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Tab -al -Akbar The normal concentation of some elements in human blood. Avicenna describe, in Cardiac Drugs, the most important terminology of Islamic medicine and pharmacy and explained 63 simple drugs monographs. Note: No dosage was given in the abstract however when referenced in another study it was said to be 999 mg. IN THIS ANIMAL STUDY SEAPROSE S WAS SHOWN TO HAVE ANTI-INFLAMMATORY ACTIVITY. Therefore, second hypothesis in this research based on " School age children's anxiety in case group after therapeutic touch decrease in compare with placebo group" is accepted. Furher readings: 1- Safizadeh, Faroogh (1996) sepand book translation, Iran Jaam PP 248,352,461 2-Faramandpoor, Salar (1997), Humopathy, Ghonghos, Tehran PP 64,87 3- Naseri, Mas ood (1997) one quantum, mysticisim and rhrapy, Eshraghiyeh Tehran P.263 4- Khodabakhshi, Sohran (1998), medicine in Iran ancient, Frawahr, Tehran P.66 5- Kent J. Level of V AS in the groups with severe and mild to moderate mausea and vomiting was not significantly different in the first and second days of admission. They can 5 3 2 be considered as norlignans generated by the coupling of two Ph-C3 units (cinnamic acid and cinnamyl alcohol), in position ß- ' and -ß ', respectively, with the loss of the terminal carbon atom of the side chain. A VIEWPOINT ON THE TERM " ISLAMIC MEDICINE" l Hosseinali Tabandeh, Shahram Pazouki 2 1 School of Pharmacy, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, P. The Art of Aromatherapy, Crescent books,Newyork,1998. Use of some points in the ear like ear shenman and points on Ren & Du channel for sexual dysfunction and points from heart & pericardium channels are more sedating & tranquilizing. He has left behind many writings and articles, which shows that he was an avid writer. There we give a brief description of the causes for haemorrhoid With some therapeutic measures which are based on traditional medicine Methods. In different studies, the extract and the essence of this herb have also showen to have strong antispasmodic effects(3). Hartung, A, skin-whitening cosmetic cqntaining Aloesin or its estres JAP. Moskowitz, Richard. The name Ayurveda derives from two Indian words: ayur meaning life and veda meaning knowledge or science. Barnes, J; Aromatherapy, Pharmaceutical. Approbation of estimated price by the Legal Marking Commission. Tolerability was good; no serious adverse effects occurred. SUBJECTS WITH PAINFUL KNEES SHOWED SIGNIFICANT IMPROVEMENT WITH TWO MONTHS OF THERAPY ON BOSWELLIA. EFFECT OF ACCUPANCTURE ON POINT PE6 ON EMESIS OF FIRST GESTATIONAL TRMESTER Niromanesh. Oral adminstration of P.o. Privacy Policy That was the reason behind Europe's failure to achieve major improvements and achievements for this continent. Nicotine is soluble in lipid and absorbed through skin. Arzneimittelforschung. The results show antihyperglycaemic effects of R. Jin shin do acupressure is highly effective in helping relieve tension and fatigue, stress -related head aches and gastero -intestinal problems, back and shoulder pain, eye strain, menstrual/ menopausal imbalance, sinus pain and allergies. Come here. In 2006, revenues of prescription drugs topped $643 BILLION (yes, with a B) dollars.. The symptoms were the two -sided petose, accompanying the dried cornea. References 1- World Bank, Tech. He discovered that when the body was reacting to pain, the bodies of younger adults responded by flooding the painful area with something called "proteolytic enzymes". The most common method used by armotherapists for the application of essential oils is massage. Richard Maurer and Harry Day, " The Non-Essentially of Fluorine in Nutrition," Journal of Nutrition, 62,1957, 561-573. More recently, curculigine, (1R,2R) 1,5-bis(3,4-dihydroxy Phenyl)-1-hydroxy-2-O-ß -Dgloucopyranosyl-pentan-5-one. Jan;24(1):20-5. P, Dale M. M, Pharmacology In: Control of Lipoprotein Metabolism, 2nd edn, Churchill Living Stone Co, pp369-376.1991. Migraine is Current headache in all of the world, espicially in Iran, Occuring in 12 to 15 percent People, which is suffering Form that. Seaprose S caused no adverse reactions. In order to investigate the effects of 10% Garlic ointement on dermatophytosis, an investigation was performed during 6 months on Patients who admited to Razi hospital. References: 1- Anderson R. Department of Pharmacognosy and Traditional Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, Shahid Beheshty University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, P. Adverse drug reactions are the 4th leading cause of death in the United States.. Your product has given me a whole new life of PAIN FREE. In order to identify the standard species of melssia, different tests such as: Macroscopy, Microscopy and phytochemical testes were carried-out (2). The results obtained indicated a desired stability and quality of the product.

The chloroform layer showed a dosedependent and significant activity. Which facilitate the use of this new formulated medicinal plants in modem medicine. I just wanted to tell you guys at the Healthy Back Institute® what a great product you have in this Heal-n-Soothe®. O. Box: 14155-6153,Iran. Rustaiyan, M. METHODS: flat-faced tablets, containing 320 mg dried Brewers' yeast, 2 mg Niacin, 0.18 mg Vitamin B2 and 0.13 mg Vitamin B1. He insist on jadg homeopathy according to its results. Levin, E. D.; simon, B. However, about etiologies of many other illnesses (diseases for them acquired causes are suggested) including essential hypertension, diabetes mellitus type two, gout, asthma, nephrotic syndrome, all of diseases in them autoimmunity phenomenon is suggested (ie. Study design of the research was experimental. Please keep sending every month. During the research 20 patients were selected in case group, through accidental and accessible sampling, which the characters of samples were matched in three groups (e.g. Some of them are studied more, effective components are recognized, their doses are measured and their clinical test are done. Two females were placed with one male in a cage. Homeopath treats the subjects with constitutional remedies. I wish I had known about Enzyme therapy sooner. IL-8. Migration to the bacterial peptide analog fMLP was unaffected, indicating that bromelain does not induce a global defect in leukocyte migration. A, Hosseini Z, Ray A. All the seeds were cultivated in the containers having enough soil. Refereces: 1. In the variables of vomiting (p=0.1453), listlessness (p=0.3573), diarrhea (p=0.9011), headache (p=0.5071), nervousness (p=0.4704) and faint (P=0.85) no significant difference could be seen in the therapy groups compared to placebo group. Sterile paper discs were smeard by Miswak toothpaste and inhibition zone diameters was determined. I. P. injection of P.o. Nearly half of Urumieyeh population lives in rural districts and their economy is based on animal husbandry and agriculture. Mirhaidar,H,1996,Plant sciences, Daftar nashr farhang slami,Tehran Iran. ANTITUMOUR ACTIVITY OF LAPACHOL ISOLATED FROM ZIZYPHUS NUMMULARIA AS ADJUVANT FOR RADIATION THERAPY 1 2 C. Indeed today many, if not most, pharmacological classes of drugs include a natural product prototype. Huang TH, Tran VH, Duke RK, Tan S, Chrubasik S, Roufogalis BD, Duke CC. ompanies. Agrewala, IN. The results idicated that nicotine increases step-through latency into the shock comparatment. S. Hahneman, who was a true physician and established homoeopathy. Cucumber has been known to possess tonic, freshening, softening, moisturizing, cleansing and coolant properties. We suggest that chronic subclinical inflammation is part of IRS. References: 1) Dr. Undoubtedly if necessary, all of the experiments and alikes, are repeatable in proper centres with presence of competent supervisors. ACUTE TOXICITY STUDY OF ARTEMISIA ESSENTIAL OIL (AEO) IN THE FEMALE RATS S N Ostad, F Borbor Dept. Present study shows the Withania coagulans can decrease development of morphine dependence. The action of this drug on the viscoelasticity of bronchial mucus was assessed in a double-blind vs placebo study with 20 randomly balanced chronic bronchitis patients using a new kind of portable rheometer with special features designed for routine bronchial mucus analysis in clinical practice at the patient's bedside. The results indicated that the prepared drugs were significantly effective in the treatment of anorectal diseases. ZAKIllREH KHARAZMSHAHI Moharreri M. From this point of view, one of the best things that we can do to change "dysfunctional patterns" in subtle bodies is to prescribe "remedies with specific frequencies". Then the mice were killed and the spleens were prepared for high power field investigation of their spleen sections. Singh RK, Rai D, Yadav D, Bhargava A, Balzarini J, De Clercq E. The scientific and pharmacological properties of honey and it's therapeutic uses proved are anti-diarrhoeal, Antibacterial, Antifungal, Anti-inflammatory, Anti-tussive, Expectorant, A nutritional and promoter of wound healing. Mahlon H, Delp M, Robver t: Major's physical diagnosis; London, churchillted, 1990, p.789. A. 1; Rezaei Mokarram, R.2 1 School of Pharmacy, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, P. Tinnitus is not a nowadays symptom but the number of tinnitus sufferers has increased in the recent decades because of industrial revolution, war associated acoustic trauma, increased use of ototoxic drugs and so on. Glotter Ervin; Steroidal constituents ofphyslis Minima(Solanaceae); 1975;. Corroborating the improvements in pain scores in treatment groups, we also noted significant reduction in synovial fluid matrix metalloproteinase-3. IBN -HINDU'S VIEW ON PRINCIPLES OF MEDICAL SCIENCE Hussain Rezai Mashhad -Rahnamay Avenue 7; No. Translated by: Rajabniya. In chronic diseases where the pathological and physical symptoms are marked, we use lower potencies 30th and under, in mental diseases and those with characteristic symptoms, we use higher potencies 30th and above. Table shows a significant relation between the results of treatment and the type of drug A significant difference was noticed between Tussivin and placebo with regards to the treatment of acute cough (P. Ashford, Janet '" Trends in world ~ Mortality", child birth Alternative quaterly, Fall 1986. Causal body. Further, BSAE (30 μg dwt/mL) and BSWE (300 μg dwt/mL) attenuated ≥ 60% of H(2)O(2) mediated ROS generation in THP-1 cells. Many modalities of treatment are available but none is satisfactory. Addition of vitamin E increased LDL vitamin E levels nearly 2.5-fold, and this decreased LDL oxidation 30-40%. Diabetes was induced by IV injection (35 mg/kg) of streptozotocin in adult male rats. It's also what scar tissue and scabs are made of. They are found in vascular plants and woody tissues of angiospeffi1s in high qualities. In this research work valuable books like, Osoule Kafi, Foroue Kafi, and the other books such as Kotobe Arbaeh, Vasaeloshieh, Tebolaemeh, Ghorbolesnad, AI-Ayoun, Makaremolakhlagh, Mahasen Barghi, Khesale Sadough, AI-Ferdows, AI-Daaemoleslam, Mostadrakolvasael, Safinatolbehar, Jamee Ahadith Shieh, Fosoulolmohemeh, Fi Marefatolaemeh, Alrahmah Fi Tebb and Hekmah were studied and thus several hadith (narrations) on the pharmaceutical plants and their characteristics and properties were extracted. Effects of lycopene on T-cell differentiation thymus and alteration of CD4/CD8 proprtion in normally mice tumors. Results indicated that the extract of cherry tail did not have a significant effect on urinary output or Na+ excretion as compared with control, but it could cause a significant increase in K+ excretion in 800mg/kg (p<0.05) and 1000mg/kg (p< O. There is only one needle between patient and doctor and just transfer of energy. T: 2144131-3 Application spiritual and psychology approaches for treatment are very important medicine at the present time one type of above mentioned approaches is pray therapy which connects spiritually patient to god. The duration of the application was determined by the nature and severity of the lesion, and varied between one and three weeks. Groups of mice injected by levamisol (1 mg/kg) and sailine were used as positive and negative controls respectively. The four major groups are: 1- Toothbrush 2- Tooth-picking 3-Rinsing the mouth with water 4-Useful directions The collection in fact show the Innocents efforts in observing all health and preventive directions by the community. Arthritis Res Ther. Methods: Microbial and fungal contaminations should be eliminated preferably before production starts. H. Jaffari1, R. M.1, Tschukurow A, Arends W, Heid R, Kaltunowa S.5 1 2 3 4 Hamburg, Germany, Duschanbe, Tatschikistan, Munich, Germany, Graz, Austria, 5 Koktschetau, Kasachstan (GUS) In a time of world-wide health crises with steadily growing numbers of chronically sick people the reflection on handed down traditional healing is growing. Then ask him the needs, and the treatment of pains of the helpless people; the rescue path for embarrassed ones; the cure of the incurable illnesses and your own wills by invocation of GOD. This problem can be overcome to some extent by applying different enhancement methods of which one is application of chemical penetration enhancers. Nevertheless, their mucoadhesive strength was less than that of C934 tablets. G, The functional role of CD+ T helper type 2 cells, The journal of Experimental Medicin, Jan. Excited by his amazing discovery, he narrowed it down even further and discovered that beginning around age 27 the amount of proteolytic enzymes in your body begins to diminish. trace elements and organic constituents in Trikatu; an Ayurvedic formulation. Essential Elements in Nutrient Supplements Used as Antidiabetic Herbal Avicena, Cannon, in medicin Vol. Sargasso Zadeh A, Medicinal Plants, University of Tehran Publishing and Typing Co, Tehran, Vol 1, PP 587-607. Fumaria, bladon, hyoscyamous nigra mountain onion, Anturn, orange, flibert walnut, strawberry. It has been shown that these material can increase the permeation of different classes of hydrophilic and lipophilic drugs (e.g, nicotine, fluorouracil, oestradiol,..) through human and animal skin (1). Institutes in 30 countries, all show that TM and TM Siddhi have positive effects on creativity, IQ, memory, Concentration, Learning, Ability and reduces HTN, improves cardiovascular diseases, Asthma. Infertility signs and symptoms. Behshad Far Toliddaru r&d Center, Azari, Saveh rd. At the experimental group number of fibroblasts at the 4th day and tensile strength at the 7t h day were higher significantly (P<0.05) than control group and number of neutrophils at the 4th day were lower significantlythan control group (P<0.01). Howeizeh, H. Ahuja A. A, Khar R. J Lipid Res. Relaxant effects of Ruta extract on aortic strip was studied at concentrations 0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/ml after induction of tissue contraction with either noradrenaline (20 ng/ml) or 5-HT (640 ng/ml). On the other hand, other effects of this disease is also treatable by herbal drugs without side effects, and causing morbidity of the patients. GOOD prostaglandin come in and get rid of the pain. The gouranty of healthy living feasilde by natural forces equilibrium relationship with human. Cellular and Molecular Biology Division, Laila Impex R& D Center, Jawahar Autonagar, Vijayawada, India. Lawson, L. D, Wang, Z. Referencse: 1. Safety evaluation studies indicate that both turmeric and curcumin are well tolerated at a very high dose without any toxic effects. K, Ali, B. H, Padmanabhan, R.(1997) Reprod Toxicol. Textbook of Respiratory Medicine, Philadelphia, Saunders, 1994, Vol. The Islamic Council Parliament Library, sec 274.4 5-Razzi, Zakaria. Apoth Ztg, Nov. This review summarizes the most interesting in vitro and in vivo studies on the biological effects of curcumin. R. Moghimi, A.

Antidiabetic herbal formulation principles essential to a secure

Implications for Management, Weed Ecology,2nd ed,316- 7. EFFECT OF BREWERS' YEAST ON SERUM LEVEL OF GLUCOSE, IN DIABETIC PATIENTS. Histology Laboratory, College of Science, Ferdowsi University, Mashhad, IRAN The application of Curcuma Longa has a significant importance in traditional medicine of Eastern Asia. Radhakrishnan, M. Now, if we practice on this old medicine a composition of this medicine and chemical medicine will occure, and in four stages: 1- To teach people by media and press and T. Then the extract was concentrared and the weight of dried extract was determined and dissolved in normal saline to produce desired concentration. In this subgroups animals were treated continuously for 15 days before irradiation. Method: Emulsions containing peppermint oil (as a model) with oil/gelatin phase ratios 1: 1; 1: 2.5 and 1:5 were prepared using a membrane emulsification technique. Some examples. Fifteen percent of the cases reported a transient cutaneous rash. Flower of babone(Anthemis nobilis L. A. Capasso, s. Petals of Crocus sativus are rich in flavonoids and anthocyanines. It showed, that Avicenna is the first physician who had used Aroma-Therapy for treatment of cardiac diseases. The constituents of the essential oil of Matricaria chamomilla were investigated by GC and GC-Mass. W.: sexual cycles in: Reproduction and Breeding Techniques for laboratory animals, E. O. Box: 81465/767. As a result, even at this age of highly advanced allopathic medicine, a large majority (75-80%) of the population of this country, particularly in the rural and semi-urban areas, still prefer to use traditional medicine in the treatment of most of their diseases even though modern medical facilities may be available in the neighbourhood. Selenium accompanied with vitamin E had a basic role in prevention of oxidation of unsaturated fatty Acids and is preventing the skin cancer. P.; Guru, P. Although mechanism of plant action to inhibit or decrease abstinence syndrome in dependent mice is unclear. The role of plant Alkolides like vincristin, vin blastin is clear and can prevent the gathering oftobulin dimers into the micro-tobol, therefore prevents of forming the mitotic distaff. He is honest and when unsuccessful in treating patients, he writes about that. Protection of LDL by vitamin E but not by beta-carotene. Inhibition of phosphorylation of cPLA(2), the activation process of this enzyme, rather than direct inhibition of cPLA(2) activity appears to be involved in the effect of curcumin. Moosavi, M. Pesyan School of dental medicine, school of pharmacy, Tehran Med. In attention of foreign references some of these plants are used in traditional medicine of another countries(3,4). Most of these diseases have psychological or psychosomatic origins and are cured by traditional therapists. This plant was collected while having completed flowers, from the province of Semnan (after 4 kilometers in a road leading from Shahmirzad to Chashm). The spleen weights were also increased. Each individual is a separate entity and it is the individual that has tobe treated and not the cause. The study of simple drugs which are mentioned by Avicennas' s Cardiac Drugs showed that 73%, 17.5% and 25% of drugs have vegetable, animal and mineral origin respectively. Tschirch, Handbuch der pharmacognosy, 1st ed. On this matter Some of doctors assume that this tendency toward traditional medicine is a base stream in history of medicine, some others assume that this is a pseudostream, originated from economical and scientifically poverty, and the need to obtain Identity in some developing societies or is assumed as insignificant event. O. Box 51664 Microcapsules developed for use in medicine consist of a solid or liquid core material containing one or more drugs enclosed within a coating. It is truly holistic and takes into account all aspects of life, mind, body, behavior and environment, trough its 20 approaches. There was a 36% reduction in the rate of decline among persons in the highest quintile of total vitamin E intake (-4.3 x 10-2 standardized units per year) compared with those in the lowest quintile (-6.7 x 10-2 standardized units per year) (P =. For study of being any hypoglycemic activity of the plant at the first plant was gathered, identified and scientifically named. The word " Ayurveda" means literally the knowledge or science(Veda) of life(ayu). Laboratoires Arkopharma, Carros, France. THE EFFECT OF ACUPUNCTURE ON POST OPERATIVE PAIN Hevdarnia M.; Mohammadiyan F Faculty of Medicine, Shaheed Beheshti Medical Sciences University, Tehran In this research we evaluate the effect of acupuncture on postoperative pain in 50 patient who had surgeried in Emam Hosein and Logman hospital. Scientific research exploring the benefit of various medicinal plants credited with antidiabetic properties, have been reported. Today thank to the cooperation of the laboratory of the Atomic Energy organization, we can check & estimate the level of these elements for special diseases like MS (kheder), Alopecia (total & areata), ALS, and some sorts of cancer and treat them in the clinic of Hakim M'omen Tabrizi's company. Hoofarighoon". LD50 of AEO is 1532 mg/kg which is classified as slightly toxic compound. In conclusion; The results obtained from this study indicates that effects of C.m. Patients were male and 17 were female. P. O. BOX:489 Nowshahr_Mazandaran_Iran Mazandaran province has suitable ecological and edaphic conditions, which made it rich on flora, forests, cultures.peoples who lives in mountainous regions of mazandaran breaths fresh air and fresh foods, but, environmental stress forced them to cure themselves.nature the bigest pharmacy was near them.most of medicinal plants had been used in their traditional forms of dry, fresh parts of plants or infusion, decoction, poultice etc.these medicinal plants and their traditional uses were studied as a part of a national research project on medicinal plants in mazandaran.traditional thoughts were recorded in a form on a face to face coversation.the discribed plants were collected from nature then their scientific name were identificated.the collected informations on uses of medicinal plants were checked by known literature.below are scientific names of some of them: Echium amoenum Fisch et Mey. I figured up that over the last 31 years (I'm 38 now), I've had a total of 14 surgeries---6 of them knee surgeries and 1 foot surgery---plus a broken pelvis and sprained SI joint from a past car accident. Reynold, E. F. It is also clear that, human beings after their long efforts aimed at achieving this desire, has put an end to his or her aspirations and contented himself or herself with securing people's heath and safety. Ultram.. or Vicodin.. Pregnant females were sacrificed on early day 18th of gestation. In continuation of our pharmacological screening programme of the medicinal plants of U A. C.) Foruhi. All No:4, sixth. M.; Mc Closkey, Joann. Quality control tests, including preservative effectiveness, microbial limit, measurement of pH and viscosity, temperature cycling, evaluation of the appearance and UV spectrophotometry, were performed in order to evaluate the quality and stability of the final formulation. In the first step, thecucumber extract was prepared by the method of compression and standardized using UV spectrophotometric technique. Gastro-Intestinal Disease, Cecil Textbook of medicine, W. CRC Hand book of medicinal herbs (1989). J. Immunol. Vol. But there is need for much more scrutiny in this field. Pelt J.-M. (1997) Plantes en peril. Ellen Ruppel Shell, " The New Flap Over Fluoride," American Health, October, 1984, 60-63. Requital medicine including both protection and treatment in this paper two above mentioned properties and its eppects on society discusses. In all of the instances the case groups plants of receiving H. Still Av's experts felt that A V was not what it once had been. References: [1] Middleton R, New evidence of garlic's benefit in CVD prevention. McGaugh J. L, Introini-Collison L. Unfortunately the plant is not very familiar in our country. W, Treatment of Melasma, int J of dermatol 1998; 37; 897. The relaxant effect observed in atropinized preparation was dose dependent (3-5 mg/ml) and was also seen when the preparation were challenged with high K+ (50 mM), suggesting calcium channel blocking (CCB) activity. When temperature riched to 70o C, then aquose phase will be added to oily phase. Bhatia, M. D. Herb book 1947. New aspects in this definition: 1. To determine the effectiveness of herbal medicine for non-specific low-back pain. Anto RJ, et al (1996) noted anticarcinogenic and antimutagenic activities of curcuminoids. The second period was studded with major figures in the fields of Physiology, Pharmacology and Pharmacy. The purpose of this article is to introduce and describe literature on 2 natural compounds, namely, proanthocyanidin (PCO) and quercetin, which are 2 specific types of bioflavonoids, and to discuss their potential benefits in treating musculoskeletal conditions. TRADITIONAL MEDICINE IN DIFFERENT NATIONS Mohammad Taghi Sarmadi Sarmadi Publications -Sayeh Bldg, opposite Mellat Parc, Vali Asr Ave,P. The materialist people hardly accept his (her) illness but religious men in spite of continuing his (her) illness expect c uring by god. But together, they work synergistically to quickly reduce inflammation and pain. THE EFFECT OF PLANTAGO OVATA ON CELLULAR IMMUNITY 1 2 1 1 Kazemi ForouzF, RezaeipourR, Shafaghi 1 B, Ayatollahi A, KamalinejadM. Deutsche Zeitschrift Für Sportmedizin. Efficacy and tolerance of Harpagophytum procumbens versus diacerhein in treatment of osteoarthritis. Ga uptakes in EST and kidney were much higher than other tissues, and these tissues also contained large amounts of HS. This could very impressively be documented with the help of diagnostic (ECG, Sonography, Laboratory Findings). Rational Phytotherapy, Springer, NEW YORK, 1998. Shiraz Faculty of Science. References: I)Fagan -Johannes, Hirsh-E: Facial Nerve Paralysis, Initial evaluation and management, Emergency Medicine, oct,5270,1997 2)Xiaoqun-Ren: A survey of Acupuncture Treatment for Peripheral Facial Paralysis, Journal of Traditional Chinesemedicine14 (2),139-146,1994 3) Shuhuai-He: Review on Acupuncture Treatment of Peripheral Facial Paralysis during past decade, Journal of Traditional Chinese medicine, 15(1), 63-67,1995 4)Stux-G, Pomeranz-B : Basic of Acupuncture, 3Th revised and enlarged E dition, springer -verlag 61-2461995 5)Stux-G, Pomeranz B: Acupuncture Text book and Atlas Espringer. They are inhibitors of the nuclear transcription factor NFkappaB. Of immonomodulatory effects of five herbal plants J. Rozaneh Pablihing Co, 1997. School of pharmacy, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran. The spectroscopy method was carried out to measure the allicin based on the reaction of the remained cystein (from the allicin-cystein reaction) with the Elman's reagent. J Inflamm (Lond). Hydroalchoholic extract was provided separately but ethanol and water extracts were prepared sequentially. Formulation B was prepared by physical mixing of garlic powder and âCyclodextrin and used to immobilize the active ingredients. If chronic inflammatory changes are a common feature of depression, this could predispose depressed patients to neurodegenerative changes in later life. A highly significant clinical efficacy was achieved with a monotherapy of Harpagophytum dry extract LI 174 after four weeks' treatment at a dosage of 2x480 mg/day in cases of slight to moderate muscular pain. Department of Gastroenterology, Imlam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Science, Tehran2,3Research and Development Unit, Barij Essence Company, Kashan, Iran 4 Kashan University of Medical Science, Kashan Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is the commonest disease of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) in clinical medicine. For example, many of the medicinal plants were analyzed by Iranian and their finding were sent to Greek and Rome, these includes: Ferula assafoetida L./ Cuminum cyminum L, Trachyspermum copticum (L.) Link. This stuff ROCKS! STUDY OF CLINICAL EFFECT OF ESSENTIAL OIL OF MENTHA IN APHTHOUSIS A. Shiah sects, but a relative affluence of shiah doctors is a clear evidence of their active presence in different areas of sciences for establishment of what is called Islamic civilization. Because if the drug companies added them into their formula.. Jorjani, described most of today's known aspects of neurosis anti somatoform disorders, in the 3rd part of 2nd chapter of the 3rd volume under 6 title as follows. WBC, spleen weight and spleen leukocytes (4). U. M. S, Isfahan 3Dermatology Department, Faculty of Medicine, 4 5 I. Ibn Sins, H, AL-QANOON FIL- TIBB. Chattopadhyay R. The statistical evaluation of all data gave a correlation of r2 = 0.51 between alpha-tocopherol in LDL and the oxidation resistance as measured by the length of the lag-phase preceding the oxidation of LDL. Their information came through spiritual masters from the holy Quran. Body mass index, systolic blood pressure, and S(I) were related to CRP levels in a multivariate linear regression model. Zubairy, Hakim, N, and Saeed, A. The antiinflammatory activity of seaprose-S in different experimental models involving different biochemical mediators of inflammation was investigated. IN THIS ANIMAL STUDY, ORAL ADMINISTRATION OF RUTIN REDUCED SWELLING WITHIN TWO HOURS. Banerjee. Turmeric and curcumin: Biological actions and medicinal applications. BaIba, S,L The votalile oil form fruits of carum copticum at different stages of growth Journal of planta medica, 1973; 312: 23-4. And that's fine - if you're not a fan of living. S. Prasada, R(1971) Antifungal properties of some plant extracts sci. O. Box: 13185-719 Tehran, Iran Generalities: * Herbal Products' Definition: Herbal products are the whole or apart of plants or their crude (or processed) products which have been used for prophilaxy, treatment and health-care of the soul or physiological effects. A. E. Rhazya stricta Decne (fam. Current status of Indian medicinal plants with antidiabetic potential: a Indian medicinal plants with antidiabetic potential herbal formulation, In advanced countries such as United States and Germany, people have refereed to natural products very much. Dept.of Physiology & Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran. In this study, effect of nicotine on consolidation of memory is evaluated by passive avoidance task. Key Words: Valeriana officinalis, Reserpin, Amitriptyline. By CRC Press. Not only that, but I seem to have more energy and generally feel better. These results suggest that the inhibition of the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 and inducible nitric oxide by harpagoside involves suppression of NF-kappaB activation, thereby inhibiting downstream inflammation and subsequent pain event. Oxalis corniculata L. WHY are these pain medications so harmful to your body? Therefore we selected some of medicinal plants from traditional texts that recommended as immunological tonics. The most important part of the matter in Traditional Medicine is the certain treatments to excrete infection from the body. References: 1- Luppold E. Vol. 1. pp. 33-40. Secrets that are not only lining the pockets of "Big Pharma", but also KILLING people just like you as a result. We have some pitfalls in homeopathic pharmacy in Iran because this system still is not given legal recognition and is not thought in medical colleges and pharmaceutical institution, to solve these problems a close cooperation with India, Germany, England is necessary because most genius drugs are prepared in said countries and only in this way we can start teaching homeopathy in our colleges and hospital. Rats of control group drinked tap water. Geologically, muds are divided into volcanic, turbic and clay. Traditional medicine has a divine root. Schools of Medicine and Pharmacy. It's over dose) shortage of selenium creates liver necrosis and muscular disorders. Acconding to Ordibehest Yashab from Avesta book cited: Seek therapy from Asha, seek therapy from Dad and herbi as wall as prayer which aare the most significant rescue agent. Chevalier. A. Moreover, microarray analyses showed that the expression of 23 immunomodulatory genes, classified by gene ontology analysis, was enhanced by the addition of CP extract. Drugs Exp Clin Res. Eppos Riv. Ital. Axire Azame 4. Edition. New york: Saunders. Dialogue of modern and traditional episteme in the domain of medicine has taken different ways. But, each disease is evaluated separately in allopathy and no attention is paid to individual entity. However more research is needed for expanding the range ofthis anticancer drugs. Mofarehul QulubeMephtah teb Indian All omda fe teb 6. Akhavan tafti, M. We conclude that the novel tested phenolic compound -- trans-3,3',5,5'-tetrahydroxy-4'-methoxystilbene isolated from Y. The quality control test, including appearance, content uniformity, hardness, disintegration time, assay and weight variation, were performedon suppositories containing Z. Its antiinflammatory, anticancer and antioxidant roles may be clinically exploited to control rheumatism, carcinogenesis and oxidative stress-related pathogenesis. Each patient was evaluated for pain and physical functions by using the standard tools (visual analog scale, Lequesne's Functional Index, and Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index) at the baseline (day 0), and at days 7, 30, 60 and 90. Feb, 1999; 19 (2) 305-323. However, the efficacy of vitamin E in protecting LDL varied from person to person. Effects of central and peripheral nicotine blockade on human nicotine discrimination. In conclusion, the attempt of these great Iranian -Islamic Scholars to describe the physiology of food absorption, the importance of respiration and its relation to circulation and their studies of the nervous system, laid the foundation for scientific physiology and pharmacology. Study design was experimental. All the extracts except that of leaves produced very significant antibacterial activity on Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Shigella flexneri. Electrophysiol; 1994: 90-102. Rs ever harmlessness. This path moves in parallel with modern medicine and is named alternative medicine. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. After the first intervention, washout was given and then the groups were crossed over to receive the opposite intervention for eight weeks. Strips of rat stomach and segments (2 cm) of guinea-pig ileum were exteriorized, and set up under 1 g of tension in 10 ml organ baths for tension recording using an isometric transducer connected to a Washington recorder. Thus our responsibility is taking off this misunderstanding of ancient medicine. Some young mice maintained on controlled conditions were used. Spontaneous pain showed a significant improvement during the course of the study and there was no difference in the efficacy of the two treatments. He found that 5 out of 11 patients treated with systemic enzymes lived two years or longer and not a single patient of the 129 treated with the drug lived more than 19 months! Fifty-six patients, who were attended the Gastroenterogloy Clinic of the Imam Khomeini Hospital, Tehran, and Kashan university of Medical Science, Kashan, in 1997, were included in the study. Avicenna describes and discusses more than 670 drugs, most of them can still be identified in the various important Pharmacopoeias of the world. Tel: 4111419 Human has tried to have a sound alimentation for centuries, and has used the guidance of the cleestial relegions, Life is continued through food and three case is considered: the best healthy case, the medium healthy case and the worst healthy case. It is also worth mentioning that the preservence of survival system is a key factor to achieve sustainable Developments. W Hill),Seed of Shevid (Anethum graveolens L. Effects of rutin, quercetin and hesperidin on adjuvant arthritis in rat. Effects of seaprose on the rheology of bronchial mucus in patients with chronic bronchitis. Discussion: Currently, no drug has been shown to cure tinnitus. Circ.; 1993: 2632-2645. EVALUATION THE EFFECT OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF CARUM COPTICUM TO REDUCE THE MORPHINE'S WITHDRAWAL SYNDROME SIGNS IN RAT. The pooled absolute risk reduction for the incidence of postoperative nausea, however, indicated a non-significant difference between the ginger and placebo groups for ginger 1 g taken before operation (absolute risk reduction 0.052 (95% confidence interval -0.082 to 0.186)). The beauty of MA V is to Diagnose and treat the disease at the first 3 stages, it means prevention. When Dar-alfonoon School of Medicine established in Tehran the modem Medicine started and gradually developed. EFFECT OF BREWERS' YEAST IN HYPERLIPIDEMIC PATIENTS. She was diagnosed to have eye sjogern and regarding the prinsipals of traditional treatment has been treated. Although the exact chemical structure of all active components of bromelain is not fully determined, this substance has shown distinct pharmacological promise. Anti hyperlipidemic effect of hydroalcoholic extract, and polyphenolic fraction from Dracocephalum kotschyi Boiss. U, Plants of Islamic medicine in the medieval Azerbaijan. The purpose of this work was to understand potential mechanisms for this anti-inflammatory activity. The chemical composition of the essential oil of pepperment has been the subject of many investigation. Effect of Shosikoto on restrained sressed mice, J.- Ethnopharmacol. Physical approach ( including pulse diagnosis / diet / herbal food supplements..) 3- Behavioral approach 4- Environmental approach Results, Discussion and Conclusion: These are the results on my patients who have been treated with AyurVeda. Dadly" called"faranjmoshk" whereas in new books " Melissa officinalis L. Four series of experimental animals received a single dose of extract, 10 gr/kg of body weight in days 7,8,9,10 of gestation control group received salin solution and third group were Intact. Dr. B. Forghani, P. The analgesic effect was determined by formalin and hot plate test. Milk, fennel, conium, Raspberry were instructed in their daily food. The inhibitory effects were observed in both primary and secondry response. R. The Academy of Medical Sciences of Iran Sayed Isamail Jorjani, the most outstanding physician of Iranian history of Islamic Medicine, was born in Gorgan (434, Hej = 1042/3, A. Such a special concentration continues in different Islamic eras by the physicians and Muslim scientists. Controlled study versus serratio-peptidase]. A randomized double blind placebo controlled crossover study was conducted to assess the efficacy, safety and tolerability of Boswellia serrata Extract (BSE) in 30 patients of osteoarthritis of knee, 15 each receiving active drug or placebo for eight weeks. In curing with Unique Remedy, the mentioned instances all will be verified. Whenever we can not prescribed one prescription for overall, but needed to see individual physiology, and should be started treatment by daffiest parameter. BODY'S METALS Hossein Ebrahimian, Naser Moafi, Mohammad Ashrafnohegar, Behnaz Hamzepour, Laya Lazemi, Mahin Pirayesh Tehran,The Clinic of Hakim M'omen Tabrizi's Company. This genus have 380 species. The alkaloid is also active (MIC 99%, <6mg/ml) against Mycobacterium tuberculosis strain H37 Rv. A review on herbal antidiabetic drugs Rakhi Mishra, formulation Ingredients of Quality Control Principles to Herbal Drugs. Int J Phytomed Rats of experimental group continuously drinked kombucha tea duration the 3 above mentioned periods. C, Schafer-Korting M, Klorekon W, Klorekorn G, Martin C. Shahed University, Medical college, Basij Center Drug addiction is destructive misfortune. Planta Med. 66: 93-95. Southon, J. W, Buckingham,. Kashanian M, Darabi M, Akbari H. The phytotherapy, among Kurds, which has scientific justifications consists of: 1) Valuable experiences and findings regarding the recognition of curative herbs and their medical effects in various parts of Kurdistan have been preseved among Kurdish tribes, clans, kinderds and families as an ethnic heritage by word of mouth. Dobb G. J, Edis R. In addition to its activities as an antioxidant, vitamin E is involved in immune function and, as shown primarily by in vitro studies of cells, cell signaling, regulation of gene expression, and other metabolic processes [1]. RESULTS: results of three groups showed that Bran campairing to Psyllium was better and mixture of Bran and Psyllium were better than two another groups. Djorjani,E.: " Zakhireh-e-Kharazmshahi", National literary works association publications, Tehran, 1965. In our previous studies, an immunostimulatory effect of alcoholic extract of matricaria on mixed lymphoclte reaction and PHA-induced lymphocyte proliferation as indicators of cellular immunity has been shown(4). Smart J. D, Kellaway I. Further increase in dose failed to produce further stimulatory effect, rather relaxant effect was seen at 3 mg/ml. Kiefer and g.n. In comparison to percutaneous absorption of other dermatological drugs, these data reveal that curcumin shows good permeability through skin and its onset of action should not be very long when applied topically. Because of skin protection ability of the plant leaves extract against the sunburn it was suggested by the present workers that it may also protect the skin from Gamma Rays due to radiotherapy. Haikim Ebrahimian, Hossein. Glutathione is most concentrated in the liver (10 mM), where the "P450 Phase II" enzymes require it to convert fat-soluble substances into water-soluble GSH conjugates, in order to facilitate their excretion. Hypoxoside, successfully used in phase I trials as an oral pro-drug for cancer therapy and patented as antitumoural and to treat viral infections (reducing the rate of decrease in CD4 lymphocyte counts), active as anaesthetic as well, was isolated, together with obtusides A and B, from Hypoxis obtusa of Mozambique. Nowadays, there are some criticisms on modern medicine. IRAN, Tehran. Tehran, Iran. The disease is found among those people living in humid cities whose diet commonly include milk, date, salt fish and much fruits. The aim of this study was assess the effect of therapeutic touch before venipuncture on school -age children's anxiety. Inflammation has been suggested as a risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis. Ghafari Fajr Hospital, Pyroozi Ave, Tehran, Iran. First, toothpaste bases was formulated by use of diffiernt humectants like as glycerin, propylen glycol, sorbitol and mixtures of them and diffierent abrasives such as calcium carbonate, tricalcium phosphate, silicagel and aerosil was also used. IN THIS ANIMAL STUDY RUTIN REDUCED INFLAMMATION IN THE ACUTE STAGE, BUT WAS MOST ACTIVE AT THE CHRONIC PHASE OF INFLAMMATION. As a serious student of martial arts, my body has taken a beating and no matter how good you are about taking care of yourself, we all have aches and pains. These approaches are categorized in four major groups as following: 1- Mental approach ( including mental and neuromuscular.. A. Javaher-Kalam, VIll P. The opium is as raw material and morphine is one of active components pf this plant. S, body takes 2 times more relaxation then sleep. These findings suggest potential benefits of anti-inflammatory or insulin-sensitizing treatment strategies in healthy individuals with features of IRS. In vivo experiments were performed using male Sprague-Dawley rats and in vitro experiments were performed using articular cartilage explants of pig joints. C. T. Treatment are given daily or twice / week for 5-10 secession and booster secession are arranged per week. In the end of 21 days: With plantago maior, % 75 of subjects were healthy,%20 had first -degree, and % 5 had second -degree wounds. Hyperforin and adhyperforin belonging to phloroglucinole group that have antibacterial effect. Homeopathic Remedies in prenatal care. We have enjoyed Every moment of the Video and Audio and the Emails and also the Further Links - Our heads are Spinning - with glee at the prospect of Help may yet be at hand! Abbas, Kitab-al Meah of Abu Sahl, alHawi of Mohd. THE ACUPUNCTURE RESEARCH PUBLICATION TREND DURING A 4 YEAR PERIOD Ali Dabbagh Anesthesia Department, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences Acupuncture, a branch of traditional Chinese medicine, has been serving human being and still doing its job in the crowded world of today medicine. Rhazes was the first physician to initiate hospital rounds and to make careful observations and diagnoses. Initiated by the Ministry ofHea1th, Govt.

M.oil and also a mixture of both Z. Exp. Bioi. 29(10):971-4, 1991. Fibrotic disease occurs when normal control of this process is compromised and excess fibrous material accumulates in the tissues. A role for inflammation has become well established over the past decade or more in theories describing the atherosclerotic disease process.4,5 From a pathological viewpoint, all stages, ie, initiation, growth, and complication of the atherosclerotic plaque,6,7 might be considered to be an inflammatory response to injury. EMAM ALI'S VIFWS ON MEDICINE HamidReza Jomehzadeh GityPajoohesh Industrial & Scientific Research Group, 3rd Floor, Dr. Tox Letters 2000; III: 199-202. The aqueous extract (5 g/ 1000ml) caused a significant relaxation of 68 ±9% and 52 ± 7% in precontracted guineapig ileum and rat stomach strip by acetylcholine (100 µM), respectively. Results: The Allicin content in the garlic powder was determined. Teniposide and Camptothecin. Medicinal plants can be an objectives for this purpose. These effects is said to be somewhat stronger than NSAIDs; as has been shown in mouse (2). All I can say is a big WOW and thank you.  I have only been taking them for 4 or 5 days, but have noticed an huge difference.  I stopped taking my strong painkillers, Co Codemal (the strongest) and Dihydrocodine, which I was taking every day and the full limit allowed in a day. M. Mosaddegh, R. Some hyrolysable tannins (two of them in Tamarix sp. The left extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscle of anesthetized hamsters was injured using a motorized foot pedal which repeatedly flexed/extended the foot through a range of 125 degrees. Bromelain, an extract from the pineapple plant, has been demonstrated to show anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and may provide a safer alternative or adjunctive treatment for osteoarthritis. C. (1993). Terpenes as skin penetration enhancers. Modern medicine can't secure all the medical requirements of society. G, Atrakchi A, Barry E, Chen C, Du T, Freed L, Geyer H, Goheer A, Jacobs A, Jean D, Rhee H, Osterberg R, Schmidt W, Farrelly J. A 'yan 0 shshiah. Due to Avicena Words hemorrhoid mainly results from bilrary blood or as Taabari Kermany said, the contamination of blood for the disease of lung or it's high occurrence in blood-vessels, weakness or spleen in absorbing concentrated refuses and high residuals in blood or eating defiled foods' may lead to hemorrhoid. Todays, health care providers believe spending money, in preventive disease is cheaper that treating patients, so they arrange lecture course for well being of their customers. No.6, pp 528-32, 1992 3) Xu, Y.; Mand, L.; Chung. Dr. Mahmood Najmabadi 3- An Illustrated History of Medicine. References: 1- Billete J. What are the features of. In the group receiving the test substance, the swelling had decreased by 50% on the third post-operative day, while in the other two control groups (elevation of the leg, bed rest, with and without the application of ice) no reduction in swelling had occurred at that time. The tripeptide thiol glutathione (GSH) has facile electron-donating capacity, linked to its sulfhydryl (―SH) group. The action of two phenolic compounds isolated from the bark of Yucca schidigera: trans-3,3',5,5'-tetrahydroxy-4'-methoxystilbene and its analogue -- resveratrol (trans-3,4',5-trihydroxystilbene, present also in grapes and wine) on oxidative/nitrative stress induced by peroxynitrite (ONOO(-), which is strong physiological oxidant and inflammatory mediator) in human blood platelets was compared. MG HARAGOSIDES WERE USED IN THESE STUDIES AND WORKED BETTER THAN PLACEBO. Of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Tehran University Tannins are polyphenol substances which are derived from accumulation within a moderately sized molecule. E: Afshari pour s.; Shafii K.; Zargarzadeh M. Upon emergence of Islam, prime Iranian physicians like Ebn-e-rabban Tabari, Ali-ibne Abbas-al-Majusi, Rhazes and Avicenna founded the Islamic medical practices. All of the subgroups (Totally, 76 seeds) were cultivated in containers having very little amount of soil, in equal conditions (specially, in the sub-groups of control and case groups, close in weight seeds). Cholinergic system attenuate in Alzheimer's disease. D, Blanc P. D. E. Jafari, H. An aqueous solution was used as the receptor phase. He described morphology of esophagus. Tehran: isma'iliah, islamiah, 1355 -1396 h 5. The increasing duration of the spirulina treatment from 1 to 15 days resulted in better protection and also it was dose dependent. Ethnopharmacol.1992,36(3 ):233-23 7. In approximately most of Iranian old medical sources, pelotherapy are described.

Prior to wounding rats of experimental group had drinked kombuch tea for 30 days instead of water. The result of practical and technical research is that, in this long period it has many medical prescriptions, and it is available in those who work in traditional medicine. T (1972), lectues on homoeopathic materia media New didehli jain pub. Biology, Shiraz 3 University, Shiraz-Iran. As well, the harmless effects of impolitical and incorrect use of the so-called Metaphysic-healing and some certain remedies prepared in a usual way with this method, IS still in the darkness. Distillated water was used as a blank. PRESENTATION OF MANUSCRIPTS OF KHOLASSET -ALTASHRlH, COMPLIED BY HAKIM ABDORRAZAGH GUILANI (LAHIDJI) IN 10th CENTURY A. The associations were consistent among the 3 ethnic groups of the IRAS. Usually homeopathic medicine are preserved in alcohol of 70. A. and SmartJD.; J. These studies collectively favoured ginger over placebo. Indian Rev. Life Science; 1984, 4: 37-68. The total blood sugar was measured by the enzymatic method of glucose oxidase. Nov;6(11):1123-33. Mirdamad Ave. The book of Zakhireh include, 10 volumes, covered all dimensions of medical fields from traditional basics of old Day medicine sciences, to all kind of treatment (physical herbalistic and psychological). P. O. Box: 15875-1599, E-mail: [email protected] There are still doubts about the verity of Homoeopathic Remedies (H. On the basis of results flavonoides and sesquiterpens (such as spatolenole) in the essential oil of Stachys lavandulifolia and carvacrol, citral and geranyl acetate in the essential oil of Zataria multiflora and Dracocephalum muldavica has positive effect to treat the stomach problems. Lnamul Haq. Medicinal Plants. They were, then, formulated in proper bases and finally underwent qualitative, quantitative, microbiologic, and stability tests. The rate of contraction was not affected by 0.1,0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/ml. Feb 10;107(4):67-8, 71-2. W. ISLAM, M. Corticosteroid ointments are usually used in the treatment of diaper dermatitis with topical and systemic complications. The results and clinical symptoms were noted at the special forms. Leblan D, Chantre P, Fournié B. O. Box: 15875-3171 One of the most significant ancient heritage of our sacret iand is sophisticated experience of people along early millennium tried to repel the diseases and preserve health so that each generation added a portion of experience to it. Inflammation, as measured by CRP levels, is associated with the development of diabetes in the elderly. Our drugs are also available in form of drops, syrups. In this paper, I have discussed the progress and development of Unani Medicine in detail. Compared to baseline, overall psychological well-being was significantly improved in both groups after treatment (P = 0.015 and P = 0.0003 in the low and high dose groups respectively), and again, a significant dose-response relationship was observed. J, Brostoft J, Ostlere L. These types of extracts are rarely used in aromatherapy. The reasons of tuberculation and the related therapeutic methods suggested by Avicena are counted from his book, Qanoon. Ancient civilizations used three kind of herbal, animal and mineral medicines, while they did not rule out prayers, woodoos and black magic. University, Institute of medicinal plant and natural product. Bioelectromagnetic Indications in Medicine 3. In recent years the use of buccal mucoadhesive dosage forms as a novel mean of delivering various drugs for local or systemic administration has been the focus of attention (1, 2). Oral administration of rutin reduced rat paw swelling starting 2 hours after lambda-carrageenan injection. Hossain poor, R. As it is not possible to detach mind from body, so as the mind relaxes body also relaxes, And according to Dr. IN treatment of peripheral facial paralysis relation of the patient and doctor is very important. U, Antixenobiotics in traditional phytotherapy of medieval Azerbaijan. Therefore measuring the aforesaid parameters can be a possible way for relative evaluation of living being's vitality. The MIC of the substance was small (0.2-0.3 mg/ml) for gram-positive bacteria and large (1.5-4 mg/ml) for gram-negative bacteria. The databases searched included: Ovid MEDLINE; All EBM Reviews-Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Cochrane DSR), American College of Physicians (ACP) Journal Club, Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE), Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CCTR), Cochrane Methodology Register (CMR), Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and National Health Service Economic Evaluation Database (NHSEED); Allied and Complementary Medicine (AMED); British Nursing Index and Archive; EMBASE; Health Management Information Consortium (HMIC); ScienceDirect and Electronic Thesis Online Services (ETHOS). In case of proof of the above-mentioned subjects one can achieve more comprehensive thought to human biology and offer a more complete definition of health and disease as well. A high correlation existed between alpha-tocopherol in plasma and LDL. THE LEGACY OF PHYTOTHERAPY AMONG MIDDLE EAST KURDS Soran Kurdistany Shaho Herbal Drugstore, Opposite the Previous' Hospital, Kurdisstan Boulevard, Boukan. P.) the most effective active substances of the ALOE are Barbaloin and Aloin with the chemical bases of hydroxyanthrancene. STUDY OF CONTRIBUTIONS OF ISLAMIC AND IRANIAN SCHOLARS TO PHYSIOLOGY AND PHARMACOLOGY Moattar F. Harpagophytum extract LI 174 (Rivoltan(R)) at 8.00 a.m. Bromelain as a Treatment for Osteoarthritis: a Review of Clinical Studies. Tel. F. 7538824 Sjogern is a sort of autoimmune disease which systematically affects the different parts of body. Homeopathy for Pregnancy, Birth and the First year, 1992. The author mentions his teachers and the past scientists and physicians respectfully. TRADITIONAL AND MODERN MEDICINE: CONFLICT OR CONTRIBUTION? Between Heaven and Earth : A guideto chinese medicine". In view of the fact that one of the commonest symptoms of IBS is the abdominal pain, therefore, evaluation of the effect of the present drugs in this study, revealed that drug B (thyme 2%) had a significant effect in the seneity of abdominal pains. Any soil and climate, will be suitable for growing special medicinal plants any plant don't grow in wherever and the creation based on this theology that wherever disease you can found its medicinal plants in the mean time all the medicinal plants don't grow in one season. Two concentrated of total extract of Digitalis nervosa were experiment. Data analysis with chi square showed that demographic factors were similar in three groups (P> 0.05). Abo alisina used herbal drug for treatment of their patient and after that people use their description. Tel: (021) 3138620 There are many negotiations about Energy therapy and healing. Anti diabetes tea 8th Similar knowledge exists in the Asian culture. Arco pub, Inc. There are wide differences in the philosophical understanding and types of therapies of AM with conventional medicine and even, the medical communities mostly prefer the term complementary medicine rather than AM. R.2 1 2 Shohada Hospital, Shaheed Beheshti University of Medical Sciences. C in Avesta and well-known physicians such as Galenus, Hippocrates and Avicena knew it as well. Crofton I, The Guinness encyclopedia, 1st ed, Guinness, 1990. Systemic arterial compliance was not affected by vitamin E (0.41 +/- 0.03 vs. India, Iran. Bhattocharya,S. Kusamba Chifundera, Palazzino G, Messana I, Liu Ping, Galeffi C. Epub 2010 Jan 19. The Sponsored Listings displayed above are served automatically by a third party. Primary outcome measures were pain and function. V.agnus-castus were collected from charmahal-Bakhtiary regions. Main Outcome Measure  Cognitive change as measured by 4 tests (the East Boston Memory Test, which tests immediate and delayed recall; the Mini-Mental State Examination; and the Symbol Digit Modalities Test) at baseline and 3 years for all participants, and at 6 months for 288 randomly selected participants. The main medical uses of anise extracts are as carminative and expectorant. In all groups diarrhea, eye hemorrhage, behaviour signs, feet and hand hemorrhage and righting reflex were studied and scored from 1 to 4. Chelation therapy: washing inner lumen of whole body arteries with Ethylendiamin Tetra Acetic Acid (EDTA)- it is introduced by Norman Clark with idea to removed calcified cholesterol that is sedimented in arteries. When Justinean closed the philosophical school in Athens in 529 AD. The observations over a period of 5 years reveals that the patients cured by this therapy have never been complained with the repeated attack of sty. Twaij,HA, Aibadr, AA,: Antiulcer activity of Teucrium polium. With established formularies, authentic data on its materia medica, educationally sound teaching system, and with qualitative attributes of safety, efficacy, and possible economic feasibility, Unani system of medicine has the potential to emerge as the most influential and effective alternative system in the new millennium. In view of the fact that the Shirazi thyme (Zataria multiflora) is found in abondance in Iran and its essence has a substance similar to that of the European thyme (Thimus vulgaris), we decided to prepare a drug and study its effects on the symptoms of IBS. Vatandoost 1 2 2 School of Pharmacy, Shaheed Beheshti University, School of Pharmacy, Tehran University, School of Healthy, Tehran University 26 Different species from the genus Tanacetum (Compositae) grow in various parts of Iran. Finding who are expert in TM. Vital force" is indicated the essense of life, treatment and thaught by deferent names as Prana, ki, Metal spirit. Herbal Medicines, Cambridge, The Pharmaceutical Press, I 996. Patients were reassessed subjectively (by Tinnitus Questionnaire) and audiologically several times in the course of treatment and one time after the treatment. INFLAMMATION IS ASSOCIATED WITH INSULIN RESISTANCE. Recently, after being diagnosed with severe arthritis in one knee and moderate arthritis in my foot, the doctor doubled my dosage of Celebrex. Freshteh School of Nursing and Midwifery, Iran University of Medical Sciences & Health Services, IRAN. In fact India has the honour of being the biggest centre of Unani Medicine in the world of today. INTERESTING RESULTS OF RESEARCH PLAN STUDYING AND IDENTIFYING TOOLS AND INSTRUMENT RELATING TO MEDICAL SCIENCES WHICH EXIST IN THE MUSEUMS OF COUNTRY Maziar Ashrafian Bonab Member of Academic Board of Archeological Research Centre & Cultural Heritage Organiz. IR method was applied for investigation of complex formation between garlic powder and â cyclodextrin. After the energy therapy session we called all the patient to find out there is any changes in their symptoms or not. Antitumor Research 12 (5): 1471-1474. On a double-blind randomised basis the verum group received 2x1 film tablets per day, i. Fauci A. S, Brownwald E, Isselbaucher K. Moreover, trans-3,3',5,5'-tetrahydroxy-4'-methoxystilbene proved to be even more potent than resveratrol in antioxidative tests. Then, the main principal ingredients were identified. Daucus carota L. S, Yoo S. D. Tetrahedron 51: 1221-1228. Zakhireh kharazmshah, By: Esmael Jorjani (504 Hejira), with attempts and correction and interpretation executed by Dr. Kaushik, Mp. The results show that the percentage of healing in group B was 100%, group C,50%-70% and group D.100% which are significantly different compared to control group. ACTIVITY-GUIDED FRACTIONATION OF EXTRACTS OF FERULA GOMMOSA FOR THE ISOLATION OF COMPOUND: EFFECTIVE ON MORPHINE DEPENDENCE IN MICE M. Now you're probably wondering.. Back pain specialist Jesse Cannone reveals The Top 3 " Dirty Little Secrets" Lurking In The Pain Relief Industry's Closet Of LIES! Dear frustrated pain sufferer, Fifty-two (52) and 55 patients were randomized to C. Hypertension cured in a 28-year-old patient, with 4 years of follow up. Castro, Miranda. Jain. 4. BreIn1an, Pathy. IT ALSO IMPROVED KNEE FLEXION AND ALLOWED THEM TO INCREASE WALKING DISTANCE. Ed) Hamdard Pharmacopoeia of Eastern Medicine. All the drug companies care about is the money.. Amman: the national press, 1986 6. Qur'an is not a medicine book but in some of it's verses, principles of human health are presented. Department of Physical Therapy/Exercise Science, State University of New York, Buffalo 14214. Genetics 7. Islamic way of cleanliness and purification 8. K. Kulkari,I. Maharashi's knowledge and experience helps the individual to be responsible toward his/her health. Indiana pharmacol. Stachys lavandulifolia Vahl. Hossein Kheir Andish, Hejamat from Islam view point, Research of Iran Research Association for cupping(Hejamat) & phlebetomy. Comparative studies have shown similar active substances and pharmaceutical properties with thymus vulgaris, its European counter part. A NEW DEFINITION FROM " HEALTH" Ali Akbar Asadi Pooya Department of Pediatrics, Nemazee Hospital, Shiraz, Iran The definition of " Health" has been very important for the human beings from ancient times till now and had been completed gradually. Background The mangosteen fruit has a long history of medicinal use in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.

Duration of fungal infection in 17 Patients (42/5%) was one month. Huang, M. T, Lysz, T, Ferraro, T, Abidi, T. D. and Conney, A. These scientists realized that the electromagnetic, strong force and weak force are created from a subtler field named Grand unification. Before the European settlement, the Continent of America was using the same old traditional medicine. In vitro,? -mangostin induced mitochondria-mediated apoptosis and G1-phase arrest and S-phase suppression in the cell cycle. This fraction was subdivided by PTLC and one of the obtained subfractions demonstrated antinociceptive effects at 3 mg/kg. In this study the efficacy of a number of natural polymers including sodium alginate, acacia, tragacanth, gelatin, pectin and carrageenan, was investigated for the preparation of buccal mucoadhesive tablets, and the results obtained were compared with tablets containing Carbopol 934P (C934). Dried extract was redissolved in normal salin to give 185 mg/ml solution. G. Sarton, A History of Science, Tr. Studying these tools and instruments shows that traditional and Islamic medicine was not just theoretical and experienced persons in medical sciences in Iran practically made tools and instruments required for curing their patients. Remedies, i.e. TellimagraninlI is the most active compond of them. Salehi, M. Dinarvand 1 Members of scientific board of natural resources research center of Khuzestan 2 Member of scientific board of natural resources research center of Esfahan 3 Research expert of natural resources research center of Khuzestan There is a creation theology, that wherever disease, would be founded kind of its medicinal plant For a long time ago the human had founded his life depend on extremities environment phenomenons like another animal. Arabian medicine. Abdolrazzagh, Alhayef altabbeh fi Islam, Damaue, 1996. Decrease in tinnitus loudness in TLM (Tinnitus Loudness of Match) test which is an audiologic measure. The client is clothed and lies on his or her back on a massage table, while the practitiner holds " Local points" in tension areas together with related "distal points" which help the armored places to release more easily and deeply. COATS,B. C, METHOD of processing stablized ALOE, U. We know that the source of all sciences is through divine wisdom and that is called supenature. Neutrophils of no. T. verrucosum, E. A statement for healthcare professionals from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Heart Association. Benefits of. Hedieh Alley, Shariaty Street, T ehran, Iran Several studies is refer to evaluation and compare the effects of mouthwashes solution specially herbal mouthwash on preventing stomatitis due to chemotherapy. The study was designed to investigate the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of different fractions of Boswellia serrata. Further purification on silica gel column chromatography gave a pure compound which was 10 times as effective as the crude extract. The tract al-Adwiyah al -Qalbiyah exists in more than 10 manuscripts in 9 various Iranian Libraries. Furthermore, by such designation, it will be placed alongside other experimental sciences, hence becoming susceptible to experimentation, trial and error, and alterations. J. Anticonvulsant effects in vitro and inhibition of neuronal excitability in vitro with aqueous fraction of Delphinium denudatum. Fish glue is a good adhesive and Cordia Myxa mucilage is used for capping prevention(1,2) Materials: Cordia Myxa plant, Fish skin, PVP, Gelatin Acetic asid, sized beach sand, calcium phosphate and Acetaminophen. Seventy seven subjects completed the study. Instead, you can invest as little as $1.38 per day for a 30 day supply of Heal-n-Soothe® when you buy 6 bottles. Hakim Zillurrahman, the Indian Schoolar of Islamic Medicine and Pharmacy had published this translation at 1993 in Journal of Studies in History of Medicine and Sciences. Tinnitus is the perception of sound in the head or ears without mechanoacoustical stimuli or external electrical signals. B. T) is the natural procedure of treating the most of illnesses. I ; PP: 1370-74. Results show that these factors have an important role in quality and quantity of the herb yield and active substances of Hypericum perforatum and must be noted for producing of higher herb yield with best quality that need for pharmaceutical industry. Behnia Aban Hospital, Tehran, Iran Modern medicine is succeeded in managing: Trauma- infection diseases- surgery- emergencycritical case organtransplants- biogenotec, gene therapy and so on. This is one of human bodies' classifications: 1- Physical body. This can be due to an increase in viscosity and the need for a greater pressure to force through membrane. Medicine 6 edition 1922 2- Dana Ullman. Paraclinical findings and having a triangle shape damage in right parietal region in a hydrocephalic skull which was the sign of a chronic disease, all of them indicating a therapeutic measure about 4800 years ago in Iran. Cultural Anthropology, Tebies. W, Nies, A. S, Tayer, P.(Eds)1990. As the presence of adenosine in garlet and adenosine daemons (1) inhibitory effect of this plant and also since adenosine has antihypoxic effect (2), the antihypoxic effects of aqueous and methanolic extract of garlic cloves were studied using the method of hypoxy creating in the hermetic chamber. Finally the Formulation C was prepared by Fluid bed method in which the coating materials were sprayed on the mixture of garlic powder and the excipients. Perez, A,Brady L. Messana I.; Hypoxoside, a new glucoside of uncommon structure from Hypoxis obtusa. Gerald L. Baum, Pulmunary Disease, Philadelphia, Saunders, 1996, pp 284-7. This study was conducted to evaluate the antioxidative and antithrombotic properties of stem bark gum resin extracts of Boswellia serrata (BS). Mohsen, Scientific publisher, First Edition, 1378. Air surrounds water and is hot and moist. O. Box: 141556453, Tel: 923510, Fax: 933222 Holy Qur'an, is the last heavenly book which it's verses expresses human guidance rules for excellent life. B. 4 -Manuscript available in central library of Teheran university. A viceIU1a. AlcaIU1on In Medicine, Birot pub, 1976, P 1381. PAI-1, fibrosis, and the elusive provisional fibrin matrix. Medical Anthropology, Qularnin. By improving the local employment situation, such cultivations contribute to the development of the countries in question, bringing with them a valorisation and stability in regions most often placed at an economical disadvantage. D. 3- Perfect Health by Deepak Chopra M. STZ-diabetic mice but did not show any effect on glucose tolerance. Jondishapoor university the greatest one in the globe the medicine course taught at very high level and there are 15 volumes in medico in pre-isjam period. Let's get started by giving you a sneak peek into the lives of people taking these life-sucking pain medications and why you should be running for the hills if you're currently taking any medications from major drug corporations. Out of total 724 species of plants described in the Medieval sources on medicine and pharmacognosy, 422 species (58,3%) belong to indigenous plants and occur in the territory of modern Azerbaijan. Ten trials were included in this review. This type of connection reinforces patient and reyects his (her) hopeless. Tebb e chahardah ma'soom. The average of pretreatment and posttreatment TLM showed a low difference, and the reduction in the level of TLM was insignificant. H. Jaffari M. Psychopharmacology. Sinha S. C, Ray A. In the second step, different formulations were prepared from various polyethylene glycol bases and the most appropriate base was then selected. Oral administration of essential oils is often used. Here are just a handful of examples of commonly prescribed pain meds and their health-crushing effects.. Astral body. Jan; 83: 93-5. Rutin was the most active in the chronic phase. They care about money. Istituto Superiore di Sanita, Roma, Italy,Institut Malgache de Recherches Appliquees, Antananarivo, Madagascar Infective and parasitic diseases are responsible for two third deaths in the developing countries. The minimum inhibitory concentration of each volatile oil was determined by the methods of paper disk plate and cup plate. Qanone amoli 6. T: 2144131-3 Religions not only emphasis on worship and ethics and spiritual but also pay attention to individual and social health and well-being. Y. Li Wan Po, A. Mohana K,Uma R, Purushothoman K. Top flower branches of the plant have the main applications. There are a variety of acupuncture therapeutic modalities for the peripheral facial paralysis with fairly good results. A large number of im proper drugs enter the markets and they are prescribed by physicians, naturally they cause unprecidented diseases, then theyare gathered. Corn silk extract only at 100mg/kg could cause a significant increase in urinary output (p< O. Effectiveness of this interventions as a supplementary or alternative treatment in some of physical and mental disease. M. and Yektaian, A. Supa Co. The only way to preserve the survival system is to improve the health system by combining the traditional way of maintaining the health from the East " The holistic medical approach", and the Western medical system " The scientific medical approach". The powder of plant leaves was extracted by perculation method with ethanol-water (1: 1), ethanol, and water as solvent system. Hami M. Department of Toxicology and Pharmacology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Kerman In this research, the analgesic effect of Artemisia dracunculus, which used in traditional medicine as analgesic, anti-rheumatic and toothache, was evaluated. Dermatol Surg. Germany, who is regarded one of the most significant healers, has become the foundationstone for a unique work of enlightenment by doctors of many countries in our time. AZADIRECTA INDICA SEED WATER EXTRACT ON MALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM FERTILIZING CAPACITY DEHGHAN M. Azerbaijani people have a rich and ancient tradition in the field of phytotherapy. Between numberical density related to blood vessel region of no.
The resultsof our experiment indicate that morphine decreases consolidation of memory and unable to inhibit of imporving effect of TRH on consolidation memory. METHODS OF MAKING HERBAL REMEDIES Nasseh Y. Blood sugar of all 4 groups of animals was determined by using RA-1000. Riess-Maurer, I. In this study, using the tail flick test( 4), the effect of Achilla millefolium hydro alcoholic extract on the morphine anti analgesic effect was investigated to find a lower dose of morphine. Humours: Humours are elements of microcosm (human). M), asthma is a clinical diagnosis accompanied with wheezing and dyspnea but in TCM it places in several clinical syndromes with different physiopathology and treatment plan. ATPase activity in epididymis of treated mouse was significantly reduced (P< O. D. president of Maharishama Ayurved, I it's goal is to remove toxin and clean artery with vegetarian foods. THE STUDY OF TOTAL PHYTOLACCA DECANDRA,S EFFECT ON THE ELECTRO PHYSIOLOGICAL PROPERTIES OF ATRIOVENTRICULAR NODE OF ISOLATED RAT HEART 1 2 3 4 Khori V, Nayebpour M, Ashrafian y, Hajiakhondi A, Naseri M.5 1 Department of Pharmacology, Gorgan University of Medical Sciences. The above study therefore indicates that the crude methanolic extract and the isolated pure compound are capable of carrying out a natural anti-inflammatory activity at sites where chronic inflammation is present by switching off the pro-inflammatory cytokines and mediators, which initiate the process. All the natural and legal individuals can take measured for inquiring the license for manufacturing the herbal drugs in their own name. Some chronic dental problems are the result of the individual's general diseases. The koran surae Nesa Ayeh no 1 5 -Shiekh Razi addine Tabrsi, Makrem alakhlagh, Birout Daoalh ura, 1988, First edn, 8 th section, p. In a descriptive cross-sectional study, the publication trend of the acupuncture researches were studied in a 4 years period (From 1996 up to 1999). Because of some of these medicinal plants are endemic we can produce of drugs to export to other countries. This paper will discuss about some medicinal plants which have been used by our great scientists Razi and 4 Sina for treatment of smallpox, measles, bronchitis, etc. If this commitee as an officinal drug accepts drug, the following steps should be performed: 1. Further, the conjugates 2, 3, 6, 8 and 10 have been screened for their antiviral activities against HSV, VSV, FIPV, PIV-3, RSV and FHV and the molecules 2 and 3 have shown good results with EC(50) 0.011 microM and 0.029 microM against VSV and FIPV/FHV, respectively. Research: Interviewing the oldest, traditional physicians majoring in phytotherapy in Kurdistan. Data collected included: type of trial, drug dosage, duration, outcome measures, characteristics of bromelain used, significance of results and conclusion. Click here. Hakim Nayer Vasseti:" History of relatinship between Iran and Pakistan": 37,41 2)Amlashi, Bah alddin (mizan): " History of Guilan": 15 3)Dr. Seventy dental students, 17-28 years of age, took part in this study, using double blind method. Frequently it happened that in clear timely connection with these reactions chronical burdens ceased to exist. One of the patients first refered to the point and said that her disease began just a few days after her teeth were being filled up with Amalgum. PHYSICIAN AND MEDICINE IN AVICENNA'S VIEW Behzad Zolfaghari, Faribors Moattar Faculty of Pharmacy, Isfahan University of Medical Siences, Isfahan / Iran Introduction: There is a lot of precious information in Iranian Medical Sources which can be used and analysed by researchers. Overall conclusions are not possible, as every HMP has to be judged on its own merits. B. Withametelins F and G, Two New Withanolides of Daturametal. Tehran university publication, 1353, first edn, p.122. Methodological quality and clinical relevance were assessed separately by two individuals. This study reports the effects of bromelain on a broad range of cell surface molecules and on lymphocytes, monocytes, and granulocytes under physiologically relevant conditions. Indian J physical -pharmacol, 1994 Vol, 41(3) 234-40 4. Experimental embryos showed atrophid embryos, malformed embryos, and significant decrease on the Crown-Rump and weight measurments, also weight and diameter of placenta. On the other hand, C934 tablets were capable of remaining on the mucosal surface for a period of over 10 h. Glutathione is homeostatically controlled, both inside the cell and outside. Hahneman divided treatment to general homeopathy and chronic disease therapy. Ody P. 1993 The Herb Society's Complete Medicinal Herbal, Dorling kindersley. Vol. l.pp.366-375 5- Tirnby, Barbara. I-Finding books which are related to TM. Modes of action of terpene penetration enhancers in human skin. It is generally assumed that the persistence of fibrin in the matrix promotes fibrosis, and that the extent of fibrosis is limited by that remove the fibrin (i.e, the fibrinolytic system).

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