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The chief tourist attractions are big-game hunting, early Christian monuments and monasteries, and the ancient capitals of Gonder and Aksum. Addis Ababa is the capital and largest city. The Ethiopian military is called the Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF) and is comprised of approximately 100,000 personnel, making it one of the largest military forces in Africa. Any education outside of Orthodox Coptic Church schools was tantamount to being anti-Ethiopian. Approximately half of the population of Ethiopia is classified as undernourished by the World Bank. Buy Tropical Drink Umbrella Picks, 144ct, Assorted Colors at There is a population of Rastafarians living in the town of Shashamane, which was part of a land grant given to the Ethiopian World Federation by Emperor Haile Selassie in return for support during the Italian occupation during World War II. Well-stocked video stores have opened in Addid Ababa, and cassettes are generally VHS or PAL; bring a VCR, preferably a multisystem multivoltage one. In 2003-4 there was ethnic violence in the Gambela region (W central Ethiopia); there were accusations that the army was involved in some of the attacks. Western classical music is not especially popular among Ethiopians, and is generally performed only for foreign audiences, yet is part of the basic curriculum at the country's major music school. In 2004, the government began a program to move more than two million people away from the arid highlands of the east as a strategy to reduce vulnerability to drought and reduce food shortages. The most notable paleoanthropological find in the country was "Lucy," a female Australopithicus afarensis discovered in 1974 and referred to as Dinqnesh ("you are marvelous") by Ethiopians. From this epic, a national identity emerged as God's new chosen people, heir to the Jews. About 90% of all Ethiopian women undergo the ritual; no specific law in the country prohibits it. Contained within its central narrative is the account of Solomon and Sheba, an elaborate version of the story found in I Kings of the Bible. Expert. Contracting for Land: Lessons from Litigation in a Communal Tenure Area of Ethiopia." Canadian Journal of African Studies, 30 (2): 214-232. There are a great number of distinct ethnic groups in Ethiopia. Later that year, another devastating drought struck northern Ethiopia, continuing into 1988. Ethiopian troops withdrew from undisputed Eritrean territory after the treaty was signed. Throughout much of the 20th century, Ethiopia was presided over by the emperor, Haile Selassie, who ruled the state autocratically (single-handedly and dictatorially), until he was overthrown and subsequently executed in the revolution of 1974. Amidst rising tensions and international concerns over a military build-up on both sides of the border, the Eritrean government on 5 October 2005 banned UN flights in the 25 km demilitarized TSZ and UN night patrols by vehicle on its side of the TSZ. Hallpike, C. Failed students are not prepared for jobs, but neither can they go on to high school. A comprehensive review of what is written in Amharic. A minor rainy season occurs from February to April. B. Tauris, 2003. The language of instruction officially changed from Amharic to English after 1944. He felt it should be established with foreign, private aid. Certain Christian and Muslim holidays are recognized as national holidays. African Civilizations: Precolonial Cities and States in Tropical Africa: An Archaeological Perspective, 1987. Wax and Gold: Tradition and Innovation in Ethiopian Culture. The population of Ethiopia in 2005 was estimated by the United Nations (UN) at 77,431,000, which placed it at number 15 in population among the 193 nations of the world. There are few interconnecting links between nearby regions and large parts of the country are isolated and dependent upon pack animals for transportation. Emperor Haile Selassie I (1891-1975) was noted for his statesmanship and his introduction of many political, economic, and social reforms. The language of instruction changed from French to English. Gold, marble, limestone and tantalum are mined in Ethiopia. On the other hand, the polarization of the Ethiopian debate results in an added sense of personal engagement on the part of journalists, which is of vital importance to the Ethiopian press. According to the World Bank, in 2003 remittances from citizens working abroad totaled $46 million or about $1 per capita and accounted for approximately 0.7% of GDP. Although the Oromo are the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia, never in their history have they maintained political power. The lion is the Lion of Judah, one of the many imperial titles signifying descent from King Solomon. The average length of stay in Ethiopia was three nights. NGOs played a crucial role in famine relief in Welo and Tigre during the 1973-1974 and 1983-1984 famines through the coordination of the Christian Relief and Development Association. Lake Awassa is a 4-hour drive from Addis Ababa. This teacher training college was abandoned after many parents transferred their children to other schools more academically oriented. In 2005, production of cattle hides was 65,100 tons; sheepskins, 10,800 tons; and goatskins, 16,100 tons. However, companies in the mining industry (excluding oil shale, petroleum and natural gas) are taxed at rates of 35% for small-scale mining operations, and at 45% for large-scale mining operations. The annual growth rate of GDP was estimated at 6.5%. From 1954 on, primary school consisted of the first four grades, and junior high school started at the fifth grade and ended with the eighth grade. When completed, the document called for the establishment of a bicameral legislature, a directly elected president, regional autonomy, including the right to secession, and the division of the country into nine states. At least eleven monolithic cave churches were carved into the rocks here in the thirteenth century. This was supplemented by dedicating 30 percent of the land tax to education. The church did not challenge his opening of competing secular schools from 1905 onward. Sawasiw (grammar), is also learned by these leed (scholars). Moreover, the Ethiopian government spends a significant amount on military expenditure, largely as a result of the border war with Eritrea, though such expenses have decreased substantially from 10.4 percent of the GDP in 1990 to 3.8 percent in 1998. Bring a good supply of flea and tick collars and shampoos. ICS offers the International Baccalaureate Program (IB) and the Advanced Placement Program (AP). Ethiopian media professionals at this point lack some of the basic skills necessary for the press to play a significant role in any democratization process in Ethiopia.

The Mass Media Training Institute (MMTI) in Addis Ababa is the only officially funded institution providing journalism education in Ethiopia. Lalibela is the site of the fabulous below ground monolithic stone churches hewn out of solid stone during the 12th and 13th centuries. Availability is quite good and prices are very high. Sturm in Vienna. A lot of Austrian food and drink is still seasonal. In the spring, menus start to fill up with white asparagus the sizes of leeks, and when the The government has developed the Ethiopian Housing Cooperative to encourage Ethiopia emigrants to return and build homes. Perhaps the most significant question that the Ethiopian government must address is the specific policy framework that must be implemented over an extended period of time to surmount these impediments. There's a small charge for those who wish to see this spectacle. The first audience research will be conducted next year. In 2005, the net migration rate was estimated as zero migrants per 1,000 population for Ethiopia, a significant change from 3.5 per 1,000 in 1990. Blue Nile: Ethiopia's River of Magic and Mystery. The situation compares unfavorably with most other sub-Saharan African nations, to say nothing of the wealthier industrialized nations of the world. The Somali war exhausted Ethiopia, ending a period of cultural revival and exposing the empire to incursions by the Oromo. Situated 62 miles southeast of Addis Ababa, NAZRET is a growing agricultural and commercial center. Gondar (including Azeso) is a city of about 166,000 (1994), and is capital of the Begemdir and Simen province, which is home to 2.2 million people. ompanies. Eritrea was federated with Ethiopia in 1952, and in 1962 it was made an integral part of the country; Ethiopia thus gained direct access to the sea. This action forced the UN mission in Eritrea (UNMEE) to vacate 18 of its 40 posts. On the head of the staff is an Ethiopian Orthodox cross with the imperial flag waving from it. It was illegal to publish, teach, or broadcast in any Oromo dialect until the early 1970s, which marked the end of Haile Selassie's reign. Caste groups, which are endogamous, with group membership ascribed by birth and membership associated with concepts of pollution, constitute the third social stratum. The service sector, which has become extremely important in terms of contribution to the gross domestic product (GDP), is characterized by a strong financial system. This type of commitment has become rare in recent years. When opposition protests occurred in the capital in June despite a ban on demonstrations, a number of demonstrators were killed, several thousand were arrested, and the unrest spread to other areas. The Baro River in southwestern Ethiopia is another Nile tributary. Foreigners are generally required to pay for hotel and car rental in foreign currency. I did not have problems when it came to working out but my weakness is food like french fries. The national language, Amharic, is spoken along with English, the second official language. Addis Ababa: June 10, 1999. As of 1997, there were still 70,000 Ethiopian refugees in neighboring countries. Instead, such liberalization may lead to the inability of Ethiopian industries to compete at all, thereby further assuring the dominance of the agricultural sector. Fees are required for missionary schools, although they are reduced considerably for religious adherents. Ethiopia is located in eastern Africa in the area known as the Horn of Africa: the northeastern extension of the continent. Eritrea had established its own provisional government in 1991 and became an independent nation in 1993. Ethiopia is safer than the neighboring countries, particularly in urban areas. Mequanent, Getachew. Even batteries for the radio sets are far too expensive in areas defined as non-monetary communities. Meanwhile, France and the United Kingdom had obtained Somali coastal enclaves through purchase and a series of protectorate treaties concluded in the past with local tribal chieftains. Its Sunday afternoon buffets are popular and prices are moderate. The urban population is estimated to be 11 percent of the total population. Media have consistently and primarily promoted government policy and activities. The majority of girls are subject to female genital mutilation. The urban HIV-positive population is drastically higher than the rural at 21 percent versus under 5 percent, respectively, as of 1998. The OLF also boycotted the election. The northeastern provinces of Tigre and Welo are prone to drought, which tends to occur about once every ten years. Only about 27% of the population had access to safe drinking water and 10% had access to sanitation facilities. These two served as the main official press organs of the state and as the main source of information for literate people. Ernest Berm Ltd.: London, 1977. Marriage. Traditional marriage customs vary by ethnic group, although many customs are transethnic. S. citizens of Eritrean origin who travel to Ethiopia may experience delays in the processing of their visa applications because all such applications must be cleared through the main Ethiopian immigration office in Addis Ababa. Levine, Donald N. Clapham, Transformation and Continuity in Revolutionary Ethiopia (1988); E. Under the Mengistu regime, thousands of political opponents were purged, property was confiscated, and defense spending was greatly increased. The regional broadcast is transmitted one hour per day, seven days a week. Menelik died in 1913. Jackets, sweaters, and raincoats are advisable. At the end of 2004, total FDI stocks amounted to only $2.5 billion. Academy graduates can read these symbols and sing correctly. Hostilities with Somalia later eased and diplomatic relations were reestablished in 1988. Following the fall of the Derg, the EPRDF, the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF-the Oromo are Ethiopia's largest ethnic group) and others formed a transitional government, which governed until national elections in 1995. The flesh of animals with uncloven hoofs and those that do not chew their cud are avoided as unclean. For that same year, employees in the public sector had a minimum wage of $23 per month, while those in the insurance and banking sector had a rate of $27 per month. By July 2003, Ethiopia suffered yet another drought and food shortfalls in 2003-04.

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The health system is primarily curative despite the fact that most health problems are amenable to preventive action. Riding enthusiasts who prefer Western saddles should bring their own, since only English saddles are available here. Employment at a baseline level is fairly equivalent, but men tend to be promoted much faster and more often. Hundreds of thousands of people died during a famine (widespread food shortage) in 1973, and as many as one million may have died between 1983 and 1985. According to a 2006 report issued by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), the number of threatened species included 35 types of mammals, 20 species of birds, 1 type of reptile, 9 species of amphibians, 3 types of mollusks, 3 species of other invertebrates, and 22 species of plants. Prouty, Christ. About 10% of the population are Evangelical or Pentecostal Protestants, which is the fastest growing religion in the country. Levine, Donald H. To break the cycle of famine, the government has promoted extension services and fertilizers in the hope that farmers could realize their potential and poverty would be reduced. With few educated Ethiopians to teach the children and educated foreigners still fully committed to successfully defeating the Axis Powers and ending World War II, it was difficult for Ethiopia to rebuild its education system. It is a country of geographical contrasts, varying from as much as 116 m (381 ft) below sea level in the Danakil depression to more than 4,600 m (15,000 ft) above in the mountainous regions. The Confederation of Ethiopian Trade Unions (CETU), established after the fall of the Derg regime in 1993, includes 9 federations organized by industrial and service sector. The country's three private commercial banks were placed under the management of the National Bank of Ethiopia (NBE) and, in 1981, under the state-owned Commercial Bank of Ethiopia (established in 1963), which had 170 branches and $3 billion in total assets as of July 1999. Ethiopian Literature in Amharic. The Solomonic emperors are descended from Solomon, and the Ethiopian people are the descendants of the sons of the Israeli nobles. Foreign exchange is now auctioned. A significant amount of government expenditure goes to support the military, reducing the amount of funds available for other projects. The election of a 547-member constituent assembly was held in June 1994, and the adoption of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia's constitution ensued. Ethiopia accused Eritrea and Somalia of financially supporting and training the OLF and Al'Ittihad. Almost immediately he faced threats from Italy's ruler, Mussolini, who was determined to establish an Italian empire and to avenge the defeat at Adwa. After an official cover-up of catastrophic drought and famine conditions in Welo and Tigray provinces was uncovered in 1974, the armed forces overthrew the government. The mushrooming of "independent" papers and the lack of professionalism in the field make it important that basic journalistic education in Ethiopia be improved, both in the long and short terms. Public health care expenditures were estimated at 4.1% of GDP. Companies! The country has a strong potential for self-sufficiency and even export development in grains, livestock, vegetables and fruits. A Glimpse of Ethiopia, 1997. Subsequently, Emperor Amda-Seyon 1 (r.1314-44) reestablished the Ethiopian suzerainty over the Muslim principalities along the Horn of Africa. In 1955 a new Ethiopian constitution came into force, and in 1958 the Ethiopian church became independent of the Coptic patriarch in Egypt. The ancient Ge'ez language descended from such origins. You must often rely on your own resources to find necessary stimuli for a full and satisfying tour. After the change of government in 1991, 970,000 Ethiopian refugees returned home from neighboring countries. Food and live animals, petroleum and petroleum products, chemicals, machinery, motor vehicles. A military group called the Derg wrested power from Selassie in September 1974 and arrested him, citing his incompetence in domestic affairs (particularly in dealing with an early-1970s famine that ravaged parts of the country). Rabies and puppy vaccines are available only sporadically. Parents objected that they wanted students to study academic subjects because the parents could teach them how to farm at home. The Hilton Hotel has a sports club with a naturally heated outdoor pool, tennis courts, miniature golf, and a sauna. Ethnicity is not the sole basis for employment in the government; political ideology also plays an important role. English is the most widely spoken foreign language and the language in which secondary school and university classes are taught. Ethiopia is a charter member of the United Nations (UN), having joined on 13 November 1945; it belongs to the ECA and all the nonregional specialized agencies. Wax and Gold. The most commonly produced cereal is teff (Eragrostis abyssinica ), which is used to make the Ethiopian unleavened bread called injera. Several embassies have cultural centers offering a variety of programs, from music and dance to art exhibitions and films. Ethiopia's most promising scholars were given scholarships to study in Europe, the Middle East, other African nations, and North America. Diplomatic relations with Israel, which had been severed in 1974, were restored in 1989 as aid from the Soviet Union and Cuba declined and Ethiopia looked for other potential investment sources. The vast majority of Ethiopians spend their meager incomes on the basic necessities of life, such as food, rents, clothing, fuel, and transportation. The promotion of human rights depends, among other factors, on the active involvement of the media. The big rains are rarely continuous, and sunny mornings or afternoons can be expected on many days. Korn, David A. The May, 2010, parliamentary elections resulted in a landslide for the EPRDF, which won nearly all the seats, but the campaign was criticized as unfair and marred by intimidation of opposition politicians and their supporters; the opposition also accused the EPRDF of vote rigging. US$33.3 billion (purchasing power parity, 1999 est.). Ethiopia's major imports include food and live animals, petroleum and petroleum products, chemicals, machinery, civil and military aircraft, transport and industrial capital goods, agricultural machinery and equipment, and motor vehicles. In 1941, old blueprints for this college were reactivated, and the emperor approved a plan. These people must learn Arabic to read their holy book, the Koran, which is written in ancient Arabic. It has been estimated that nearly 70% of Ethiopia's land mass is cultivable, yet only 12% of the land is under cultivation and permanent crops. Students learned to translate Amharic into Ge'ez and enlarged their vocabularies in both languages. Production in 2004 included corn, 2,744,000 tons; wheat, 1,618,000 tons; sorghum, 1,784,000 tons; barley, 1,087,000 tons; dry beans, 175,000 tons; potatoes, 400,000 tons; yams, 310,000 tons; millet, 305,000 tons; and sugarcane, 2,454,000 tons. The UN estimated that 6.5% of adults between the ages of 15-49 were living with HIV/AIDS in 2001. Imports included food and live animals, petroleum and petroleum products, chemicals, machinery, motor vehicles, cereals, and textiles, and mainly came from Saudi Arabia (25.3%), the United States (5.8%), China (6.6%), and India (4.0%). The Ethiopian state consists, territorially, of the only area in Africa that was never colonized by a European power, with the exception of a brief Italian occupation from 1936 to 1941. During Christian fasting periods, no animal products can be eaten and no food or drink can be consumed from midnight until 3 p.m. Higher Education. At the top are high-ranking lineages, followed by low-ranking lineages. FLAG: The national flag is a tricolor of green, yellow, and red horizontal stripes with a blue disk and a yellow outlined star and rays in the center. Ethiopia is a country of geographic contrasts, varying from as much as 125 meters (410 feet) below sea level in the Denakil depression to more than 4,600 meters (15,000 feet) above sea level in the mountainous regions. Ge'ez is still spoken in Orthodox Church services. The EPRDF is an extension of the military organization that deposed the former military dictatorship, and the government is controlled by the Tigrean People's Liberation Front. However, in 1889, Emperor Menelik II signed the Treaty of Wichale, leasing Eritrea to the Italians in exchange for weapons. Cain Felder. Mulatu Teshome, Ethiopia's ambassador to Turkey, was elected president in Oct, 2013. Most of these belong to the Semitic, Cushitic, and Omotic divisions of the Afro-Asiatic linguistic family. In 1993, Eritrea gained its independence. The Oromo, who make up about 40% of the country's people, live in S Ethiopia and are predominantly Muslim. Except for that time, Ethiopian culture has been influenced very little by other countries. Express Helpline- Get answer of your question fast from real experts. With an elevation of about 4,620 meters (15,157 feet), Ras Deshen is Africa's fourth-highest mountain. Then a prayer or grace is said. The most famous Christian saint of Ethiopia is Frumentius of Tyre (b. In 1974, Haile Selassie, the last monarch, was overthrown by a communist military regime known as the Derge. There is a quota for the various departments, and only a certain number of individuals are enrolled in their desired majors. A geographer's analysis of the climate and policies affecting cyclical droughts in Ethiopia. African territories were forced to export primary crops to their colonizing countries and to import higher value-added manufactured commodities. Production by state-owned enterprises is centered on food and beverages, textiles, clothing, leather products, tobacco, rubber, plastic and cement. As previously noted, the vast majority of newspaper readers live in Ethiopia's capital, and Addis Ababa uses much of the country's other media as well. Recently, iddirs have been involved in community development, including the construction of schools and roads. The right hand is used to pick up a piece of injera, wrap some meat and vegetables inside, and eat. Other undeveloped resources included copper, semiprecious gemstones (agate, aquamarine, chalcedony, chrysoprase, emerald, garnet, jasper, obsidian, ruby, sapphire, spinel), molybdenum, mercury, palladium, rhodium, tungsten, zinc, apatite, bentonite, dolomite, potash, and quartz sand. Each page was made from either goat or sheep skin. Indeed, from 1995 to 1998, coffee accounted for an average of 55 percent of the country's total value of exports. Three areas of specialization were studied. Addis Ababa University (formerly Haile Selassie I University) has extension centers in Alemaya, Gonder, Awasa, Bahir-Dar, and Debre Zeyit. Italy invaded and conquered Ethiopia in 1935-36. The macroeconomic picture for Ethiopia in mid-2000 after eight years of steady growth is uncertain because of border hostilities with Eritrea and drought. Ethiopia is considering application to the World Trade Organization (WTO), and it is already a member of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). An Obscure Component in Ethiopian Church History." Le Museon, 85: 225-258, 1971. Such was the case in 1998, when a glut in the world supply of coffee reduced Ethiopia's coffee earnings by 22 percent from the previous year. Munro-Hay, Stuart C. The main opposition party, CUD, won 109 seats in the 547-member parliament but by the end of December 2005, was still boycotting the legislature. The aim was to produce technicians, technical supervisors, and foremen. Ethiopia has Africa's fourth largest population at 58,733,000. Ethiopia's main mineral export is gold, but the country has also been a producer of silver, tantalite, talc, soda ash, brick clay, feldspar, gemstones, diatomite, granite, anhydrite and gypsum, limestone, pumice, kaolin, salt, sand and scoria. Today Muslims are converting four new converts for every one converted to Christianity. Addis Ababa is the paramount commercial and distribution center. Ethiopia is committed to increasing the number of telephone lines by 700,000 over the next decade and has awarded contracts for the development of cellular telephone services. New hydroelectric projects are expected to triple the country's power generation by 2005. For example, 62 percent of the doctors and 46 percent of the nurses were found in Addis Ababa, where 5 percent of the population resides. S. dollar at US$1: Br5.000. They were located near fertile farmland with ample rainfall and possible irrigation and hydroelectric sources. A landlocked country completely surrounded by other states, Ethiopia has a total border length of 5,311 kilometers (3,300 miles). The road system in 2003 comprised an estimated 33,856 km (21,058 mi), of which 4,367 km (2,716 mi) were paved. Agriculture employs most Ethiopians, but industrial employment is increasing rapidly as emerging industries create new jobs. Kapeliuk, Olga. The "Oromo problem" continues to trouble Ethiopia. Performance Arts. S. to Addis Ababa is on U. The UNDP estimates that the annual growth rate in GNP per capita between 1990 to 1998 was 1.0 percent, while the average annual rate of inflation during the same period was 9.7 percent. While it is becoming easier to find many of the desired supplies in Addis Ababa, the quality is uneven and the prices very high. The debo is not restricted to agriculture but is also prevalent in housing construction. In March 1896, Italian troops attempted to enter Ethiopia forcibly and were routed by Emperor Menelik and his army. In principle, the rest of the places are open for all. The ancient Axumites created a system of writing that evolved from a Sabean script believed to have been introduced from Arabia. For the transitional government, a 65-member Council of Representatives was created by the four constituent parties of the EPRDF, which was dominated by the TPLF, a Tigrayan ethnic party. The harsh reality is that many impoverished parents depend on the work contributions of their children to ensure the survival of the household. The third multiparty parliamentary elections were held on 15 May 2005. With the export economy so heavily dependent upon the exportation of a single crop, the Ethiopian economy is structured into a precarious (insecure and dangerous) position. With these facts in mind, the recent proclamation of a Broadcasting Bill by the Ethiopian House of Representatives seems an interesting and perhaps hopeful sign. C.) by a descendant of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba. It was estimated that for the period 1990 to 2003, household consumption grew at an average annual rate of 5.1%. Approximately 35 to 40 percent of Ethiopia's population is Coptic Christian. Ohio University Press: Athens, 1991. The capital city, Addis Ababa, had a population of 2,723,000 in that year. Even with 2 minimum wage earners, therefore, a family receives only about half the income needed for adequate subsistence. A beautiful book about the rock churches of Lalibela. The manufacturing sector of the Ethiopian economy produces construction materials, metal, and chemical goods, in addition to basic consumer goods such as food, beverages, clothing, and textiles. Traditionally, the mining industry, which remains under state domination, has played a marginal role in Ethiopia's economy. The remaining provinces were further subdivided into 24 administrative zones. In a gradual coup that began in Feb, 1974, and culminated in September with the ouster of Haile Selassie, a group of military officers seized control of the government. The city is noted for the ancient castle of Emperor Yohannes IV; a similar building has been converted to a hotel. The Ethiopian Government has encouraged community participation in the expansion of education The Ministry of Education faces monumental problems in trying to provide education for all Ethiopians, particularly given severe budgetary constraints and its efforts to install a decentralized system of education. They were driven out of the region by the Cushites in the 2d millennium BC The Cushites founded a new civilization which probably traded with the Egyptians, according to ancient Egyptian texts. Micromanaging a nation caught up with the emperor in old age, and he was deposed by the communist Derge regime led by Lieutenant Colonel Mengistu Haile Mariam. Teff is a range grass known in the U. Many of these individuals are currently pursuing immigration to Israel. Missionary schools complied with Italian educational regulations. Quirin, James. Other workers are granted the right to strike, though the unions involved must follow certain detailed procedures before doing so. By contrast, Christians seem to have lost their missionary zeal. In 2005, the US Department of State estimated the daily cost of staying in Addis Ababa at $216. Levine, Donald Nathan. Reflections on the Origins of Ethiopian Civilization." In Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, 1988. The government of Ethiopia is now putting into place a decentralized federal system of courts consisting of regional and district courts consistent with the 1994 constitution. As the leading party in the EPRDF, however, the TPLF has officially adopted a pro-democracy and pro-free market stance, as its economic and political policies clearly make manifest. The main objective of an iddir is to assist families financially during times of stress, such as illness, death, and property losses from fire or theft. It is the most extensive fault on Earth's surface, extending from the Jordan River Valley in the Middle East to the Shire tributary of the Zambezi River in Mozambique. Sharp drops in temperature occur in late afternoon, sometimes making outside entertainment uncomfortable after 5 pm. Import duties, which ranged from 0 to 50 percent and averaged approximately 20 percent in 1997, are the most significant contributor to government tax revenue. The current Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia is located on a massive rugged mountainous plateau in Eastern Africa. The Borena and Ogaden plains in the south are characterized by grassy ranges and are highly vulnerable to drought and erosion, especially from overgrazing. The Ethiopian Plateau, which is fringed in the west by the Sudan lowlands (made up of savanna and forests), includes more than half the country. The first newspaper in Ethiopia and a few other publications emerged under Emperor Haile Selassie I. Thus the situation is aggravated by both sides in the conflict. Like most of the countries of the African continent, Ethiopia's economy is dominated by agricultural production. The rural lowland population is composed of many nomadic and seminomadic peoples. In general, business hours are from 8:30 or 9 am to 1 pm and from 2 pm to 5 or 6 pm, Mondays through Fridays. Dejene, Environment, Famine and Politics in Ethiopia (1991); G. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 2000. Taxi and bus service is inadequate and considered dangerous due to the high frequency of accidents, many of them serious or fatal. Its 11-man politburo was headed by Mengistu. The dowry may include livestock, money, or other socially valued items. Each major religion created schools for children of its adherents.

Few Falasha remain after massive immigration and evacuation to Israel in 1984-85 and 1991. Phoenicia, d.380?), the founder of the Ethiopian Church. World Factbook 2000. At all levels Ethiopians had to rely on foreign teachers to reopen their schools. The Italian advance was stopped by the defeat and total rout of a large Italian army by the Emperor Menelik II at Adwa in 1896, an Ethiopian victory that is still commemorated as a national holiday. The Sof Omar caves are located about 450 kilometers (280 miles) southeast of Addis Ababa. Private investment policies are more liberal, commercial performance standards have been applied to public enterprises, tax and tariffs have been reformed, and the currency has been devalued by 58%. However, modern mass media was introduced in Ethiopia a century ago, during the reign of Menelik II (who ruled from 1889-1913). Indiana University Press: Bloomington: 1991. Snow is found at the highest elevations. Ethiopia falls into four main geographic regions from west to east-the Ethiopian Plateau, the Great Rift Valley, the Somali Plateau, and the Ogaden Plateau. This theory of the origin of Ethiopian civilization is being challenged. Since a pegged exchange rate does not necessarily represent a currency's true market value, the EPRDF replaced the fixed exchange rate system with a floating exchange rate system. Classes ended by late afternoon. Harry A. Abrahams: New York, 1990. Gold, leather products, and oilseeds constitute some of the country's other important exports. Lobbying has increased, and various groups have introduced initiatives to improve Ethiopian media. Comeback!
The World Bank is providing $350 million to upgrade Ethiopia's road network as part of the government's Road Sector Improvement program. Traditional Ethiopian education was private and stressed the centrality of religion, the needs of the soul over those of the human body, modesty, humility, and dedication to persistent pursuit of thoroughness. JIMA (also spelled Jimma and Gimma) is the capital and largest town of Kefa province, 220 miles (353 kilometers) southwest of Addis Ababa. AXUM (or Aksum) is a small city in the northern highlands, and capital of the old Axumite Kingdom which, before and during the early part of the Christian era, extended over parts of present-day Sudan and Ethiopia. In the May 2000 elections, Zenawi's coalition gained 368 of the 548 seats in the Council of People's Representative. Collins: London, 1980. However, plans are underway to establish a School of Journalism at Addis Ababa University. Cushitic-language speakers live in the highlands and lowlands of the south-central region as well as in the north-central area. His family gave a lavish feast to celebrate this achievement. Ullendorff, Edward. In October 1992, as previously mentioned, came the proclamation of the Press Freedom Bill by the Ethiopian Transitional Government.

Many artists derive their inspiration from the ancient Ethiopian Christian paintings that decorate churches and monasteries. Washington: Howard University Press, 1981. Somali and Afar, also Cushitic languages, are spoken in the east. Hydrocarbon exploration began in the Ogaden Basin in the 1920s, and in 1994, the World Bank approved a $74 million loan to develop natural gas fields in the Ogaden Basin. Elections held in May, 2000, resulted in a landslide for the EPRDF. It has been erupting almost continuously since 1967 and has an active lava lake in its summit crater. Currently, the Tigrean ethnic group controls the government and holds the core positions of power in the federal government. At times the monarchy was centrally strong, but during other periods regional kings held a greater amount of power. Eritrea was an Italian colony until the end of World War II. However, the Axumite Empire eventually declined as a result of the spread of Islam, resulting in a loss of control over the Red Sea as well as a depletion of natural resources in the region that left the environment unable to support the population. Italy, however, maintained control of Eritrea and also occupied the coastal region of Banadir (Italian Somaliland) in 1900. Raven's Educational and Development Services: London, 1986. Ethiopia and Somalia signed a peace agreement in 1988, but internal strife worsened as bitter fighting occurred (1989) in Tigray and Eritrea. D. 1200 and 1500. The 8,300-feet altitude in Addis Ababa can cause dizziness, insomnia, fatigue, and shortness of breath. Mengistu assumed power as head of state after having his two predecessors killed. Ethiopia's Constitution grants basic civil liberties to its citizens, including freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Elections to the newly established Federal Parliamentary Assembly were held in 1995; they resulted in a huge victory for the EPRDF owing to opposition boycotts. Araia, Ghelawdewos. In the early 1970s, a program was instituted to make a quota system for university student selection. Industry, which is largely state-run, is mostly restricted to agricultural processing and the manufacture of consumer goods. The major export crop is coffee, which generates over 60% of Ethiopia's foreign exchange earnings. Domestic animals face a serious problem of tick fever for dogs and distemper for cats. In 2002, the country's generating capacity stood at 0.501 million kW, with hydropower accounting for 0.451 million kW, and conventional thermal at 0.050 million kW. Government decisions were made by Mengistu on an ad hoc basis, sometimes in consultation with members of the Dergue's Standing Committee. U. S. citizens are encouraged to register at the U. There is also an independent journalist association, the Ethiopian Free Press Journalist Association (EFJA). By 1999, about 180 government enterprises had been privatized, including Pepsi-Cola and Coca-Cola bottling plants, the St. These conceptions of Ethiopia were geographically vague. The agricultural sector suffered severe damage from the civil war and its aftermath. Surrender or Starve. Non-Muslims traditionally have interpreted Ethiopian Islam as hostile. There are five restaurants and a 24-hour business center. The main highway route is from Addis Ababa to the port of Djibouti, which Ethiopia uses extensively since it is a landlocked country without ports and harbors of its own. HARAR, a medieval walled city, is the gateway to the Ogaden Desert and the birthplace of the former emperor Haile Selassie. In 1997, about 34,570 persons were classified as unemployed. Legend says that the Ark of the Covenant was brought to this spot from Jerusalem (after the fall of the city in 586 B. A devastating drought and famine struck northern Ethiopia during 1982-84, taking an unknown toll in lives. Pulses are a principal source of protein in the diet. Only 4% of women used any form of contraception. Anti diabetes fruit 5 ninja The tuberculosis center in Addis Ababa was expanded and five new leprosariums were built in the provinces. It is indicative of a country's general social and economic well-being. Ethiopia's forests are endangered. Also, the belief still exists that females are less competent then males and that education is wasted on them. An Ethiopian treat is injera wrapped around a slab of fresh honeycomb with young honeybee grubs still inside. Gold mining output has oscillated (wavered) considerably throughout the 1990s, fluctuating, for example, from 3,500 metric tons in 1992 to 1,800 metric tons in 1994 and 5,100 metric tons in 1996. Urbanites have a responsibility to send money to their families in rural areas and often try their best to relocate their families to the cities. Practical subjects were stressed, as was the teaching of socialism. Inferior instruction for Ethiopians magnified the tragedy. Gardening is popular because results are almost immediate, and the growing season is year round. London: Blackwell Publishers, 1998. With an area of about 1,127,127 square kilometers (435,186 square miles), the country is slightly less than twice the size of the state of Texas.

Perhaps 10,000 Ethiopians were killed in 1976-78, as the Dergue suppressed a revolt by civilian leftists that involved urban terrorism. G. A Field Guide to the Mammals of East Africa. Volleyball, softball, and basketball are popular sports activities in Addis Ababa. Ethiopia's government is structured as a federalist system, ethnically based. The war was essentially a border conflict. However some of the more essential commodities, such as petroleum and petroleum products (20 percent), are also taxed quite heavily. For others, however, such as the economies of Southeast Asia, the policies were more successful, enabling these countries to eventually partake in liberalized free trade at the global level. During Teacher & Staff Appreciation Week, or any day of the year, thank your educators for their hard work and dedication on behalf of your school and students. Arary (light and happy singing) was reserved for great festivals and weddings. The churches are not solely remnants of the past but are an active eight-hundred-year-old Christian sanctuary. Both the Orthodox Church and the monarchy fostered nationalism. The CBE, the largest bank in Ethiopia, offers credit to investors on market terms, though the 100 percent collateral requirement limits the ability of small entrepreneurs with limited resources to capitalize upon business opportunities. Also lacking is a professional board or other mechanism to determine whether press content fits the press bill's criteria for press responsibility and for the taking of lawful measures. Journalists have a tendency to distrust open sources, and are more willing to trust what is whispered in the coffee houses. Negga, Berhanu, General Manager, EMAISC, President of Ethiopian Economic Association and Professor in Economics at Addis Ababa University, interview by Öyvind Aadland. Inheritance. Entrance examinations to universities have been extremely competitive. Kennedy, Lillian. Washington, D. More than 20,000 churches and monasteries have schools attached which offer traditional education. Those few Ethiopians who can watch TV, most of whom live in Addis Ababa, have only one channel's worth of state-controlled programming to watch during their evenings and weekends; during the day only the Educational Mass Media Agency broadcasts. Foreign cuisine includes Chinese, Italian, Greek, Indian, Middle Eastern, French, and Armenian. Come here! Archives and past articles from the Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News, and If they could afford it, they gave his teacher property, money, clothes, or other gifts. Addis Ababa, June 16, 1999. Some are freshwater lakes, fed by small streams from the east; others contain various salts and minerals. Land, although not officially owned by individuals, is inheritable. Incense is lit in this corner next to a charcoal burner, where charcoal is glowing and ready to roast the coffee. The two biggest imports are live animals and petroleum. Individuals intending prolonged stays should check, prior to travel, with the Ethiopian Embassy, 3506 International Dr, N. The decrease was largely the result of drought. Ethnic issues play a role in political life, but this does not usually result in violence. The government arrested hundreds, eventually releasing most of them, but many opposition leaders were not released and were charged with treason and genocide. This is the principal language of instruction in most Ethiopian schools today. Ethiopian Television broadcasts about four hours daily. Under this treaty, Eritrea should have gained independence, but because of Haile Selassie's international political savvy and military strength, Ethiopia retained control. The Role of NGOs in Poverty Alleviation in Rural Ethiopia: The Case of Actionaid Ethiopia." Master's thesis. Kane, Thomas L. The Ethiopian fiscal year begins 8 July, in the Ethiopian month of Hamle. A good concise historical overview through 1970. The same year, secondary school enrollment was about 17% of age-eligible students; 21% for boys and 12% for girls. Wyoming Agricultural Experimental Station: Laramie, WY. To attempt to describe the ongoing political changes in Ethiopia in an introductory paragraph would be overly ambitious. Beef is sometimes eaten raw or slightly cooked in a dish called kitfo. A History of Ethiopia. The criterion is the grades of first-year students; those with the highest marks get the first choice. Ethiopia went through a period of recurring drought and civil war during 1974-91. In 1995, the government began training new judges and prosecutors. Religious groups, and all other nongovernmental organizations, must register with the Ministry of Justice and renew their membership every three years. Bishaw, Dr. Mekonnen, Secretary General Ethiopian Human Rights Council (EHRC), interview by Öyvind Aadland. Tessema, Mammo, Richard Pankhurst, and S. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) are the main sources of aid to alleviate rural poverty. Though there is the potential for Ethiopia to become self-sufficient in grain production, the country must currently continue to import grains in addition to receiving food aid in order to feed the population. The server starts a fire and roasts green coffee beans while burning frankincense. For millennia, the monarchy united Ethiopians in loyalty to the emperor, just as it has held Great Britain together. University of Chicago Press: Chicago, 1968. Land, however, as of 2002 remained firmly in the hands of the government. A good scribe could support himself reproducing books. The new regime called for 14 regional governments, but the June 1992 elections for 11 of the 14 regional assemblies were challenged and widespread fraud was alleged. The Derg, which seized power in 1974 from Emperor Haile Selassie, was marked by brutality, especially during the "Red Terror" of the late 1970s, and massive militarization largely funded by the Soviet Union and Cuba. Recommended for wildlife enthusiasts. In addition to flavoring the food, the spices also help to preserve meat in a country where refrigeration is rare. Ethiopia, part of the Horn of Africa, borders Eritrea, Sudan, Kenya, Somalia, and Djibouti and has an area of 1,127,127 square kilometers, slightly less than twice the size of Texas. New York: Routledge, 2004. In the mid-1980s, an estimated 25,000 such peasant groups were in existence. The central plateau has a moderate climate with minimal seasonal temperature variation. According to the Country Commercial Guide 2000, however, it is difficult to calculate the cattle sector's exact value, since a substantial amount of meat and dairy production is for subsistence consumption. There are seven national parks.
It contains a variety of distinct topographical zones: the Great Rift Valley runs the entire length of the country northeast-southwest; the Ethiopian Highlands are marked by mountain ranges; the Somali Plateau (Ogaden) covers the entire southeastern section of the country; and the Denakil Desert reaches to the Red Sea and the coastal foothills of Eritrea. Changes in foliage and terrain offer striking differences and are readily apparent when travelling in any direction from Addis Ababa. Graphic Arts. Williams, J. Anti-diabetes run goes ahead The rain did not dampen the runners' spirits as they braved the rain while some took cover under umbrellas to walk either solo This school of literary texts required scholars to properly interpret stories and passages from the Old and New Testaments, together with literature, fiction, and books on the monastic life. Ethiopia later recaptured Badme, but fighting continued, interspersed with periods of inactivity. United Nations Development Program. You will need two or three pairs of sturdy walking shoes since sidewalks are few, and roadways are general unpaved. Hansberry, William Leo. R. The Konso of Ethiopia: A Study of the Values of a Cushitic People. During the previous 30 years, rainfall levels gradually fell by as much as 23 mm a year, leaving some $12.6 million in need of food aid in 2003, or one in five of the population-at a cost of around $800 million. Except in Addis Ababa, Hārer, Dirē Dawa, and a few other urban centers, most houses are built of mud or mortar and have thatched or tin roofs. Men are more privileged then females and usually receive the most prized properties and equipment, while women tend to inherit items associated with the domestic sphere. The interpretation of the Old and New Testaments, as well as the Apostles' Creed, took four years on average, while the interpretation of the works of learned monks and priests took three years. Debelko, Ato Tzehaye, Head of MMTI interview by Öyvind Aadland. Kasa (Lij Kasa; c.1818-68), who conquered Amhara, Gojjam, Tigray, and Shoa, and in 1855 had himself crowned emperor as Tewodros II (Theodore II). However, there are also certain principles fundamental to democratic modes of governance which are universal. This number is despite millions who die periodically from some of the world's most devastating famines caused by prolonged cycles of drought. Anti diabetes fruit wash While most parties are more or less prodemocracy and pro-free market, several Ethiopian parties, including the last 2 listed above, represent the specific interests of particular ethnic groups. Red Sea Press: Trenton, NJ, 1992. Slaves and the descendants of slaves are the lowest social group. The main beneficiaries of adult literacy have been women who traditionally were less likely to be educated then men. Popular musicians and singers also perform in small bars throughout Addis Ababa and have an enthusiastic following among young and old. The former regime called itself Marxist, but the fact that certain ethnic groups dominated it was to many Ethiopians far more important. As of 1994, 600,000 acres of arable land were washed away each year. Depleted portions are replaced quickly. The Zagwe claimed descendency from Moses, using genealogy to establish their legitimacy, a characteristic of traditional Ethiopian politics. The Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF) is democratically voted into office. Coffee exports generate more than half of Ethiopia's export returns (53%), but the country's coffee production only accounts for 2.2% of the world's coffee exports. Liturgical dancing and systrum holding required three years. Despite the pervasive poverty, marginal growth rates, and tumultuous political and economic history of Ethiopia, there are several signs indicative of hope and improvement. In 1991, imports worth Br364.7 million were purchased from the countries of the EU, while this figure increased to Br2,006.7 million in 1995. The growth rate of the manufacturing sector declined. Ethiopia has no crude oil refining capacity and must import all refined petroleum products. Leather, animal hides, and skins also bring in export revenues (9.9%). The existence of these small volcanoes, hot springs, and many deep gorges indicates that large segments of the land mass are still geologically unstable. Ethiopia's infrastructure is one of the most underdeveloped in all Africa, which has hampered economic growth. In 1541, Ethiopia enlisted the assistance of several hundred Portuguese musketmen against a jihad led by Imam Ahmad (known as Gragn, or "the lefthanded").

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