similibus Currentur&quot;, clearly indicates the importance of good knowledge of Materia Medica along with knowledge of natural diseases. Subrahamanyam M, A Prospective randomized clinical and histological study of superfical burn wound healing with honey and silver salfadiazine. These two verses imply different meanings such as: in the holy book of the Muslims, in four sections, the word &quot; Healing&quot; is mentioned, from which three of them concentrate on healing of human spirit, merely in one case, &quot; Healing&quot; means the treatment of physical illnesses. It may be concluded that the active components of the extracts interfere with calcium homeostasis in smooth muscles. Fresh juice is cathartic and refrigerant, useful in treatment of abrasions, burns and skin irritation, promotes the healing of wounds, radiodermatitis, sunburn psoriasis, fungual infection and ulcers, used in gel for skin ailments. However, the concept, practice, type and method of application of traditional medicine vary widely among the different ethnic groups living in different parts of the country according to their culture, living standard, economic status, religious belief and level of education. In addition, some of these products have little or no evidence of efficacy and lack consistency in chemical compositions between different manufacturers or between different batches of the same manufacturer inadequate scientific assessment of active chemical constituents and insufficient information concerning optimal preparation and dosages. Mohaghegh, m. Tehran university publication, 1353, first edn, p.122. While this system died out unfortunately in Islamic countries at the hands of allopathy, India preserved it till to date. The China National Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders Study, conducted from June 2007 through May 2008, was a cross-sectional study designed to provide current and reliable data on the prevalences of diabetes and associated metabolic risk factors in the adult population in China. Mandrake toxicity: A case of mistaken isentity. Newall CA, Anderson LA, Phillipson JD. With homeopathic treatment, it is possible to improve the masking curve type, the masking level and the residual inhibition and make the patient ready to use other conventional treatments such as masking instruments, habituation, electrical stimulation and so on. J. Pharm. Sci, 84 (1995) 376-380. RADIOMODIFYING EFFECTS OF SPIRULlNA 1 Ashok Kumar, Shekhar Verma,Madhu Kumar, j. Sometimes, observation of animals' behavior helped man to discover proper drugs for different diseases and sometimes, a simple accident or intuition resulted in finding a new drug. A complete guide to Acupressure&quot;. J Gen Intern Med. Obsession controlled in a 30-year-old patient, with 3-year follow up. The Rats blood samples were prepared during proestrus stage and 17- - steriadiol and progesterone levels were measured by a Radioimmuno Assay method. Ed. Benito, S. B. V early antigen activation induced by: 12-0 Wlradecanoyl phovbos -13 acelate (TPA), These were the colorants exlracfed from pcach, watcrmclon, strawbcrry, rcd rhubarb and cgg plant. Moore D. M, The Guinness guide to plants of the world, 1st ed, Guinness, 1992. Persica, due to its ingredients, is antihemorrhagic, anticarious, and antiinflammatory. It is more than 43 years that Maharishi has presented Transcendental meditation (TM) to the world. Histopathological studies showed only small congestion in liver and kidney after tarragon extract injection. Blood samples were obtained from the tails before treatment through out the first, the third, and the fifth days. Fox R. R, and laird c. Opioids have many effects in central and peripheral nervous system. Law in Medicine, Sharafkandy. STUDY OF CLINICAL EFFECT OF ESSENTIAL OIL OF MENTHA IN APHTHOUSIS A. Patients were reassessed subjectively (by Tinnitus Questionnaire) and audiologically several times in the course of treatment and one time after the treatment. Abootorab Nafisy (1981). Gilman,A. G, RaIl, T. P. Soleimaini 1 2 School of Public Health Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health, Razi Hospital.3 Centeral 4 Institute of Planttrapy of IRAN. In between the other polymers assessed, gelatin had medium mucoadhesive strength, while acacia and tragacanth showed weak mucoadhesion. Acupressure promotes a pleasurable trance state during which the recipient can get in touch with the body, and access feelings or emotions related to the physical condition this body mind approach is a unique synthesis of a traditional Japanese acupressure technique, classic chinese acupuncture theory, Taoist yogic philosophy and breathing methods, and reichian segmental theory. References: I)Fagan -Johannes, Hirsh-E: Facial Nerve Paralysis, Initial evaluation and management, Emergency Medicine, oct,5270,1997 2)Xiaoqun-Ren: A survey of Acupuncture Treatment for Peripheral Facial Paralysis, Journal of Traditional Chinesemedicine14 (2),139-146,1994 3) Shuhuai-He: Review on Acupuncture Treatment of Peripheral Facial Paralysis during past decade, Journal of Traditional Chinese medicine, 15(1), 63-67,1995 4)Stux-G, Pomeranz-B : Basic of Acupuncture, 3Th revised and enlarged E dition, springer -verlag 61-2461995 5)Stux-G, Pomeranz B: Acupuncture Text book and Atlas Espringer. S. Prasada, R(1971) Antifungal properties of some plant extracts sci. U, Antixenobiotics in traditional phytotherapy of medieval Azerbaijan. Therefore, first far from of doubts about the impressions of psychic inculcations, presence of objective effects due to H. P) into the female BALB/C mice (15-20 gr, 7weeks). GA peels in the treatment. Reynold, E. F. The main objectives of this study were: 1- To study the popularity of traditional health care among inhabitants of 9 rural areas-To recognize popular medical methods, techniques in use -To recognize people who are engaged in folk medicine practising -to record medicinal herbs and remedies as well as traditional medical terms. CARDIOVASCULAR EFFECTS OF THE EXTRACT OF RUTA CHALEPENSIS L. THE EFFECT OF THERAPEUTIC TOUCH BEFORE VENIPANCTURE ON ANXIETY OF SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN Zahra Pouresmail, Maryam Ravanipoor This is a quasi -experimental study done as clinical trial, carried out in Emergency room of Ali Asghar hospital of Boushehr city in 1999. Carmint has no side effects. Our study proved that there was no significant difference between the clindamycin and herbal lotions in reducing the degree of the disease (P.value&gt;0.2). Clinic, no.22, Beheshty st, Astaneh Ashrafeyeh If we consider medicine as a programs of health and treatment of patient so we have to concern between every manners of medicine. The phytotherapy, among Kurds, which has scientific justifications consists of: 1) Valuable experiences and findings regarding the recognition of curative herbs and their medical effects in various parts of Kurdistan have been preseved among Kurdish tribes, clans, kinderds and families as an ethnic heritage by word of mouth. A, Hosseini Z, Ray A. Anatomy Department, Shahid Beheshti Medical University. Murray,J, cosmetic skin preparations containing succinic acid and Aloe extract. This could very impressively be documented with the help of diagnostic (ECG, Sonography, Laboratory Findings). Therefore we selected some of medicinal plants from traditional texts that recommended as immunological tonics. Nasturtium officinale(L.) V. N. Kornienko, I. U, Plants of Islamic medicine in the medieval Azerbaijan. Search the history of over 491 billion pages on the Internet. search Search the Wayback Machine Between numerical density of blood vessels and numeerical density related to blood vessel region of 15th and 30th days had significant difference. SerieL Medical history of Iran. CONSIDERATION OF TRADITIONAL MEDICINE IN PERSIA Arash Ghanooni Pharmacy faculty of Islamic Azad University -Tehran Traditional medicine named &quot; Teb-o-Zoka&quot; or &quot; Teb-ol-Adjaez&quot; is Middle East medicine, especially Persia. Rs) effect and some certain remedies prepared in a usual way with so-called Metaphysic (?)-healing method effect. Some of above plants are studied pharmacologically. Azzariah ila tasanif e shiah. Different special of thyme have been used, in traditional medicine, for different problems of GIT, for example, colicky abdominal pains(2). In order to appreciate the influence of Islamic and Iranians in the advancement of medical sicences we may divide their contributions into two periods: a. Fatehi-Hassanabad, Z. Withania somnifera blocked morphine-induced dependence. METHODS: this study was done on double- blind research. Vessal M,Mehrnni H. In addition, the diagnosis of diabetes was established on the basis of both fasting plasma glucose levels and 2-hour plasma glucose levels in an oral glucose-tolerance test, and these measurements were obtained with the use of stringent quality-control procedures. In the next two stages (the stage in which city districts were selected from cities and rural townships from counties and the stage in which street districts were selected from city districts and rural villages from townships), the sampling was random (see Figure 1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at Humopathy which antecedented the ancient Iran accounted for other papers, Zoroost contributed that, Cure the pain with pain, among kordan ghere were hundred common. WHO'S VIEW POINT OF TRADITIONAL MEDICINE Taleb AM Ministry of Health &amp; Medical Educations, Pharmaceutical Affairs, Herbal Drugs Department Traditional Medicine (TM) has a long history among different nations. He was aware of scientific application of drugs and at the same time paid attention to differences between men and animals in taking drugs. V. Biodegradable microspheres: Advances in production technology In: Microencapsulation methods and industrial application. In pre-Islamic Iran, also, Zorostrianism looked upon the abortion of fetus with sensitivity and dislike. Zar, wind and Balouch, Reyahi. This Book has deeply influenced the later writers. A 10% ethanolic extract of the plant was prepared, authenticated and standardized using TLC and HPLC by the Pharmacognosy Department, before use. Subacute treatment with the extract at a daily dose of 100 mg/kg, p.o, for 9 days reduced the blood glucose level significantly on days 1, 3, 5 and 9 in STZ diabetic mice (Table 2). Principles of foodstuffs using: Water usefulness, recommendation for vegetable and animal foods, prohibition against overeating, lslamically prohibited foods, prohibition against harmful and injurious matters. A. and Hadgraft, J, Eds.). Therefore measuring the aforesaid parameters can be a possible way for relative evaluation of living being's vitality. Third, to ensure comparability across studies, we used the World Health Organization criteria to define diabetes and prediabetes in our study. Up to now, some of authorities regarding to current method's high failure of curing this disease (of different aspects) and its recurrence in many cases (in spite of accomplished treatment) have considered this disease as an almost incurable one. He made valuable discoveries in theoretical chemistry whose extraordinary value became evident later on and gave this prominent scientist world wide fame as a first class chemist. Accordinig to the statistical analysis results showed that 69.6% of volunteers were complety satisfied with antiroughness, anti scaling, antiwrinkle and flexiblity effect of the cream on their skin. Herz A, Hand Bookof expeerimental pharmacology. Among the Alkaloids: vinka, vinblastin, vincristin, and Among podophylotoxine tyriksins: Autoposide, Tinoposied and docetaxol, colchicum had colchisin. Marini-Bettolo G. Zabihollah Mansoori(1994). Ga/effi C, Federici E, Pa/azzino G. After one week they were killed and blood levels of cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL were measured and differences were evaluated with statistic programs. Evaluation of therapeutic effects of drop Thyme C. Effects of TRH on cognitive and motor behaviour of the rat. Different drugs are used for regulation and treatment of this disease. Curcumin, the most important active component of turmeric, shows different pharmacological activities including antiinflammatory, analgesic and anti -oxidation effects. Among participants with previously diagnosed diabetes, 81.2% were using insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents and 14.9% were using lifestyle intervention alone (diet, regular exercise, or both). According to extant investigations, trachyspermum copticum has numerous effects, such as antiseptic, expectorant, spasm rela.xation and useful in cholesteralemia. Thymus kotschyanus B0iss &amp; Hohen. Floor #10. Tehran-Iran. J. Obstet &amp; Gynaecol; 144, pp 655-661. Perfect health is a state of perfect mental, physical and emotional functioning in which an Individual enjoys unlimited vitality, creativity, fulfillment and bliss. Fortunately there are extensive informations about ALOE plants and it's good effects on burn, skin wounds, healing, anti-inflammation, sunbrun etc. AEO fragments, measured by Esfehan University, are include: I3-Thujone 35.8%, a-Thujone 10.77%,2- Methyl Cyclopentane- Carboxylic acid 9.45% and Comphor 4.58%. Qh. p. 62-66. S (1984) is investigated in this study. Companies! Personal experiences concerning phytotherapy in two time intervals: I) From 1984 up to 1986 in Tehran, Occupation with phytotherapy and setting up a herbal Drugstore (Named: Soran) in Majidieh Street, Seiid Khandan Junction, Tehran. Previous studies shows, Betasitosterol and gamma monoclinic sulfur which is included in Miswak, have antimicrobial and antiinflammatory action. Isfahan, Iran Nowadays we live in a world, that all different layers of history and culture got together in a way that the liner time of modernity has been broken, but postmodern situation has not yet been steady and it is the root of various attitudes, sometimes these views are in contrast. Henry E. Sigerist, The Great Doctors,P. Group A with reserpin, group B with reserpin and valeriana officinalis and to group C amitriptyline and reserpin injected. Overall conclusions are not possible, as every HMP has to be judged on its own merits. METHODS: Forthis study, fiber of Beta vulgaris, washed and dried and then fiber powder made ready and 250 mg dried powder filled in hard gelatin capsule. Bert. 1998. 138 (3-4): 217-30. EMAM ALI'S VIFWS ON MEDICINE HamidReza Jomehzadeh GityPajoohesh Industrial &amp; Scientific Research Group, 3rd Floor, Dr. Flavonoid fraction of leaves was extracted with soxhlet after delipidization and was identified by cyanidin test. P<0.001) (Figure 2 Figure 2 Prevalences of Diabetes and Prediabetes and Absolute Numbers of Cases among Chinese Adults 20 Years of Age or Older, According to Urban or Rural Residence.); however, the age-standardized prevalence of prediabetes was slightly lower among urban residents than among rural residents (14.9% vs. Diabetes is on research, until now there is a drop of 15 mg/dl of blood sugar. Antimingraine drop-Consist of valerina officinalis. Women's use of complementary and Alternative therapies in reproductive health care. Therefore these is a great need to experience the inner and calmer levels of mind to restore inner and mental balance. This extract was dissolved in cool methanol (-13° C), thus cool methanol-insoluble lipids were precipitated and separated. Howeizeh, H. Foeniculum vulgara. Due to fetal sensivity and also women important role in fertility health, it is important that the health provider have enough knowledge of such herbs, the indication and contra indication so they can be used correctly to maintain family. Y. Li Wan Po, A. Food therapy. Menometrorrhagia controlled in a 35-year-old patient with uterine myoma, with 1.5- year Follow up. Fischer, &quot; Dentistry and Homeopathy: An Overview,&quot; Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy,78,4,December,1985, 140-147 7-Colin B. Oncology in practice, Vol I : P7-8, 1997. The tail of animal was placed in a speceial groove on electric eye, against inferared rays having an intensity equal 51 which was produced by a set lamp and the time of animal reflex-taking tail from electric eye was recorded automatically as response time to algogenic stimulant. For example causes of diseases such as phenylketonuria, wilson's disease and or cystic fibrosis have been described clearly. INTERESTING RESULTS OF RESEARCH PLAN STUDYING AND IDENTIFYING TOOLS AND INSTRUMENT RELATING TO MEDICAL SCIENCES WHICH EXIST IN THE MUSEUMS OF COUNTRY Maziar Ashrafian Bonab Member of Academic Board of Archeological Research Centre &amp; Cultural Heritage Organiz. MEDICINAL PLANTS USED IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE OF MEDIEVAL AZERBAIJAN Alakbarov F. He has written it in Hamadan after 405 A. Data analysed by 2 way analysis of varience method. Primary dysmenorrhea was diagnosed in these individuals after recording of their medical history, physical examination and sonography. Benzyl isothiocyanate which is extracted from roots of miswak, has inhibitory action on growth of streptococus mutans, and has virusidal effect against Herpes simplex virus type I. Dracocephalum mudavica,. Investigations performed on lamellar liquid crystalline models indicate that some terpenes possibly perform their activity by interaction with stratum corneum proteins (2). GN 316. K64,1994. In fact, with increase in frequency we can find more subtle bodies. Rs (particularly, in high dilution and many times more than Avogadro's number) usage and some certain Metaphysic-healing remedies and finally, Unique Remedy ~ au with same physical essence and general manner of effect on organism, similarities) on tested living beings gets evident. Ignatavicius, Donna D.; workman, Lind'. Medical anthropology is a branch of anthropology that surveys the meaning of health and pain with their causes and symptoms -which have their own therapeutic approach and health cares among ethical and different cultural groups through inter-cultural research. The caused side effects due to treatment with chemical drugs in one hand and the resistance of some organisms to these medicines on the other hand, lead our attentions to the medicinal plants. New Engl J Med. Studying TM terminology. Three polar( aqueous, ethanolic and methanolic) extracts significantly enhanced the urine volum with no effect on the urine excretion of potassium. Avicena has divided the process of tuberculation into three stages in his book, Qanoon, in medicill as preformation stage, ulcertain stage and disease manifestation in Lungs. For identification of sexual cycle in rats, the vaginal test was carried out. A. Herbal medicines a guide for health-care professionals. Denotes hot temperemant of constitution. Nowadays, there are some criticisms on modern medicine. Patricia &amp; eta1, &quot; The PRO -SELF mouth Aware Program: An. Sharifzadeh Pharmacognosy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical Sciences of Tehran University Acute treatment with Withania somnifera (W.s.) family Solanaceae in albino mice and in doses of (5, 25, 50, 100, 200) mg/kg body weight suppressed morphine withdrawal jumps in mice dose dependently but this reduction was not as much as reduction observed in those mice which received root extract one and half before naloxone administration. K.; et. al,Modulation of humoral immune responses by Tinospora malabarica in experimental animals, Indian J. Studies of traditional medicine have showed there are valuable medicinal plants for prevention and treatment of viral diseases. Clinical effects were Investigated on under 2 years old children with diaper dermatitis in 5 hospital and health centers, All of three ointment have showed anti inflammatory effect on diaper dermatitis, but 1 % ointment shows better effects. Effect of adenosine on rate-dependent atrioventricular nod a function potential roles in tachycardia termination and physiological regulation.

August 23-24, 1999. Louise O'Connor. 11, November 2008 Medicinal plants play an important Homeopathic Remedies in prenatal care. This article try to establish relationship between old modern medicine, ends. The medicine are also can be dispensed in water by adding few drops of liquid in half glass of water and administered in bed side. In sphygmology we should understand some motions. On the contrary, it's superstitious aspect has declined thus emerging it's scientific value. Piacenta, C. Primary tests suggest the presence of some amine structures in mentioned fractions. She had to use the artificial tear. Hydrolysable tannins have two main basic structures: ellagitannins and gallitannins. Palazzino G.; Ga/effi C, Federici E, Delle Monache F, Cometa M. References: 1)Elgod Serial, Medical history of Iran. Agrewala, IN. Considering the high incidence of hyperlipidemic in society and related therapeutic problem, we intended to study hypolipidemic effect of Brewers' yeast tablets. Sadr al-Din Shirazi, &quot; Al-Tassavur waI-Tasdigh&quot;, Translated into Persian and commented by Dr. So we must use these with care. Avicenna describe, in Cardiac Drugs, the most important terminology of Islamic medicine and pharmacy and explained 63 simple drugs monographs. O. Box: 29300, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates In the recent years with ever-growing commercialization in the field of herbal medicines, there has been an instant demand for Quality Control or Standardization of drugs used in traditional system of medicine. EVALUATION OF THE IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECTS OF FIVE HERBAL PLANTS 2 Zahra Amirghofran1, Mohammed Azadbakht, Mohammed H. Field researches from 1976 up to now for 24 years, place: Kurdish towns and villages. Free tutorials. J. R. (1998) Pharm. Malvin E. Ring, Dentistry, Harry N. Analysis of the clinical results of herbal cream demonstrated significant improvements of the dermatitis symptoms and significant difference was found between the placebo and the herbal cream groups. P, Rustin M. Sixty pregnant women with the gestational age of 6-14 weeks who met the following criteria were selected: Presence of nausea and vomiting 2. PREPARATION OF CREAM FROM ALOE GEL Rezaee, MB. Regular leisure-time physical activity was defined as participation in moderate or vigorous activity for 30 minutes or more per day at least 3 days a week. College of Pharmacy, Tehran, University of Medical Sciences. DIFFERENT THERAPEUTIC METHODS IN HOMEOPATHY Sima Sadray Tehran University of Medical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, P. In traditional medicine of Eastern Asia, a mixture of turmeric and sliced lime has been applied for sprained problems and inflation as a local treatment. Isolated right atrium of rat, set up in an organ bath (Radhakrishnan et. Phytochem. 1987,26,99-101. A dose dependent inhibitory effect was obtained in the case of Dracocephalum kotschyi. Blood samples were collected at just before and 1,2, and 3 hours after glucose administration.

Y,&quot; Preliminary studies on the diuretic effects of Hygrophila spinosa and Tribulus terretris&quot;, lndian J. Seed water extract was given to albino mice in duration of one and two weeks with dose of l00 mg/ kg bw / day / mouse. Ho. Tsa. Chih, Vol. Manual Healings 5. Since then synthetic based medicines have come into existence as well. In the end of 21 days: With plantago maior, % 75 of subjects were healthy,%20 had first -degree, and % 5 had second -degree wounds. Gilani, A. H. References: 1- Bhargara s. Phytochemistry 35:1343-1348. Unique Remedy put in another group c(ase), in the same conditions. In this work, every effort was made to eliminate the garlic odour as much as possible while its therapeutic agents such as Allicin remained at the maximum level. The two groups were semilar in frequency of vomiting, VAS appetic and siverity of nausea 24 hours prior to admission and the worst degree of nausea and vomiting; However, a significant difference was observed in the severity of nausea and vomiting 24 and 48 hours after the admission between TENS and placebo (P=O. Tinnitus even in low level of intensity can be intrusive and disturbing. Dermatol surg, 1997; 23: 177 -179. T. verrucosum, E. It showed, that Avicenna is the first physician who had used Aroma-Therapy for treatment of cardiac diseases. Out of total 724 species of plants described in the Medieval sources on medicine and pharmacognosy, 422 species (58,3%) belong to indigenous plants and occur in the territory of modern Azerbaijan. On day 15 of gestation the embryos were extruded and morphological and histological studies were carries out on them. Since TM basically differs from CM, its pharmacology is also different, and if we these differences and put traditional pharmacy in case of new pharmacy, we can not obtain our goals. International Jornal of Oncology 5 (2): 285-292. Physical constitution in different dimension are: 1- General constitution (species constitution). Three formulations (0/5-1-1/5%) from Matricaria chamomilla oil and one placebo prepared for clinical trial. Jalal Mostafavi, 1965. Although drug of homeopathy have high dilutation (1024 ), but these drug has a great potency that you can't imagine. In this system the vital force (Qi) is believed that flow in the yin and yang meridians which are twenty in numbers, twelfth of which pertains to the solid (zang, ying) and empty (Fu, yang) organs which are paired and bilateral, the eight other channels are nonpaired and collaterats. She was completely anxious and depressed, having also artrits, vistress, gastrit, constipation her tests showed typic V -T -I. AIlardice P. Ayurveda's exact age is not known, but stretches back several millennia. There exists the same recommendation in Homoeopathy preventive-therapeutic method]. They're several reasons for attention to alternative medicine in industrial countries in three decades. In the edges of this damage we see irregular bone tissue with a rough and very thin surface which seems that is of repairing kind. The homeopathic physician is also pharmacist if he prepare &amp; dispense the drug himself. MY. Hairi, Iranian Academy of Philosophy, 1360 (1981). Alakbarov F. Anto RJ, et al (1996) noted anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic activities of curcuminoids. Soroush Press, Tehran 1987. NASER MOAFI. The title aromatherapy was first coined in 1928 by Rene Maurice Gattefose, a French chemist that was working in a laboratory when he burned his hand. Dependence was induced using subcutaneous injections of morphine daily for 3 days. After one week, results of treatment were positive. Amirghofran Z. Fennel extract has anti spasm indication, which is supposed to be of some effect in the treatment of dysmenorrhea. The aim is to carry out brief risk benefit assessments. W, Ballard T. For determining the meaningfulness of results Friedmen Non Parametric method and for studying the impact of treatment period double way ANOV A technique were applied. Guinea-pig small intestine was found most sensitive in its inhibitory effect, effect mediated at the concentration range of 0.1-0.3 mg/ml. PHARMACEUTICAL DOSAGE FORMS IN IRANIAN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE Mojab F, Baghban R. D. and Conney, A. Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Roma, Italy,Institut Malgache de Recherches Appliquees, Antananarivo, Madagascar Infective and parasitic diseases are responsible for two third deaths in the developing countries. The mechanism of action of these extracts on humoral and cellular immune response is not clear. The sampling process was stratified according to geographic region (northeast, north, east, south central, northwest, and southwest China), degree of urbanization (large cities [Beijing, Shanghai, and provincial capitals], midsize cities, county seats, and rural townships), and economic development status (as assessed on the basis of the gross domestic product [GDP] for each province). References: 1- Cultural Anthropology, Kottak. Limited Time Offer, Buy It Now! Due to low price of soya, large production of soy in many countries, lack of any side effects, and high protein value, we recommend consumption of soy instead of routine red meats in hyperlipidemic and even, normolipidemic humans. Iran is among a few countries that the mainstream medical community, does not generally accept those therapies, and not thought in medical schools yet. Second effect of extensive and frequent usage of H. Scientific research exploring the benefit of various medicinal plants credited with antidiabetic properties, have been reported. Vol. II, P.1939, 1947. Law in Medicine, Avicina, Translator: Sharafkandy, Sorush Publisher, 6th Edition. Hereby regularities, which Gr. Ms. Makhzn al adviyeh, Mir Mohammad Hosein Aghili. Shahed University, Medical college, Basij Center Drug addiction is destructive misfortune. References: [1] Middleton R, New evidence of garlic's benefit in CVD prevention. Acta Horticulturae.1987,208:29-34. For future success to be achieved in the area of human health, it is now important for scientists to be working at the interface of chemistry, biology, technology, and ethics. Plant Sciences, Islamic culture press, Tehran, Iran, PP 106-107. ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE IN PREVENTIVE AND REVERSAL CORONARY HEART DISEASE R. Unfortunately the disease has nowadays introduced as an untreatable one. I. Atta-ur-Rahman and Delorenzo, R. The client is clothed and lies on his or her back on a massage table, while the practitiner holds &quot; Local points&quot; in tension areas together with related &quot;distal points&quot; which help the armored places to release more easily and deeply. Avicena, Cannon, in medicin Vol. Moreover, it should be dynamic and bring about prosperity. TRADITIONAL MEDICINE IN AMERICAN AND CANADIAN ANCIENT TRIBES Baharak Mahmoudi 1 -Shahram Aminzadeh 2 2 Faculty of Pharmacy, Islamic Azad University (P. Hadjiakhoondi, F. O. Box: 15875-3171 One of the most significant ancient heritage of our sacret iand is sophisticated experience of people along early millennium tried to repel the diseases and preserve health so that each generation added a portion of experience to it. Anticancer Res.; 1992; Vol.12(3); PP: (837-43). Ernst Department of Complementary Medicine, School of Postgraduate Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Exeter, UK Herbal medicinal products (HMPs) have again become popular. There we give a brief description of the causes for haemorrhoid With some therapeutic measures which are based on traditional medicine Methods. As by. vitality raise in living being,. Several previous national or regional studies have documented a rapid increase in the prevalence of diabetes in the Chinese adult population.2-4,6,21 However, in those studies, oral glucose-tolerance tests were not performed in the entire study population or in a random sample2-4; therefore, the true prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes may have been underestimated. Besides being safe, the medicines are quite effective increasing various common problems of pregnancy some of these common symptom and conditions are morning sickness, heart bum, vaginal and bladder infection, leg cramps, skin eruptions, harps, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, trauma of muscle skeletal, constipation, backache, pain in the anterior of thighs, uterus and abdomen. In another group of ascetic bearing animals, the animals were irradiated with 3,6 Gy of gamma radiation in combination with 50, 100 mg/kg body weight of lapachol. The miracle of medicinal plants has greatly attracted the Iranian views since ancient time. EFFECTS OF PIMPINELLA ANISUM EXTRACTS ON MAMMALIAN BLOOD PRESSURE AND GASTROINTESTINAL SMOOTH MUSCLE FUNCTION Abbaspour,M, Fatehi, M. Traditional medicine consists of health cares and medicine related to culture and old customs and has been common before using formal and scientific medicine. The Opium poppy is origin of opium. The overall prevalences of total diabetes (previously diagnosed plus previously undiagnosed diabetes) and prediabetes were 9.7% and 15.5%, respectively. Oral adminstration of 0.5 gikg P.o. Taqseem al-Adviya (pharmacological and Therapeutic Classification of Drugs). Rational Phytotherapy, Springer, NEW YORK, 1998. Between Heaven and Earth : A guideto chinese medicine&quot;. UIman, Dona. The koran surae Baghared, Ayeh no 222 2 -The koran surae Maledeh Ayed no. Aqueous extract of corn silk in doses of 10,50,100 and 500mg/kg was administered(p.o.) to the rats placed in metabolic cages as above. A 1 2 typical representative of type I is hypoxoside, (E)-1,5 and a typical representative of type II is nyasoside, (Z-1,3-biS(4'-O-ß -D-Gluocopyranosyl-Phenyl) 1,4-pentadiene. C in Avesta and well-known physicians such as Galenus, Hippocrates and Avicena knew it as well. W has a similar therapeutic effects with Ranitidin &amp; Metoclopramide in the patierts with dyspespsia. Tehran, 1997. Herbal Medicine, The Pharmaceutical Press, London, 1996, 1st edi, pp 257-9. Y2 cup of water) and 30 patients received placebo with two usage method. R. lRAN In Iranian traditional medicine, various medicinal plants have been recommended as diuretics. On the other hand, disproportionate and uncontrolled collections of wild plants will inevitably lead a large number of species to the edge of extermination. Propounding at the Iranian Expert Committee for Evaluation and Survey of Herbal Drugs and Natural Products for respecting its' approval and confluence on the Officinal List of Herbal Drugs. It grows on the pick of Alburz. When investigating the duration of mucoadhesion, none of the natural polymers were found to possess a durable adhesion. U. S. A is exceptional in this field. Tetrahedron 41: 665-670. EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF THYME DROP ON CONTROLLING THE SYMPTOMS OF IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS ) 2 3 Farahvash M.

Three groups of experimental, control and intact animals were chosen for this study. References: 1) Elgod. THE ROLE OF REQUITAL MEDICINE IN PROTECTION FROM DISEASES AND TREATMENT Fadaei fathabadi F._, Norouzian M,. Salsalate, Morphine, and postoperative Deus «. There are some reports concerning the analgesic effects of various plants including Trigonella foenumgraecum (TFG) in Iranian traditional medicine. No ideas should be rejected only based on mental justices, about that arises from pure facts. Isfahan, Iran Objectives: The aim of this study was to adress some of the problems involved in formulation and production of herbal solid dosage forms. Gharooni, M. Biniaz and Dr. Razi,Aljodri va Alhasbeh, translated by M. In parts of Central America, herbal medicine is widely practiced and in the U. On the other hand, C934 tablets were capable of remaining on the mucosal surface for a period of over 10 h. This is a kind of presentational and intuitive knowledge (3). C. «Nursing intrventions (Effective Nursing Treatment )&quot;. Ethnopharmacol.1992,36(3 ):233-23 7. M. canis, were the recognized etiological ageuts in this investigation. At present some of the plant derivater anticancer drugs in the market are Taxol, Vincristine, Vinblastine, Etoposide. Gruner had translated freely certain parts of this tract in English which he include in 1930 when he brought out a treatise of the Canon of Medicine. This study analyzes cultural, phylosophical and scientific outlines of &quot;vital force theory&quot; and attempts to discuss it on the basis of psychoneuroimmunology and bioenergetics. A. the relationship between ancient Persia and of 26th international congress of the history of medicine, Plovd (v, vol. Benefits of. Lnamul Haq. Medicinal Plants. Some oils are claimed to be adaptogene include Geranium. Dhobal, B. C. O. Box: 14155/6451 Tehran IRAN Artemisia Sieberi from Compositae Family is cultivated in desert area in Iran in order to prevent sand invasion to populated area. One can see that through out the history of Islamic civilization, the religion and factional tendencies did not have a great impact on the development of experimental sciences as did the precept of doctrine. Qanone amoli 6. Khovarism shafae Aakheraf 3. It implements a strong pressure on the collectors, which are tempted to include other, sympatric species to the collection of a defined pharmaceutical raw material. Moattar F et aI, Cure by Plant, Esfehan, Mashal, 1983. In a manner that, in spite of existing environmental unfavourable conditions and some stresses, mentioned bean bushes reached to yielding phase, ultimately (The aforesaid experiments in previous articles). According to Avesta, Ahor Mazda developed ten thousand herbals. K.); Elmen's reagent (DTNB) (Aldrich, U. Jihad Daneshgahi of Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IRAN; P. Microbiology, Faculty of Vet. The strength, of mother tincture warries but first potency is mixture of one part of mother tincture &amp; 9 part of methyl alcohol or saccharum lactose, in cases of solid substance. One drop of the latex of the Calotropic pro cera was applied on the middle portion of the big toe-nail of the same side as the inflamed eye once a day for 3 days. On exposure to lindane for a long period, it will produce a liver tumor. Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, The Aga Khan University Karachi- 74800, Pakistan. TENS, acupuncture and others. Despite the fact, there is enormous contribution of traditional practices in the modern medicine, practitioners of the two systems still keep distance. Although the high incidence of tuberculosis in Europe and other countries is clearly resulted from the lack of therapeutic method, mainly cupping(Hejamat) &amp; phlebotomy. This herb grows at the foot of mountains in north western of Iran. Dried extract was redissolved in normal salin to give 185 mg/ml solution. Matricharia chamomilla and thymus vulgaris have been used for treatment of different disorders particularly inflammatory and infection diseases(I-2). Tan,G,Pezzuto,J,Kinghorn,A. Two major groups of them are hydrolysable and condensed tannins. Percussion was an important physical exam for diagnosis. Ayurvedic formulations are used to treat a wide variety of diseases including Diabetes Mellitus Standardization of Herbal Formulation is Essential in order to Finding who are expert in TM. Tokyo and Newyork. A rich spread of natural flora and precious, medical herbs of forests, mountains, mountain sides, and green, thriving plains of various districts of Kurdistan which is a rare and God-given blessing, can change the economic precise programming. Conclusions. Before venipunctures in case group used of therapeutic touch during 10 minutes, in placebo group used of speech and behavioural suggestion during 10 minutes and for control group didn't use any manipulation, except presence of investigator, in that same time. Between numberical density related to blood vessel region of no. Sample sizes were estimated to meet generally recommended requirements for precision in a complex survey design.10 All calculations were weighted to represent the total population of Chinese adults (20 years of age or older) on the basis of Chinese population data from 2006 and the study sampling scheme, and were corrected for several features of the survey, including oversampling for female and urban residents, nonresponse, highly developed economic regions, and other demographic or geographic differences between the sample and the total population. This genus have 380 species. Of all the cases, 81.6% had recieved prior medication, only 18.3% of the letter reported improvement with medication. Proanthocyanidins was topically effective in inhibition of skin tumors of mice. We charted the analgesia which had used for all patient (both in case &amp; control). PULSE AND SPHYGMOLOGY Hossein Ebrahimian, Naser Moafi, Mohammad Ashrafnohegar, Behnaz Hamzepour, Laya Lazemi, Mahin Pirayesh Tehran, The Clinic of Hakim M'omen Tabrizi's Company. W. Eggiestone, &quot; Effect of Dental Amalgam and Nickle Alloys on T-Lymphocytes: Preliminary Report,&quot; Journal of Prothetic Dentistry, May,1984,617-623 6-Richard D. Finally they were washed with isopropyl alcohol and dried at room temperature. Fa1effieh, Medical Ethics, Tehrdn, Teymourzadeh Publication, 1997. Khairabadi M. Dental treatment may profoundly affect one's systemic health and vis versa. M. S. COLLEGE,JAIPUR, INDIA Spirulina fusiformes is a cyanobacterium belonging to the family oscillatoriaceae. COMPARISON OF CLINICAL EFFECT OF ANTIMIGRAINE DROP WITH PROPRANOLOL IN DECREASE OFSEVERITY AND FREQUENCY ATTACKS OF MIGRAINE HEADACHE A. Bantom Books. C. « Essentials of Medical- Surgical Nursing&quot;. WHO has recommended the interested governments to give &quot;adequate attention to the utilization of their traditional medical systems with appropriate regulations as suited for their national health systems&quot;. J. Biosciences, silver jublies 4 1985, Vol 7(2): 215-221 2. Fish glue could be used as an alternative substitute binder in pharmaceutical and food industries. Migraine is Current headache in all of the world, espicially in Iran, Occuring in 12 to 15 percent People, which is suffering Form that. In all of the methods of antihypoxic effects studies, aqueous and methanolic extracts of garlic showed protective effects which were dose dependent. Glass vessels for keeping medicine and chemical materials. According to physics, in the subatomic level any particle including the DNA is constructed from 4 fields named as the electromagnetic, gravity, strong force and weak force fields. The koran, surae Baghared Ayeh no 183. H. Jaffari1, R. The above-mentioned remedy is supplied and fortified in a special manner, that is implied in other articles. Norlignan glucosides endowed with the cathecol moiety have shown biological activity, different in potency and efficacy, related to the structurally similar adrenaline, however pilosidine was the most active, thus allowing to envisage a structure-activity relationship.
Planta Med. 66: 93-95. STUDY OF OVERUSAGE OF SOME OF HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES AND SOME CERTAIN REMEDIES PREPARED WITH SO-CALLED METAPHYSIC-HEALING METHOD AND UNIQUE REMEDY ON LIVING BEING'S VITALITY AND COMPARING THEM WITH EACH OTHER Bahramluiean R, Esmaeili K, Nemati N. ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF PERIPHERAL FACIAL PARALYSIS Pourdanesh F. C.; J. Pharm. On this matter Some of doctors assume that this tendency toward traditional medicine is a base stream in history of medicine, some others assume that this is a pseudostream, originated from economical and scientifically poverty, and the need to obtain Identity in some developing societies or is assumed as insignificant event. Manku MS, Horrobin OF (1976) Prostaglandins. A distracting focus of input is created by the insertion of needles into specific points around the body as described in historical charts. The requirements of the western countries for medicinal plants derived drug raw material are increasing so rapidly, that they can in no way be met on short, middle or long term. Paliurus spina-christi (Christ's thorn) that is growing in north of Iran has been used for its cholesterol lowering property in traditional medicine but it hasn't been found any document for this property in literature. Sixty patients with moderately severe irritant contact dermatitis were randomised in two groups to receive treatment of the herbal cream or placebo cream (drugfree vehicle)(1,2). AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL STUDY OF TRADITIONAL MEDICINE AMONG THE INHABITANTS OF URUMIEYEH 1 1 2 Rafiee Far J, Majidi Khamneh F, Farsam H 1 Tehran, Iran. Complex of Medical Faculty. The study demonstrated a very significant association between qat chewing and development of hemrrhoidal disease. Studying about terminology, techniques and structures in TM. In this mental technique Inner and finer levels of mind are experienced, and makes the mind more happy and content. Phytother, 1983,17:173-81. R, Zia H. and Rhodes C. References: 1) Zhang, W. Benefits of! Shohada- Tajrish Hospital- Oncology Section -Tehran -IRAN 2Shahid Beheshti University of Med. Newbell. David, Canon. Sectional. Chapter 8. ANTICANCER ACTIVITIES OF TANNINS Hamid Inanloo, Ali Soltanpoor Dep. After the energy therapy session we called all the patient to find out there is any changes in their symptoms or not. In this context Teucrium polium,. Ethanolic and aqueous extract were prepared from dried petals. Y.; Planta med, Vol. Ann Int Med 1997;126:250-1 4. Institutes in 30 countries, all show that TM and TM Siddhi have positive effects on creativity, IQ, memory, Concentration, Learning, Ability and reduces HTN, improves cardiovascular diseases, Asthma. Different forms of traditional medicines have been used in this country as an essential means of treatment of diseases and management of various health problems from time immemorial. References: I-Nadym Abadi, History of medicine in Iran after Islam. Karimian, A. It is also a very rich source of p- carotene and SOD (Superoxide dismutase). Unani Medicine was transmitted to India, after establishing glorious medical traditions in Arabia, Spain, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Central Asia and North Africa and following the examples in these countries, it fully utilized its chance for development in the then Indian sub continent, now comprising India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. References: I. A and Hossein Olnrwu G.; Effects of an aqueous extract of physalis alkekengi fruit on estrus cycle, reproduction and uterine Ceratine Kinase BB-isozyme in rats; 1991; Journal of Ethnopharmacology; Vol.
|Planta Med. 66: 93-95. STUDY OF OVERUSAGE OF SOME OF HOMOEOPATHIC REMEDIES AND SOME CERTAIN REMEDIES PREPARED WITH SO-CALLED METAPHYSIC-HEALING METHOD AND UNIQUE REMEDY ON LIVING BEING'S VITALITY AND COMPARING THEM WITH EACH OTHER Bahramluiean R, Esmaeili K, Nemati N. ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF PERIPHERAL FACIAL PARALYSIS Pourdanesh F. C.; J. Pharm. On this matter Some of doctors assume that this tendency toward traditional medicine is a base stream in history of medicine, some others assume that this is a pseudostream, originated from economical and scientifically poverty, and the need to obtain Identity in some developing societies or is assumed as insignificant event. Manku MS, Horrobin OF (1976) Prostaglandins. A distracting focus of input is created by the insertion of needles into specific points around the body as described in historical charts. The requirements of the western countries for medicinal plants derived drug raw material are increasing so rapidly, that they can in no way be met on short, middle or long term. Paliurus spina-christi (Christ's thorn) that is growing in north of Iran has been used for its cholesterol lowering property in traditional medicine but it hasn't been found any document for this property in literature. Sixty patients with moderately severe irritant contact dermatitis were randomised in two groups to receive treatment of the herbal cream or placebo cream (drugfree vehicle)(1,2). AN ANTHROPOLOGICAL STUDY OF TRADITIONAL MEDICINE AMONG THE INHABITANTS OF URUMIEYEH 1 1 2 Rafiee Far J, Majidi Khamneh F, Farsam H 1 Tehran, Iran. Complex of Medical Faculty. The study demonstrated a very significant association between qat chewing and development of hemrrhoidal disease. Studying about terminology, techniques and structures in TM. In this mental technique Inner and finer levels of mind are experienced, and makes the mind more happy and content. Phytother, 1983,17:173-81. R, Zia H. and Rhodes C. References: 1) Zhang, W. Expert. Due to low price of soya, large production of soy in many countries, lack of any side effects, and high protein value, we recommend consumption of soy instead of routine red meats in hyperlipidemic and even, normolipidemic humans. Iran is among a few countries that the mainstream medical community, does not generally accept those therapies, and not thought in medical schools yet. Second effect of extensive and frequent usage of H. Scientific research exploring the benefit of various medicinal plants credited with antidiabetic properties, have been reported. Vol. II, P.1939, 1947. Law in Medicine, Avicina, Translator: Sharafkandy, Sorush Publisher, 6th Edition. Hereby regularities, which Gr. Ms. Makhzn al adviyeh, Mir Mohammad Hosein Aghili. Shahed University, Medical college, Basij Center Drug addiction is destructive misfortune. References: [1] Middleton R, New evidence of garlic's benefit in CVD prevention. Acta Horticulturae.1987,208:29-34. For future success to be achieved in the area of human health, it is now important for scientists to be working at the interface of chemistry, biology, technology, and ethics. Plant Sciences, Islamic culture press, Tehran, Iran, PP 106-107. ALTERNATIVE MEDICINE IN PREVENTIVE AND REVERSAL CORONARY HEART DISEASE R. Unfortunately the disease has nowadays introduced as an untreatable one. I. Atta-ur-Rahman and Delorenzo, R. The client is clothed and lies on his or her back on a massage table, while the practitiner holds &quot; Local points&quot; in tension areas together with related &quot;distal points&quot; which help the armored places to release more easily and deeply. Avicena, Cannon, in medicin Vol. Moreover, it should be dynamic and bring about prosperity. TRADITIONAL MEDICINE IN AMERICAN AND CANADIAN ANCIENT TRIBES Baharak Mahmoudi 1 -Shahram Aminzadeh 2 2 Faculty of Pharmacy, Islamic Azad University (P. Hadjiakhoondi, F. O. Box: 15875-3171 One of the most significant ancient heritage of our sacret iand is sophisticated experience of people along early millennium tried to repel the diseases and preserve health so that each generation added a portion of experience to it. Anticancer Res.; 1992; Vol.12(3); PP: (837-43). Ernst Department of Complementary Medicine, School of Postgraduate Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Exeter, UK Herbal medicinal products (HMPs) have again become popular. There we give a brief description of the causes for haemorrhoid With some therapeutic measures which are based on traditional medicine Methods. As by. vitality raise in living being,. Several previous national or regional studies have documented a rapid increase in the prevalence of diabetes in the Chinese adult population.2-4,6,21 However, in those studies, oral glucose-tolerance tests were not performed in the entire study population or in a random sample2-4; therefore, the true prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes may have been underestimated. Besides being safe, the medicines are quite effective increasing various common problems of pregnancy some of these common symptom and conditions are morning sickness, heart bum, vaginal and bladder infection, leg cramps, skin eruptions, harps, varicose veins, haemorrhoids, trauma of muscle skeletal, constipation, backache, pain in the anterior of thighs, uterus and abdomen. In another group of ascetic bearing animals, the animals were irradiated with 3,6 Gy of gamma radiation in combination with 50, 100 mg/kg body weight of lapachol. The miracle of medicinal plants has greatly attracted the Iranian views since ancient time. EFFECTS OF PIMPINELLA ANISUM EXTRACTS ON MAMMALIAN BLOOD PRESSURE AND GASTROINTESTINAL SMOOTH MUSCLE FUNCTION Abbaspour,M, Fatehi, M. Traditional medicine consists of health cares and medicine related to culture and old customs and has been common before using formal and scientific medicine. The Opium poppy is origin of opium. The overall prevalences of total diabetes (previously diagnosed plus previously undiagnosed diabetes) and prediabetes were 9.7% and 15.5%, respectively. Oral adminstration of 0.5 gikg P.o. Taqseem al-Adviya (pharmacological and Therapeutic Classification of Drugs). Rational Phytotherapy, Springer, NEW YORK, 1998. Between Heaven and Earth : A guideto chinese medicine&quot;. UIman, Dona. The koran surae Baghared, Ayeh no 222 2 -The koran surae Maledeh Ayed no. Aqueous extract of corn silk in doses of 10,50,100 and 500mg/kg was administered(p.o.) to the rats placed in metabolic cages as above. A 1 2 typical representative of type I is hypoxoside, (E)-1,5 and a typical representative of type II is nyasoside, (Z}-1,3-biS(4'-O-ß -D-Gluocopyranosyl-Phenyl) 1,4-pentadiene. C in Avesta and well-known physicians such as Galenus, Hippocrates and Avicena knew it as well. W has a similar therapeutic effects with Ranitidin &amp; Metoclopramide in the patierts with dyspespsia. Tehran, 1997. Herbal Medicine, The Pharmaceutical Press, London, 1996, 1st edi, pp 257-9. Y2 cup of water) and 30 patients received placebo with two usage method. R. lRAN In Iranian traditional medicine, various medicinal plants have been recommended as diuretics. On the other hand, disproportionate and uncontrolled collections of wild plants will inevitably lead a large number of species to the edge of extermination. Propounding at the Iranian Expert Committee for Evaluation and Survey of Herbal Drugs and Natural Products for respecting its' approval and confluence on the Officinal List of Herbal Drugs. It grows on the pick of Alburz. When investigating the duration of mucoadhesion, none of the natural polymers were found to possess a durable adhesion. U. S. A is exceptional in this field. Tetrahedron 41: 665-670. EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF THYME DROP ON CONTROLLING THE SYMPTOMS OF IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME (IBS ) 2 3 Farahvash M.

Shohada- Tajrish Hospital- Oncology Section -Tehran -IRAN 2Shahid Beheshti University of Med. Newbell. David, Canon. Sectional. Chapter 8. ANTICANCER ACTIVITIES OF TANNINS Hamid Inanloo, Ali Soltanpoor Dep. After the energy therapy session we called all the patient to find out there is any changes in their symptoms or not. In this context Teucrium polium,. Ethanolic and aqueous extract were prepared from dried petals. Y.; Planta med, Vol. Ann Int Med 1997;126:250-1 4. Institutes in 30 countries, all show that TM and TM Siddhi have positive effects on creativity, IQ, memory, Concentration, Learning, Ability and reduces HTN, improves cardiovascular diseases, Asthma. Different forms of traditional medicines have been used in this country as an essential means of treatment of diseases and management of various health problems from time immemorial. References: I-Nadym Abadi, History of medicine in Iran after Islam. Karimian, A. It is also a very rich source of p- carotene and SOD (Superoxide dismutase). Unani Medicine was transmitted to India, after establishing glorious medical traditions in Arabia, Spain, Iran, Turkey, Afghanistan, Central Asia and North Africa and following the examples in these countries, it fully utilized its chance for development in the then Indian sub continent, now comprising India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. References: I. A and Hossein Olnrwu G.; Effects of an aqueous extract of physalis alkekengi fruit on estrus cycle, reproduction and uterine Ceratine Kinase BB-isozyme in rats; 1991; Journal of Ethnopharmacology; Vol. Gluco lodge estes Bayrout: dar 0 tta'arof lelmatboo'at, 1989; 2. These approaches are categorized in four major groups as following: 1- Mental approach ( including mental and neuromuscular.. Conclusion: The results suggested by this research and other recent researches or shcolors' views in the field of health treatment and medical education have pinpointed that the comprehensive philosophical perspective of remains scientists have remained during the centuries. Behnia Aban Hospital, Tehran, Iran Modern medicine is succeeded in managing: Trauma- infection diseases- surgery- emergencycritical case organtransplants- biogenotec, gene therapy and so on. B, Patamia M, Nicoletti M, Galeffi C. II. Effect of a valuable extract on some blood parameters in diabetic rats. Arch Int Med 1997;157:2007-9. Pennyroyal toxicity: Measurement of toxic metabolites levels in two cases and review of the literature. School of Pharmacy, Kerman univ. It can perhaps be considered that phytotherapy is one of the oldest ways of curing diseases. Indiana pharmacol. SRBC resulted in a significant decrease in hemagglutinating antibody (HA) titer. Haikim Ebrahimian, Hossein. He described morphology of esophagus. FORMULATION, PREPARATION, QUALITY CONTROL AND CLINICAL EVALUATION OF TOPICAL LOTION CONTAINING CUCUMBER EXTRACT M. The lyophilized extract, was tested in a rat model of diabetes which was developed using ip. I, pp: 658-661, 449. S. A. Referred to alternative medicine these ailments may be preventive and reversal. References: 1- Treas evans, Pharmacognosy, 14th ed, London, W. Sources and ways' of Research: 1- A library research among written present sources including books and essays on traditional phytotherapy among Middld East Kurds in Persian and Kurdish languages. Reference: 1) Kamanna, V. The difference in the way these extracts affected cell stimulation or inhibition perhaps indicates their various mode of actions and raises the need for further investigations in particular the possible action of the extracts in interfering with cell signalling and cytokine production. Rustaiyan, M. R.2 1 2 Shohada Hospital, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. It is a huge encyclopaedia of medicine of almost one million words. The effects of prepared formulation were investigated in patients suffering from anorectal diseases, using relevant placebos for comparison. Total diabetes included both previously diagnosed diabetes and previously undiagnosed diabetes. Unlike prototype anticonvulsant drug phenytoin, FS-I reduced the V max of first AP by 25 %. Allami (Iran), N. In this investigation, we report the cytotoxicity. P. O. Box 71555-114,Shiraz. Ayu rvedic: plan of Panchakarma that introduced by Harisharma M. Curcumin determination in the receptor phase was by a colorimetric method at 424 nm. In Iran, from the ancient time medical and health sciences were started. Pelotherapy mostly has been experiences tropically, but oral mud remedies are also presented. MEDICINAL PLANTS TRADITIONAL EXPERIENCES AND THOUGHTS IN MAZANDARAN Shababi Tabari H, Pourmoradi S. This system is based on the interaction of body, mind and spirit and increases longevity and ultimately brings self -realization. DIURETIC EFFECT OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF CERASUS AVIUM AND ZEA MAYS IN MALE RAT H. Nafecie. 7. tohfa sadiah sharh qanon 8. Memar S. I Department of Pharmacognosy and Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, Shahid Beheshty University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, P. However, the main problem encountered with these methods is the wide range of particle size distribution. EFFECT OF CUCURBITA MOOSHATA ON HUMORAL IMMUNE SYSTEM R. But you can saw this relation in purpose of ecological science, in the meantime nobody researched the relation between disease outbreak in one season or in special time, and plants abundance, but we know that many of illness spread in special season and many known or unknown plants grow in the same season, or the flowering or seeding stages (in phenology) would be in the same time in any case human is part of natural and all of his physiological activity formed under the native naturally factors of the location. EFFECT OF ALHAGI MAURORUM MEDILC. AI-Majeed College of Eastern Medicine, Hamdard University, Karachi, -74700, Pakistan. A. D and in early stage we can prevent C. The structure elucidation of this compound is underway. He had a great contribution in enlightment of medical sciences, in Iran and other countries, during the dark ages of western civilization. T: 2144131-3 Religions not only emphasis on worship and ethics and spiritual but also pay attention to individual and social health and well-being. Aromatherapy is, per haps most widely used for the treatment of stress. Among the medicinal herbs some are regarded as holy due to their curative effects. The economic development of provinces or municipalities was defined on the basis of the GDP per capita in 2006. Supplemental foods such as multivitamins, minerals, antioxidants, vit C, vit E, beta carotens and so on. PHARMACEUTICAL PLANTS IN THE ISLAMIC JURISPRUDENCE RESOURCES Agha Rafiee A. Reference: Elfellah, M. Fauci, Braundwald, wilson, Harrison's Principal of infernal medicine, Rpbert, A: Cardiovascular disorders physical exomination of Cardiovascular, 14 edition, 1998, p.1231. Zubairy, Hakim, N, and Saeed, A. Mother and baby relationship: Pregnancy, sucking periods and etc. In this investigation we describe spasmolytic action of the crude extract of Pv roots in different gut preparation, which partly explains its traditional use in chronic diahrroea. C. which has been an economic relationship between Iran and other ancient civilizations such as, China, Mesoptamia, Egypt and Greeks, an exchange of science among these countries also existed. Carmint is used as a herbal carminative medicine in women having cesarean. To set.up clinical efficacy assessment of the creams, the dermotologist picked-up 110 volunteers to use the samples.

Antidiabetic herbal formulation companies expanding

In all of this traditional systems,. This is a comparative study of frequent and extensive usage effect of some of H. Corn silk(Zea mays) and cherry tail(Cerasus avium) are among remedies employed as diuretics. CLINICAL COMPARISON OF PERSICA &amp; CHLORHEXIDINE MOUTHWASHES IN GINGIVITIS 1 1 2 Seyedein Seyed M, Shafiei S, Salehi Surmaghi M. Planta Med. 57: 263-270. It used in the treatment of hyperlipidemia. The crude extract was fractionated with different solvents in increasing order of polarity. The alkaloids of harmin, peganin and harmalin strongly have anti -fungi and anti -bacterial effect. Goldberg, Alternative Medicine-The Definitive Guide, Future Medicine Pub, 1995 3- S. This fraction was subdivided by PTLC and one of the obtained subfractions demonstrated antinociceptive effects at 3 mg/kg. The scientific data show that hypericin in the Hypericum perforatum andcitronellol in the essential oil of Melissa officinalis has significant effect as anti -depression. D, Fone K. C. C, Schafer-Korting M, Klorekon W, Klorekorn G, Martin C. Jan Dirk Blom. Till now from all patients, we studied about 2000 people, which 574 of them were excluded because different reasons and from 1426 cases 263 of them claimed for recovery with energy therapy. Ghasir (short) pulse (332 kinds). In this study, effect of nicotine on consolidation of memory is evaluated by passive avoidance task. Results and discutions: Fish glue and plant mucilage in comparison with PVP and gelatin had suitable binding strength but fish glue had more strength than plant mucilage. EFFECTS OF MATRICARIA CHAMOMILLA, THYMUS VULGARIS AND DRACOCEPHALM KOTSCHYI ON THE ANTIBODY SYNTHESIS IN MOUSE Zahra Amirghofranl. Within a duration of 8 months (average), all the patients reported to have 100% remedy and they are reporting to lead healthy normal life (observed over a period of one year). Segments of rabbit jejunum and rat stomach fundus were suspended separately in a 10 ml tissue bath containing Krebs solution at 37 C. O. Box: 16315-1447. Carrot was investigated for its possible protective effect in Wistar rats against lindane (20mg/kg/day, for four weeks) induced toxicity. STUDIES ON BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF AN EQUEOUS EXTRACT OF PHYSALIS ALKEKENGI ON DEVELOPMENT OF BALBAC MOUSE EMBRYOS (DAYS 7,8,9,10 OF GESTATION) Raeis Dana M.1, Parivar K.2, Roustaian A.3 1 Tehran Iran - 2University of TeacherEducation, Department of Biology - 3University of shahid Beheshti, Department of Chemistry The aqueous extract of physalis alkekengi fruits has long been recommended as a contrace ptive drug by herbalist in Iran, In the present investigation, the effects of intraperitoneal injections of the aqueous extract of this plant on the histogenesis and organogenesis of developing Balb/C mouse embryos were studied. Farboodniay Jahromi M. The mentioned remedy, can be used alone or according to the case, in a parallel usage with other methods of other systems correctly. Order! Herbal Medicines, Cambridge, The Pharmaceutical Press, I 996. The flowers were collected from plants growing in the farms of Gonabad, Iran, during October 1999. After the pilot study, 5 groups(50 rats) were dependent by subcotaneus injection with morphine. I believe all medical professionals must learn about energy transmission and medical scientists start serious research programs about the dimension of human bioenergy. I,P. P. 7,24,25,88,89,105,117,120,122,187,221and V.ll(part 2), p.486. Before and after applying the mouthwashes, (G. Zojaji, A. Madani, M. Here the first Medical Congress of Greek, Chinese, Indian and Iranian scholars gathered to discuss medical problems. Salehniya A. In the present paper, I will try to explain detail, some of the cases of using honey bee products especially, honey and propolis in traditional and modern medicine and their scientific evidences. Nicotine is soluble in lipid and absorbed through skin. ZIBA dasht bid, Sharziba, Tehran Iran. The maximum tolerable dose of aqueous extract was more than of methanolic extract that states less poisonousness of garlic aqueous extract. Fifty-six patients, who were attended the Gastroenterogloy Clinic of the Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, and Kashan university of Medical Science, Kashan, in 1997, were included in the study. C.m. mice balb/c prior to immunization with SRBC resulted as follow: C.m. Zimdahl R. L. Not only he was an important physician, but also was equally a great alchemist and philosopher. Hyperforin and adhyperforin belonging to phloroglucinole group that have antibacterial effect. Hamshahri newspaper, 1997, 1998. Persica is formulated from the extract of Meswak tree, Mint, and Yarrow and contains floride, chloride, calcium, sulphur compounds, flavonoid, tannin and essential oil. N. School of Pharmacy, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, P. Common drugs that are using in lowering plasma lipids such as fibrates, HMG CoA reductase inhibitors, bile acid sequestering resins, niacin and probocol has many side effects that may cause ceasing drug therapy. It seemed that many ideas of Avecina are applicable and practical for present medicine. References: 1 -Miftahal. Marcel Dekker, 1996, pp. Which facilitate the use of this new formulated medicinal plants in modem medicine. Similia Similibus Currentur&quot;, clearly indicates the importance of good knowledge of Materia Medica along with knowledge of natural diseases. Subrahamanyam M, A Prospective randomized clinical and histological study of superfical burn wound healing with honey and silver salfadiazine. These two verses imply different meanings such as: in the holy book of the Muslims, in four sections, the word &quot; Healing&quot; is mentioned, from which three of them concentrate on healing of human spirit, merely in one case, &quot; Healing&quot; means the treatment of physical illnesses. It may be concluded that the active components of the extracts interfere with calcium homeostasis in smooth muscles. Fresh juice is cathartic and refrigerant, useful in treatment of abrasions, burns and skin irritation, promotes the healing of wounds, radiodermatitis, sunburn psoriasis, fungual infection and ulcers, used in gel for skin ailments. However, the concept, practice, type and method of application of traditional medicine vary widely among the different ethnic groups living in different parts of the country according to their culture, living standard, economic status, religious belief and level of education. In addition, some of these products have little or no evidence of efficacy and lack consistency in chemical compositions between different manufacturers or between different batches of the same manufacturer inadequate scientific assessment of active chemical constituents and insufficient information concerning optimal preparation and dosages. Mohaghegh, m. Tehran university publication, 1353, first edn, p.122. While this system died out unfortunately in Islamic countries at the hands of allopathy, India preserved it till to date. The China National Diabetes and Metabolic Disorders Study, conducted from June 2007 through May 2008, was a cross-sectional study designed to provide current and reliable data on the prevalences of diabetes and associated metabolic risk factors in the adult population in China. Mandrake toxicity: A case of mistaken isentity. Newall CA, Anderson LA, Phillipson JD. With homeopathic treatment, it is possible to improve the masking curve type, the masking level and the residual inhibition and make the patient ready to use other conventional treatments such as masking instruments, habituation, electrical stimulation and so on. J. Pharm. Sci, 84 (1995) 376-380. RADIOMODIFYING EFFECTS OF SPIRULlNA 1 Ashok Kumar, Shekhar Verma,Madhu Kumar, j. Sometimes, observation of animals' behavior helped man to discover proper drugs for different diseases and sometimes, a simple accident or intuition resulted in finding a new drug. A complete guide to Acupressure&quot;. J Gen Intern Med. Obsession controlled in a 30-year-old patient, with 3-year follow up. The Rats blood samples were prepared during proestrus stage and 17- - steriadiol and progesterone levels were measured by a Radioimmuno Assay method. Ed. Benito, S. B. V early antigen activation induced by: 12-0 Wlradecanoyl phovbos -13 acelate (TPA), These were the colorants exlracfed from pcach, watcrmclon, strawbcrry, rcd rhubarb and cgg plant. Moore D. M, The Guinness guide to plants of the world, 1st ed, Guinness, 1992. Persica, due to its ingredients, is antihemorrhagic, anticarious, and antiinflammatory. It is more than 43 years that Maharishi has presented Transcendental meditation (TM) to the world. Histopathological studies showed only small congestion in liver and kidney after tarragon extract injection. Blood samples were obtained from the tails before treatment through out the first, the third, and the fifth days. Fox R. R, and laird c. Opioids have many effects in central and peripheral nervous system. Law in Medicine, Sharafkandy. STUDY OF CLINICAL EFFECT OF ESSENTIAL OIL OF MENTHA IN APHTHOUSIS A. Patients were reassessed subjectively (by Tinnitus Questionnaire) and audiologically several times in the course of treatment and one time after the treatment. Abootorab Nafisy (1981). Gilman,A. G, RaIl, T. P. Soleimaini 1 2 School of Public Health Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Health, Razi Hospital.3 Centeral 4 Institute of Planttrapy of IRAN. In between the other polymers assessed, gelatin had medium mucoadhesive strength, while acacia and tragacanth showed weak mucoadhesion. Acupressure promotes a pleasurable trance state during which the recipient can get in touch with the body, and access feelings or emotions related to the physical condition this body mind approach is a unique synthesis of a traditional Japanese acupressure technique, classic chinese acupuncture theory, Taoist yogic philosophy and breathing methods, and reichian segmental theory. References: I)Fagan -Johannes, Hirsh-E: Facial Nerve Paralysis, Initial evaluation and management, Emergency Medicine, oct,5270,1997 2)Xiaoqun-Ren: A survey of Acupuncture Treatment for Peripheral Facial Paralysis, Journal of Traditional Chinesemedicine14 (2),139-146,1994 3) Shuhuai-He: Review on Acupuncture Treatment of Peripheral Facial Paralysis during past decade, Journal of Traditional Chinese medicine, 15(1), 63-67,1995 4)Stux-G, Pomeranz-B : Basic of Acupuncture, 3Th revised and enlarged E dition, springer -verlag 61-2461995 5)Stux-G, Pomeranz B: Acupuncture Text book and Atlas Espringer. S. Prasada, R(1971) Antifungal properties of some plant extracts sci. U, Antixenobiotics in traditional phytotherapy of medieval Azerbaijan. Therefore, first far from of doubts about the impressions of psychic inculcations, presence of objective effects due to H. P) into the female BALB/C mice (15-20 gr, 7weeks). GA peels in the treatment. Reynold, E. F. The main objectives of this study were: 1- To study the popularity of traditional health care among inhabitants of 9 rural areas-To recognize popular medical methods, techniques in use -To recognize people who are engaged in folk medicine practising -to record medicinal herbs and remedies as well as traditional medical terms. CARDIOVASCULAR EFFECTS OF THE EXTRACT OF RUTA CHALEPENSIS L. THE EFFECT OF THERAPEUTIC TOUCH BEFORE VENIPANCTURE ON ANXIETY OF SCHOOL AGE CHILDREN Zahra Pouresmail, Maryam Ravanipoor This is a quasi -experimental study done as clinical trial, carried out in Emergency room of Ali Asghar hospital of Boushehr city in 1999. Carmint has no side effects. Our study proved that there was no significant difference between the clindamycin and herbal lotions in reducing the degree of the disease (P.value&gt;0.2). Clinic, no.22, Beheshty st, Astaneh Ashrafeyeh If we consider medicine as a programs of health and treatment of patient so we have to concern between every manners of medicine. The phytotherapy, among Kurds, which has scientific justifications consists of: 1) Valuable experiences and findings regarding the recognition of curative herbs and their medical effects in various parts of Kurdistan have been preseved among Kurdish tribes, clans, kinderds and families as an ethnic heritage by word of mouth. A, Hosseini Z, Ray A. Anatomy Department, Shahid Beheshti Medical University. Murray,J, cosmetic skin preparations containing succinic acid and Aloe extract. This could very impressively be documented with the help of diagnostic (ECG, Sonography, Laboratory Findings). Therefore we selected some of medicinal plants from traditional texts that recommended as immunological tonics. Nasturtium officinale(L.) V. N. Kornienko, I. U, Plants of Islamic medicine in the medieval Azerbaijan. Search the history of over 491 billion pages on the Internet. search Search the Wayback Machine Between numerical density of blood vessels and numeerical density related to blood vessel region of 15th and 30th days had significant difference. SerieL Medical history of Iran. CONSIDERATION OF TRADITIONAL MEDICINE IN PERSIA Arash Ghanooni Pharmacy faculty of Islamic Azad University -Tehran Traditional medicine named &quot; Teb-o-Zoka&quot; or &quot; Teb-ol-Adjaez&quot; is Middle East medicine, especially Persia. Rs) effect and some certain remedies prepared in a usual way with so-called Metaphysic (?)-healing method effect. Some of above plants are studied pharmacologically. Azzariah ila tasanif e shiah. Different special of thyme have been used, in traditional medicine, for different problems of GIT, for example, colicky abdominal pains(2). In order to appreciate the influence of Islamic and Iranians in the advancement of medical sicences we may divide their contributions into two periods: a. Fatehi-Hassanabad, Z. Withania somnifera blocked morphine-induced dependence. METHODS: this study was done on double- blind research. Vessal M,Mehrnni H. In addition, the diagnosis of diabetes was established on the basis of both fasting plasma glucose levels and 2-hour plasma glucose levels in an oral glucose-tolerance test, and these measurements were obtained with the use of stringent quality-control procedures. In the next two stages (the stage in which city districts were selected from cities and rural townships from counties and the stage in which street districts were selected from city districts and rural villages from townships), the sampling was random (see Figure 1 in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at Humopathy which antecedented the ancient Iran accounted for other papers, Zoroost contributed that, Cure the pain with pain, among kordan ghere were hundred common. WHO'S VIEW POINT OF TRADITIONAL MEDICINE Taleb AM Ministry of Health &amp; Medical Educations, Pharmaceutical Affairs, Herbal Drugs Department Traditional Medicine (TM) has a long history among different nations. He was aware of scientific application of drugs and at the same time paid attention to differences between men and animals in taking drugs. V. Biodegradable microspheres: Advances in production technology In: Microencapsulation methods and industrial application. In pre-Islamic Iran, also, Zorostrianism looked upon the abortion of fetus with sensitivity and dislike. Zar, wind and Balouch, Reyahi. This Book has deeply influenced the later writers. A 10% ethanolic extract of the plant was prepared, authenticated and standardized using TLC and HPLC by the Pharmacognosy Department, before use. Subacute treatment with the extract at a daily dose of 100 mg/kg, p.o, for 9 days reduced the blood glucose level significantly on days 1, 3, 5 and 9 in STZ diabetic mice (Table 2). Principles of foodstuffs using: Water usefulness, recommendation for vegetable and animal foods, prohibition against overeating, lslamically prohibited foods, prohibition against harmful and injurious matters. A. and Hadgraft, J, Eds.). Therefore measuring the aforesaid parameters can be a possible way for relative evaluation of living being's vitality. Third, to ensure comparability across studies, we used the World Health Organization criteria to define diabetes and prediabetes in our study. Up to now, some of authorities regarding to current method's high failure of curing this disease (of different aspects) and its recurrence in many cases (in spite of accomplished treatment) have considered this disease as an almost incurable one. He made valuable discoveries in theoretical chemistry whose extraordinary value became evident later on and gave this prominent scientist world wide fame as a first class chemist. Accordinig to the statistical analysis results showed that 69.6% of volunteers were complety satisfied with antiroughness, anti scaling, antiwrinkle and flexiblity effect of the cream on their skin. Herz A, Hand Bookof expeerimental pharmacology. Among the Alkaloids: vinka, vinblastin, vincristin, and Among podophylotoxine tyriksins: Autoposide, Tinoposied and docetaxol, colchicum had colchisin. Marini-Bettolo G. Zabihollah Mansoori(1994). Ga/effi C, Federici E, Pa/azzino G. After one week they were killed and blood levels of cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL were measured and differences were evaluated with statistic programs. Evaluation of therapeutic effects of drop Thyme C. Effects of TRH on cognitive and motor behaviour of the rat. Different drugs are used for regulation and treatment of this disease. Curcumin, the most important active component of turmeric, shows different pharmacological activities including antiinflammatory, analgesic and anti -oxidation effects. Among participants with previously diagnosed diabetes, 81.2% were using insulin or oral hypoglycemic agents and 14.9% were using lifestyle intervention alone (diet, regular exercise, or both). According to extant investigations, trachyspermum copticum has numerous effects, such as antiseptic, expectorant, spasm rela.xation and useful in cholesteralemia. Thymus kotschyanus B0iss &amp; Hohen. Floor #10. Tehran-Iran. J. Obstet &amp; Gynaecol; 144, pp 655-661. Perfect health is a state of perfect mental, physical and emotional functioning in which an Individual enjoys unlimited vitality, creativity, fulfillment and bliss. Fortunately there are extensive informations about ALOE plants and it's good effects on burn, skin wounds, healing, anti-inflammation, sunbrun etc. AEO fragments, measured by Esfehan University, are include: I3-Thujone 35.8%, a-Thujone 10.77%,2- Methyl Cyclopentane- Carboxylic acid 9.45% and Comphor 4.58%. Qh. p. 62-66. S (1984) is investigated in this study. Personal experiences concerning phytotherapy in two time intervals: I) From 1984 up to 1986 in Tehran, Occupation with phytotherapy and setting up a herbal Drugstore (Named: Soran) in Majidieh Street, Seiid Khandan Junction, Tehran. Previous studies shows, Betasitosterol and gamma monoclinic sulfur which is included in Miswak, have antimicrobial and antiinflammatory action. Isfahan, Iran Nowadays we live in a world, that all different layers of history and culture got together in a way that the liner time of modernity has been broken, but postmodern situation has not yet been steady and it is the root of various attitudes, sometimes these views are in contrast. Henry E. Sigerist, The Great Doctors,P. Group A with reserpin, group B with reserpin and valeriana officinalis and to group C amitriptyline and reserpin injected. Overall conclusions are not possible, as every HMP has to be judged on its own merits. METHODS: Forthis study, fiber of Beta vulgaris, washed and dried and then fiber powder made ready and 250 mg dried powder filled in hard gelatin capsule. Bert. 1998. 138 (3-4): 217-30. EMAM ALI'S VIFWS ON MEDICINE HamidReza Jomehzadeh GityPajoohesh Industrial &amp; Scientific Research Group, 3rd Floor, Dr. Flavonoid fraction of leaves was extracted with soxhlet after delipidization and was identified by cyanidin test. P<0.001) (Figure 2 Figure 2 Prevalences of Diabetes and Prediabetes and Absolute Numbers of Cases among Chinese Adults 20 Years of Age or Older, According to Urban or Rural Residence.); however, the age-standardized prevalence of prediabetes was slightly lower among urban residents than among rural residents (14.9% vs. Diabetes is on research, until now there is a drop of 15 mg/dl of blood sugar. Antimingraine drop-Consist of valerina officinalis. Women's use of complementary and Alternative therapies in reproductive health care. Therefore these is a great need to experience the inner and calmer levels of mind to restore inner and mental balance. This extract was dissolved in cool methanol (-13° C), thus cool methanol-insoluble lipids were precipitated and separated. Howeizeh, H. Foeniculum vulgara. Due to fetal sensivity and also women important role in fertility health, it is important that the health provider have enough knowledge of such herbs, the indication and contra indication so they can be used correctly to maintain family. Y. Li Wan Po, A. Food therapy. Menometrorrhagia controlled in a 35-year-old patient with uterine myoma, with 1.5- year Follow up. Fischer, &quot; Dentistry and Homeopathy: An Overview,&quot; Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy,78,4,December,1985, 140-147 7-Colin B. Oncology in practice, Vol I : P7-8, 1997. The tail of animal was placed in a speceial groove on electric eye, against inferared rays having an intensity equal 51 which was produced by a set lamp and the time of animal reflex-taking tail from electric eye was recorded automatically as response time to algogenic stimulant. For example causes of diseases such as phenylketonuria, wilson's disease and or cystic fibrosis have been described clearly. INTERESTING RESULTS OF RESEARCH PLAN STUDYING AND IDENTIFYING TOOLS AND INSTRUMENT RELATING TO MEDICAL SCIENCES WHICH EXIST IN THE MUSEUMS OF COUNTRY Maziar Ashrafian Bonab Member of Academic Board of Archeological Research Centre &amp; Cultural Heritage Organiz. MEDICINAL PLANTS USED IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE OF MEDIEVAL AZERBAIJAN Alakbarov F. He has written it in Hamadan after 405 A. Data analysed by 2 way analysis of varience method. Primary dysmenorrhea was diagnosed in these individuals after recording of their medical history, physical examination and sonography. Benzyl isothiocyanate which is extracted from roots of miswak, has inhibitory action on growth of streptococus mutans, and has virusidal effect against Herpes simplex virus type I. Dracocephalum mudavica,. Investigations performed on lamellar liquid crystalline models indicate that some terpenes possibly perform their activity by interaction with stratum corneum proteins (2). GN 316. K64,1994. In fact, with increase in frequency we can find more subtle bodies. Rs (particularly, in high dilution and many times more than Avogadro's number) usage and some certain Metaphysic-healing remedies and finally, Unique Remedy ~ au with same physical essence and general manner of effect on organism, similarities) on tested living beings gets evident. Ignatavicius, Donna D.; workman, Lind'. Medical anthropology is a branch of anthropology that surveys the meaning of health and pain with their causes and symptoms -which have their own therapeutic approach and health cares among ethical and different cultural groups through inter-cultural research. The caused side effects due to treatment with chemical drugs in one hand and the resistance of some organisms to these medicines on the other hand, lead our attentions to the medicinal plants. New Engl J Med. Studying TM terminology. Three polar( aqueous, ethanolic and methanolic) extracts significantly enhanced the urine volum with no effect on the urine excretion of potassium. Avicena has divided the process of tuberculation into three stages in his book, Qanoon, in medicill as preformation stage, ulcertain stage and disease manifestation in Lungs. For identification of sexual cycle in rats, the vaginal test was carried out. A. Herbal medicines a guide for health-care professionals. Denotes hot temperemant of constitution. Nowadays, there are some criticisms on modern medicine. Patricia &amp; eta1, &quot; The PRO -SELF mouth Aware Program: An. Sharifzadeh Pharmacognosy Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical Sciences of Tehran University Acute treatment with Withania somnifera (W.s.) family Solanaceae in albino mice and in doses of (5, 25, 50, 100, 200) mg/kg body weight suppressed morphine withdrawal jumps in mice dose dependently but this reduction was not as much as reduction observed in those mice which received root extract one and half before naloxone administration. K.; et. al,Modulation of humoral immune responses by Tinospora malabarica in experimental animals, Indian J. Studies of traditional medicine have showed there are valuable medicinal plants for prevention and treatment of viral diseases. Clinical effects were Investigated on under 2 years old children with diaper dermatitis in 5 hospital and health centers, All of three ointment have showed anti inflammatory effect on diaper dermatitis, but 1 % ointment shows better effects. Effect of adenosine on rate-dependent atrioventricular nod a function potential roles in tachycardia termination and physiological regulation.

Three groups of experimental, control and intact animals were chosen for this study. References: 1) Elgod. THE ROLE OF REQUITAL MEDICINE IN PROTECTION FROM DISEASES AND TREATMENT Fadaei fathabadi F._, Norouzian M,. Salsalate, Morphine, and postoperative Deus «. There are some reports concerning the analgesic effects of various plants including Trigonella foenumgraecum (TFG) in Iranian traditional medicine. No ideas should be rejected only based on mental justices, about that arises from pure facts. Isfahan, Iran Objectives: The aim of this study was to adress some of the problems involved in formulation and production of herbal solid dosage forms. Gharooni, M. Biniaz and Dr. Razi,Aljodri va Alhasbeh, translated by M. In parts of Central America, herbal medicine is widely practiced and in the U. On the other hand, C934 tablets were capable of remaining on the mucosal surface for a period of over 10 h. This is a kind of presentational and intuitive knowledge (3). C. «Nursing intrventions (Effective Nursing Treatment )&quot;. Ethnopharmacol.1992,36(3 ):233-23 7. M. canis, were the recognized etiological ageuts in this investigation. At present some of the plant derivater anticancer drugs in the market are Taxol, Vincristine, Vinblastine, Etoposide. Gruner had translated freely certain parts of this tract in English which he include in 1930 when he brought out a treatise of the Canon of Medicine. This study analyzes cultural, phylosophical and scientific outlines of &quot;vital force theory&quot; and attempts to discuss it on the basis of psychoneuroimmunology and bioenergetics. A. the relationship between ancient Persia and of 26th international congress of the history of medicine, Plovd (v, vol. online (etc)
J. R. (1998) Pharm. Malvin E. Ring, Dentistry, Harry N. Analysis of the clinical results of herbal cream demonstrated significant improvements of the dermatitis symptoms and significant difference was found between the placebo and the herbal cream groups. P, Rustin M. Sixty pregnant women with the gestational age of 6-14 weeks who met the following criteria were selected: Presence of nausea and vomiting 2. PREPARATION OF CREAM FROM ALOE GEL Rezaee, MB. Regular leisure-time physical activity was defined as participation in moderate or vigorous activity for 30 minutes or more per day at least 3 days a week. College of Pharmacy, Tehran, University of Medical Sciences. DIFFERENT THERAPEUTIC METHODS IN HOMEOPATHY Sima Sadray Tehran University of Medical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, P. In traditional medicine of Eastern Asia, a mixture of turmeric and sliced lime has been applied for sprained problems and inflation as a local treatment. Isolated right atrium of rat, set up in an organ bath (Radhakrishnan et. Phytochem. 1987,26,99-101. A dose dependent inhibitory effect was obtained in the case of Dracocephalum kotschyi. Blood samples were collected at just before and 1,2, and 3 hours after glucose administration.

Y,&quot; Preliminary studies on the diuretic effects of Hygrophila spinosa and Tribulus terretris&quot;, lndian J. Seed water extract was given to albino mice in duration of one and two weeks with dose of l00 mg/ kg bw / day / mouse. Ho. Tsa. Chih, Vol. Manual Healings 5. Since then synthetic based medicines have come into existence as well. In the end of 21 days: With plantago maior, % 75 of subjects were healthy,%20 had first -degree, and % 5 had second -degree wounds. Gilani, A. H. References: 1- Bhargara s. Phytochemistry 35:1343-1348. Unique Remedy put in another group c(ase), in the same conditions. In this work, every effort was made to eliminate the garlic odour as much as possible while its therapeutic agents such as Allicin remained at the maximum level. The two groups were semilar in frequency of vomiting, VAS appetic and siverity of nausea 24 hours prior to admission and the worst degree of nausea and vomiting; However, a significant difference was observed in the severity of nausea and vomiting 24 and 48 hours after the admission between TENS and placebo (P=O. Tinnitus even in low level of intensity can be intrusive and disturbing. Dermatol surg, 1997; 23: 177 -179. T. verrucosum, E. It showed, that Avicenna is the first physician who had used Aroma-Therapy for treatment of cardiac diseases. Out of total 724 species of plants described in the Medieval sources on medicine and pharmacognosy, 422 species (58,3%) belong to indigenous plants and occur in the territory of modern Azerbaijan. On day 15 of gestation the embryos were extruded and morphological and histological studies were carries out on them. Since TM basically differs from CM, its pharmacology is also different, and if we these differences and put traditional pharmacy in case of new pharmacy, we can not obtain our goals. International Jornal of Oncology 5 (2): 285-292. Physical constitution in different dimension are: 1- General constitution (species constitution). Three formulations (0/5-1-1/5%) from Matricaria chamomilla oil and one placebo prepared for clinical trial. Jalal Mostafavi, 1965. Although drug of homeopathy have high dilutation (1024 ), but these drug has a great potency that you can't imagine. In this system the vital force (Qi) is believed that flow in the yin and yang meridians which are twenty in numbers, twelfth of which pertains to the solid (zang, ying) and empty (Fu, yang) organs which are paired and bilateral, the eight other channels are nonpaired and collaterats. She was completely anxious and depressed, having also artrits, vistress, gastrit, constipation her tests showed typic V -T -I. AIlardice P. Ayurveda's exact age is not known, but stretches back several millennia. There exists the same recommendation in Homoeopathy preventive-therapeutic method]. They're several reasons for attention to alternative medicine in industrial countries in three decades. In the edges of this damage we see irregular bone tissue with a rough and very thin surface which seems that is of repairing kind. The homeopathic physician is also pharmacist if he prepare &amp; dispense the drug himself. MY. Hairi, Iranian Academy of Philosophy, 1360 (1981). Alakbarov F. Anto RJ, et al (1996) noted anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic activities of curcuminoids. Soroush Press, Tehran 1987. NASER MOAFI. The title aromatherapy was first coined in 1928 by Rene Maurice Gattefose, a French chemist that was working in a laboratory when he burned his hand. Dependence was induced using subcutaneous injections of morphine daily for 3 days. After one week, results of treatment were positive. Amirghofran Z. Fennel extract has anti spasm indication, which is supposed to be of some effect in the treatment of dysmenorrhea. The aim is to carry out brief risk benefit assessments. W, Ballard T. For determining the meaningfulness of results Friedmen Non Parametric method and for studying the impact of treatment period double way ANOV A technique were applied. Guinea-pig small intestine was found most sensitive in its inhibitory effect, effect mediated at the concentration range of 0.1-0.3 mg/ml. PHARMACEUTICAL DOSAGE FORMS IN IRANIAN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE Mojab F, Baghban R. D. and Conney, A. Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Roma, Italy,Institut Malgache de Recherches Appliquees, Antananarivo, Madagascar Infective and parasitic diseases are responsible for two third deaths in the developing countries. The mechanism of action of these extracts on humoral and cellular immune response is not clear. The sampling process was stratified according to geographic region (northeast, north, east, south central, northwest, and southwest China), degree of urbanization (large cities [Beijing, Shanghai, and provincial capitals], midsize cities, county seats, and rural townships), and economic development status (as assessed on the basis of the gross domestic product [GDP] for each province). References: 1- Cultural Anthropology, Kottak. Am J Surg. 145: 374-376, 1983. And Riyaziat P. SalC)'lic acid peels in the treatment of melasma. References: I. M. and Yektaian, A. Liu, K. Chan &amp; A. After clinical evaluation of the patients and obtaining consent, they were asked to complete the questionaires. Data were analyzed by student t test. St. john's wrote ( Hypericum perforatum L. In this article we will discus two main ways. In the rabbits after oral adminstration of P.o. In the present study, effect of aqueous extract of the septum of Juglans Regia(JR) on plasma glucose was assessed. Research on some herbal drug shows that some of them have side effect on body such as Jugulandacees, labiees, Rosacees, Liliacees, some of these use for antihistaminic but they have side effect such as broncospasmic or haemorroied. The most frequently used points are, Baihui ( Du 20 ) in head. Plantago L. Heracleum persicum Desf.ex Fisher.

Creation of human beings: Embryological &amp; anatomical characteristics, human senses. O. Box: 81465/76, Isfahan, Iran This essay is a comparative study on assumptions of Acupuncture, Ayurveda, Yoga, Homeopathy, Alchemic medicine and Greece Traditional medicine. The results of this study demonstrate that total extract of P. STUDY OF THE UNIQUE REMEDY USAGE EFFECT ON LIVING BEING VITALI1Y AND RESISTANCE DEGREE AGAINST STRESSES (2) Bahramluian R, Esmaeili K. Rutaceae), has been traditionally used in Arabia to treat various disease conditions (AI Said et al, 1990). FDA Safety Alerts for Drugs and Medication-Related Medical Devices. Drugs and Therapeutic Biological Products. Alere to Initiate Voluntary Withdrawal of the Alere IRAN; Tehran. D, (1995), Infectious Disease of North America, 9: 3 September, pp: 465-8. However traditional treatment doesn't reject technoloy and will gain significant results if uses modern equipments. Greek Scholars came to Gondi Sapur. P. P: 226-31. In this system diseases are believed to be due to imbalance in the vital force and it's component parts, and stimulating certain points in the body either located in meridians or out of the channels (extra points) cause harmony and balance of Qi and therefore the cure. I ; PP: 1370-74. An oral drop was prepared and different tests (qualitative, quantitative, microbiologic, and stability tests) were carried out on this formulation, and finally the drug was tried clinically. Pizza, N. Tomassi, Planta Medica, 1997,63,326-8 3) A. Thrapies like hydro therapy, according to mitra Zarvan doctrine wate conuted as a sacret subestance in iranian traditianal medicine, water acts a high role for therapy. Kiefer and g.n. Clinical Trial Updates. The Latest Updates (posted July 5, 2016) Company Submits NDA to FDA for Melanoma Treatment Array BioPharma in late June announced the Second, dietary intake and work-related physical activity were not assessed in our study. Oil of pepperment used for antiseptic agent. We know that the source of all sciences is through divine wisdom and that is called supenature. The names of the most plants and disease terminology have been changed during long period of time for example: the plant which Dioscorid and Rhazes named it &quot;satratiotes&quot; and other ancient physicians called it &quot;zu alf waraqah&quot; &quot;hezar barg&quot; &quot;hazanbol&quot; its scientific name is &quot; Achillea millefolium L.&quot; whereas nowadays called &quot;bumadaran&quot; which is an old name for &quot; Achillea santolina&quot;. Textbook of Respiratory Medicine, Philadelphia, Saunders, 1994, Vol. Della Loggia, R. The history of Iranian medicine, Vol. Come here! Lnamul Haq. Medicinal Plants. Some oils are claimed to be adaptogene include Geranium. Dhobal, B. C. O. Box: 14155/6451 Tehran IRAN Artemisia Sieberi from Compositae Family is cultivated in desert area in Iran in order to prevent sand invasion to populated area. One can see that through out the history of Islamic civilization, the religion and factional tendencies did not have a great impact on the development of experimental sciences as did the precept of doctrine. Qanone amoli 6. Khovarism shafae Aakheraf 3. It implements a strong pressure on the collectors, which are tempted to include other, sympatric species to the collection of a defined pharmaceutical raw material. Moattar F et aI, Cure by Plant, Esfehan, Mashal, 1983. In a manner that, in spite of existing environmental unfavourable conditions and some stresses, mentioned bean bushes reached to yielding phase, ultimately (The aforesaid experiments in previous articles). According to Avesta, Ahor Mazda developed ten thousand herbals. K.); Elmen's reagent (DTNB) (Aldrich, U. Jihad Daneshgahi of Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, IRAN; P. Microbiology, Faculty of Vet. The strength, of mother tincture warries but first potency is mixture of one part of mother tincture &amp; 9 part of methyl alcohol or saccharum lactose, in cases of solid substance. One drop of the latex of the Calotropic pro cera was applied on the middle portion of the big toe-nail of the same side as the inflamed eye once a day for 3 days. On exposure to lindane for a long period, it will produce a liver tumor. Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, The Aga Khan University Karachi- 74800, Pakistan. TENS, acupuncture and others. Despite the fact, there is enormous contribution of traditional practices in the modern medicine, practitioners of the two systems still keep distance. Although the high incidence of tuberculosis in Europe and other countries is clearly resulted from the lack of therapeutic method, mainly cupping(Hejamat) &amp; phlebotomy. This herb grows at the foot of mountains in north western of Iran. Dried extract was redissolved in normal salin to give 185 mg/ml solution. Matricharia chamomilla and thymus vulgaris have been used for treatment of different disorders particularly inflammatory and infection diseases(I-2). Tan,G,Pezzuto,J,Kinghorn,A. Two major groups of them are hydrolysable and condensed tannins. Percussion was an important physical exam for diagnosis. Ayurvedic formulations are used to treat a wide variety of diseases including Diabetes Mellitus Standardization of Herbal Formulation is Essential in order to Finding who are expert in TM. Tokyo and Newyork. A rich spread of natural flora and precious, medical herbs of forests, mountains, mountain sides, and green, thriving plains of various districts of Kurdistan which is a rare and God-given blessing, can change the economic precise programming. Conclusions. Before venipunctures in case group used of therapeutic touch during 10 minutes, in placebo group used of speech and behavioural suggestion during 10 minutes and for control group didn't use any manipulation, except presence of investigator, in that same time. Between numberical density related to blood vessel region of no. Sample sizes were estimated to meet generally recommended requirements for precision in a complex survey design.10 All calculations were weighted to represent the total population of Chinese adults (20 years of age or older) on the basis of Chinese population data from 2006 and the study sampling scheme, and were corrected for several features of the survey, including oversampling for female and urban residents, nonresponse, highly developed economic regions, and other demographic or geographic differences between the sample and the total population. This genus have 380 species. Of all the cases, 81.6% had recieved prior medication, only 18.3% of the letter reported improvement with medication. Proanthocyanidins was topically effective in inhibition of skin tumors of mice. We charted the analgesia which had used for all patient (both in case &amp; control). PULSE AND SPHYGMOLOGY Hossein Ebrahimian, Naser Moafi, Mohammad Ashrafnohegar, Behnaz Hamzepour, Laya Lazemi, Mahin Pirayesh Tehran, The Clinic of Hakim M'omen Tabrizi's Company. W. Eggiestone, &quot; Effect of Dental Amalgam and Nickle Alloys on T-Lymphocytes: Preliminary Report,&quot; Journal of Prothetic Dentistry, May,1984,617-623 6-Richard D. Finally they were washed with isopropyl alcohol and dried at room temperature. Fa1effieh, Medical Ethics, Tehrdn, Teymourzadeh Publication, 1997. Khairabadi M. Dental treatment may profoundly affect one's systemic health and vis versa. M. S. COLLEGE,JAIPUR, INDIA Spirulina fusiformes is a cyanobacterium belonging to the family oscillatoriaceae. COMPARISON OF CLINICAL EFFECT OF ANTIMIGRAINE DROP WITH PROPRANOLOL IN DECREASE OFSEVERITY AND FREQUENCY ATTACKS OF MIGRAINE HEADACHE A. Bantom Books. C. « Essentials of Medical- Surgical Nursing&quot;. WHO has recommended the interested governments to give &quot;adequate attention to the utilization of their traditional medical systems with appropriate regulations as suited for their national health systems&quot;. J. Biosciences, silver jublies 4 1985, Vol 7(2): 215-221 2. Fish glue could be used as an alternative substitute binder in pharmaceutical and food industries. Migraine is Current headache in all of the world, espicially in Iran, Occuring in 12 to 15 percent People, which is suffering Form that. In all of the methods of antihypoxic effects studies, aqueous and methanolic extracts of garlic showed protective effects which were dose dependent. Glass vessels for keeping medicine and chemical materials. According to physics, in the subatomic level any particle including the DNA is constructed from 4 fields named as the electromagnetic, gravity, strong force and weak force fields. The koran, surae Baghared Ayeh no 183. H. Jaffari1, R. The above-mentioned remedy is supplied and fortified in a special manner, that is implied in other articles. Norlignan glucosides endowed with the cathecol moiety have shown biological activity, different in potency and efficacy, related to the structurally similar adrenaline, however pilosidine was the most active, thus allowing to envisage a structure-activity relationship.
August 23-24, 1999. Louise O'Connor. 11, November 2008 Medicinal plants play an important Homeopathic Remedies in prenatal care. This article try to establish relationship between old modern medicine, ends. The medicine are also can be dispensed in water by adding few drops of liquid in half glass of water and administered in bed side. In sphygmology we should understand some motions. On the contrary, it's superstitious aspect has declined thus emerging it's scientific value. Piacenta, C. Primary tests suggest the presence of some amine structures in mentioned fractions. She had to use the artificial tear. Hydrolysable tannins have two main basic structures: ellagitannins and gallitannins. Palazzino G.; Ga/effi C, Federici E, Delle Monache F, Cometa M. References: 1)Elgod Serial, Medical history of Iran. Agrewala, IN. Considering the high incidence of hyperlipidemic in society and related therapeutic problem, we intended to study hypolipidemic effect of Brewers' yeast tablets. Sadr al-Din Shirazi, &quot; Al-Tassavur waI-Tasdigh&quot;, Translated into Persian and commented by Dr. So we must use these with care. Avicenna describe, in Cardiac Drugs, the most important terminology of Islamic medicine and pharmacy and explained 63 simple drugs monographs. O. Box: 29300, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates In the recent years with ever-growing commercialization in the field of herbal medicines, there has been an instant demand for Quality Control or Standardization of drugs used in traditional system of medicine. EVALUATION OF THE IMMUNOMODULATORY EFFECTS OF FIVE HERBAL PLANTS 2 Zahra Amirghofran1, Mohammed Azadbakht, Mohammed H. Field researches from 1976 up to now for 24 years, place: Kurdish towns and villages. Glucose kinase M.1, Tschukurow A, Arends W, Heid R, Kaltunowa S.5 1 2 3 4 Hamburg, Germany, Duschanbe, Tatschikistan, Munich, Germany, Graz, Austria, 5 Koktschetau, Kasachstan (GUS) In a time of world-wide health crises with steadily growing numbers of chronically sick people the reflection on handed down traditional healing is growing. A.t. 0.5 gikg in primary response a significant decrease in anti-HD titer was found. Dehghani, M. To necessity the attention the herbal medicine in this research, medical effects of valeriana officinalis on the reserpinated rats were evaluated. First Temperament: produced from the intermixture and interaction of the elements(i.e. They considered life in the form of invisible and indeterminate equations and human is introduced as a part of a cosmic dynamic system. What is the History of abortion? Ind. Pharm.; 19(1&amp;2): 143-194; 1993. Besides other authentic documents of the Unani system of medicine there are more or less 81- pharmacological classes of such pharmaceutical formulations described in only one published representative document of this alternative system of medicine3. Cholinergic system attenuate in Alzheimer's disease. There were many patients with different diseases whose paraclinical tests and lab datas were attached to their files. R. The Academy of Medical Sciences of Iran Sayed Isamail Jorjani, the most outstanding physician of Iranian history of Islamic Medicine, was born in Gorgan (434, Hej = 1042/3, A. Dr. Mahmood Najmabadi 3- An Illustrated History of Medicine. Highest activity in enhancement was noticed with Streptococcus viridance and Streptococcus -pneumoniae, lowest with Staphylococcus aureus. K, Ali, B. H, Padmanabhan, R.(1997) Reprod Toxicol. Experiments showed well stability of the cream. Nearly half of Urumieyeh population lives in rural districts and their economy is based on animal husbandry and agriculture. Acupuncture is a simple, appropriate and effective method in the treatment of peripheral facial paralysis. The study on carmint was taken place in Bojnord maternity hospitals on 50 mothers that was devided in tow experimental and control groups. Zhu xy- Yu hy,Immunosuppressive effect of cultured Cordyceps sinensis on CMI ( cellular immune response), Chung. XI 11th International Congress of Pharmacology, July 26-31, Munich. A.; Hematology principles and procedures, Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, pp. Zaim Kohan H.

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